
Melatonin Preview :: Your Mind is the Scene of the Rhyme - Gameffine

Sailesh takes an early look at the demo for Melatonin, a rhythm game about dreams merging with reality developed and published by Half Asleep

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Melatonin (PS5) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Lee Mehr: "In the end, Melatonin is one of those indies that does just enough with its modest limitations. It may pare down on the complex inputs of other rhythm contemporaries, but its ruleset and pacing feel taut and finely-tuned. Not every opportunity hits its stride, thematically or mechanically, and yet its pleasant vibes provide enough reward to continue forward. While the protagonist may be perpetually drowsy, Half Asleep's freshman title never threatens that you’ll suffer the same fate."

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Melatonin Review - Thumb Culture

Melatonin was released almost 2 years ago on other platforms. Now on PS5, Tom asks the question if it is up to snuff in his latest review.

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Melatonin is the Dreamy Rhythm Game Fans Have Been Waiting For | Goomba Stomp

Melatonin is a short and sweet rhythm game that should (temporarily) stave off the hunger pangs of Rhythm Heaven fans everywhere.

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