
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre - Gameplay Trailer - Xbox Games Showcase Extended 2022

Gun Interactive and Sumo Nottingham are excited to show players a look at the gameplay for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, coming in 2023.

spicelicka718d ago

Humans are so messed up. Imagine being the victim of Ed Gein and finding out 50 years in the future people are going to play as the murderer who is about to murder you...for entertainment.

Anyway graphics look nice.

jBlakeeper718d ago (Edited 718d ago )

I think serial killers are some of the most interesting people to try and understand as do many people. Of course Hollywood and the entertainment industry in general will try and play off that fear. A lot of people love being scared. Is it morally questionable to take inspiration from a serial killer? Yes, but not illegal. And it makes money. That’s what matters.

spicelicka718d ago (Edited 718d ago )

Of course, nothing illegal about it. My point is that our fascination with them is itself fascinating, the fact that it entertains us in some way and we try to recreate actual events/people instead of just generally inspired events.

CrimsonWing69718d ago

Yea and for some reason sexiness and boobs are censored and everybody loses their minds when its in a game… yet this has the reverse effect… the world I live in.

anast718d ago

Expediency trumps morality everytime.

TricksterArrow718d ago (Edited 718d ago )

Imagine someone playing a game about war for entertainment while there are real wars and people suffering for it. Imagine someone playing GTA when there are daily victims of theft, shootouts, drugs and/or urban violence. The list goes on and on.

As long as people can differentiate a game from reality, it's OK.

BlackDoomAx717d ago

Yeah, that's weird af. Tbh I didn't realized it until I saw your comment. I'll stick with Evil dead then. Thank you.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 717d ago
anast718d ago (Edited 718d ago )

It's multiplayer...It will die within weeks of release. This would have been a good SP horror game. Too bad most of these devs. go two ways: Dead by Daylight or Fortnight.

Anomander718d ago

As soon as I saw this I knew it would be MP and lost intrest. Would have loved a SP game with Multiple play-throughs and outcomes.

anast718d ago

Same. I got excited then gone. I don't know why every game like this has to be MP. I can't believe I am saying this but may be people should be more selective about publishing games. Not everyone has both the creativity and technical talent to make a game and it's starting to show.

Tedakin717d ago

I will say if I get a few weeks of joy out of this game that's a lot longer than a SP game would give me. Evil Dead is MP like this and I've played it way longer than most single player only games released recently.

anast717d ago

You just proved my point that it will die within weeks of release. It's a live service. It's supposed to give more than that. I can play an SP for months easily if not years. I still play some of my SP games that are not openworld years after release, because they are solid and creative games, not throw away entertainment.

Anomander716d ago

@Tedakin. I'm not concerned about how long I get out of a game, but the quality experience of a game. I'm perfectly content with a 10 hour game if the quality is high. I have games that I'll sink a hundred hours into and those are various MMO or MP games

PapaBop717d ago

Yeah seeing the original trailer it shown so much promise but the MP route is doomed to fail for this. Isn't it being made by the people who did Friday the 13th? I imagine it'll end up like that. Dead by Daylight just offers so much more in terms of variety.

shinoff2183717d ago

So much potential that some of these games couldve had. Evil dead friday the 13th , this , its just a shame no single player games. Its limitless what they could really do and make a true horror game.

Could you imagine insomniac or someone getting ahold of rights to make a nightmare on elm street game. It would be sick and done real justice.

gangsta_red717d ago

Lol, looks fun! I always thought the ending of the original of the woman just jumping out the window was so simplistic it was brilliant and yet anti climatic.


The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Black Tower Studios Tapped to Help With New Content and Support

Gun Interactive has announced that Black Tower Studios has been onboarded to take over duties for Sumo Nottingham to help with new content.

95d ago
Nicholas185Smith94d ago

Shacknews reports that Black Tower Studios is already well underway in the onboarding process for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. The studio has a history of co-development with Gun Interactive, having previously worked on Friday the 13th: The Game. While it may not be the absolute best asymmetrical multiplayer game, the fact that it maintains a steady player base for nearly a third of a year is impressive.


New DLC Is Coming For The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Time for new DLC. Gun Interactive and Sumo Nottingham are getting ready to drop their latest round of downloadable content for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. The new content will consist of cosmetics for Johnny and Sissy, a second execution pack for Family players, and weapon skins.


The Texas Chain Saw Massacre New Characters, Map, Features and More Incoming in the Next 90 Days

Gun Interactive has confirmed that The Texas Chain Saw Massacre new characters, map and more are incoming within the next 90 days.