
Xbox Needs Content: Here's a Look at What Could Replace Starfield in 2022

Content on the Xbox platform is governed by Microsoft's acquisitions, but following recent delays what could replace Starfield in 2022?

Lightning77746d ago (Edited 746d ago )

There's only 3 wild card shot in the dark, Hail Mary games that (with a miracle) could get released later this year. That is if Starfield and Redfall release Q1 and 2 2023. MS doesn't want to crowd the first half of the year

Hellblade 2, Avowed or Contraband.

Hellblade 2 is is the first unlikely game AAA game to release this year. They revealed their still heavy optimization, polish and more U5 utilization. Unless they made tremendous strides since last summer I doubt MS will push up this game for the holidays.

Avowed is the second least likely. The game has been in development since 2018 and according to Gez Gordon from Windows Central he saw the game running and said it looked really good in the stage it was in. He believed it was pre alpha, which is fairly far long. If this game is that far along hopefully they made big progress since then. Maybe, just maybe they could push the game out for this holiday. Though I doubt it still.

Contraband is also said to be in development since 2018. We have no clue how far long they are but if we look at the timeline they should be pretty far long. Maybe they could squeeze this game out this holiday. Out of the other 2 this one is probably the most... Well "plausible"... Still a hail Mary miracle though.

Scorn is gonna suck and won't do anything for Xbox. S. T. A. L. K. E. R. 2 well I just want them and their family's safe. Take all the time they need with the game.

Realistically, the only thing MS can do is pony up that game pass money and get 3rd party devs to release their games in gamepass Day one. MS will struggle with consoles sales all year long now but they could save their game pass subs by putting big games on the service day one. Or retain their game pass subs anyway. As always, it's bleak for Xbox for the rest of the year.

SullysCigar746d ago

That seems a fair synopsis to me.

They're in a pickle now, that's for sure, but I think you're spot on in your suggestion they will pay for gamepass content and make a big thing of that in the absence of any noteworthy first party offerings.

Lightning77745d ago

Yeah, MS needs to do something. Quite frankly there's not a whole lot they can do really.

Mr Pumblechook744d ago (Edited 744d ago )

It is disappointing that the much anticipated Redfall and Starfield have been delayed but Microsoft will have some tricks up its sleeve to help it win 2022. Forza Motorsport will get a next-gen reskin and Halo Infinite Season 3 will be coming out with a ton of extra content it will feel like a new game. The much loved Gears of War series could be getting a remaster so that people who loved the original games then played them again when the backwards compatibility versions were released will now be able to play them again, again.

porkChop745d ago

The next Forza Motorsport is being tested currently so that's pretty likely for this year. I thought about Contraband. Avalanche usually goes 3 to 4 years between main releases. Rage 2 released in 2019, and Just Cause 4 released in 2018. So Contraband does seem pretty reasonable for this year, but it depends how deeply effected they were by Covid. At the very least I think we'll see it at Microsoft's June showcase.

Lightning77745d ago (Edited 745d ago )

forza most likely getting released this year. If Contraband was being developed in 2018 that gives them 4 years which is a typical dev time for AAA. Which means the game is between Q1 and Q3 2022 release. Just like you said who knows how Covid impacted development. Maybe MS can get in contact with the team and if they're pretty much done they can push the game forward to later this year.

If I remember correctly MS held off releasing Quantum Break in the holiday of 2015 and pushed it to 2016 because they wanted to spread out releases. Who knows maybe thats the case here. Or not I don't know it's just pure speculation on my part.

dumahim745d ago

Yeah, I think Forza has a much better shot at this year than Hellblade does.

1Victor744d ago

@ logic said “I'm right there with you. I'm rooting for Sony to release Ragnarok and FF7R 2 this year. Teach Microsoft what happens when you're too lax with your studios. Only then will they be able to improve.”

Will they tho they have been doing the same dance for decades and it’s just recently where they’re have mixed the tune a little bit with the new studios/ publishers purchases and it looks like it’ll late 2023 early/mid 2024 when we see the fruits of their efforts.
It’s going to be a interesting fight for next gen when Microsoft get all their developers working at 100% against Sony’s established high quality single player games and hopefully by then MMO as well🤩.
The future of video games hasn’t been brighter than this since the introduction of PS

Obscure_Observer745d ago

"Yeah, MS needs to do something. Quite frankly there's not a whole lot they can do really."

I don´t think MS needs to do anything other than micro-manage their studios and better adjust their release dates and overall game output to achieve consistent first party releases throughout the year.

Yes, delays suck and to have both Starfield and Redfall delayed to 2023 was a hard blow on us, Xbox gamers. But between rushed games and quality games I chose the latter.

Many studios are having a hard time adjusting to multiple factors at XGS, some are recently created like The Initiative and Playground´s RPG Team, which, both are working on new/reboots to beloved franchises. Some are experiencing the transition from small/indie studios to full grown AAA studios like: Compulsion Games, Undead Labs, InXile and Ninja Theory, not to mention the transition to next gen technology/engines like UE5 and the new Forzatech, so I´m all for MS giving those teams time and the resources they need to shine.

Besides, MS would not release more than 2 first party games for the rest of the year, anyway. Maybe the new Forza and surprise announcement, since we don´t know nothing about the development stages of so many games been produced at XGS right now.

All will become clear after June 12th (yes, I tired of waiting) and hopefully more games with more solid and realistic release dates will be revealed.

Apparently 2022 is gonna be an easy win for Sony. They should take advantage of Xbox and Nintendo´s apparently dry year regarding big first party games and let Ragnarok do its magic this holyday.

LOGICWINS745d ago Show
CR7JUVE1897745d ago

To me, the issue so much isn't that Starfield and Redfall aren't coming out this year. What is concerning is that a massive publisher like Microsoft could very well not come out with any 1st part titles in a whole calendar year. For a subscription service that prides itself and puts it out there that all of their 1st party titles will come out day and date. To potentially not have anything for a full 12 months? That's not good. That would be like Netflix not having any of their popular series on for a whole calendar year. Sure, there's other stuff you can watch, and in the case of Gamepass, play. But let's be honest, the Number One reason why most of us have Gamepass is because of their day and date 1st party titles, and to go without any for that long.................

gamer9745d ago

They have 2 scenarios. Lose game pass subscribers temporarily until the games start rolling in. Or put some big 3rd party games on game pass day 1 this fall/holiday. My initial cheap promo period for game pass ultimate just expired and i'm going back to xbox live gold until a big game shows up on gamepass. Lucky for xbox gamers it's very easy to switch back and forth each month between gold and ultimate if you want to.

745d ago
MrNinosan745d ago Show
DarXyde744d ago

What is this take?

Why would you want them to micromanage their studios? That sounds terrible. Plenty of studios they bought were pretty capable without Microsoft being overbearing. Sounds like you're wanting to introduce a contaminating element to an otherwise seamless process.

Sony certainly *can* capitalize on the silence of their competitors, but should they? Really, SHOULD they? Should they release Ragnarok by the end of this year, ready or not, just because competition is looking weak? No. It's ready when it's ready. Releasing before that is IP suicide, which I think Sony knows not to do now after GT7. Personally, I don't think any of these delays make any difference. Microsoft had 2 new IPs delayed, but is anyone sitting here thinking they're any serious competition for God of War Ragnarok? Really? Halo Infinite would make more sense on name alone (and it would probably help a lot to launch later with more features).

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 744d ago
thesoftware730745d ago

I agree with your assessment except that they will struggle with console sales.

They won't, they will not beat Sony, but they will still sell just as they are doing now.

gangsta_red745d ago

"Hellblade 2, Avowed or Contraband."

I would put Hellblade 2 before any of those other ones since we've already seen actual (possible) gameplay and they just released new screenshots.

I don't think Avowed and definitely not Contraband will be ready this year. The best I think will happen is gameplay will actually be shown at the Xbox event next month with another 2023 release date.

I do agree that unless MS has some surprise for us next month then they should hand out some checks for a time third party exclusive for this year.

Personally, Atomoc Heart, Scorn and Stalker 2 will be enough to keep me busy, but I don't think those games will be enough to excite folks to buy an Xbox this coming holidays

--Onilink--745d ago

Id also add anything else on the Bethesda/Zenimax side that might be in the works besides Contraband. There are a lot of development teams on that side and they had gotten in the habit of announcing things at E3 that release the same year, so there might be something there

dcbronco744d ago

You're kidding yourself if you think they'll see a decrease in console sales. Even if some hard-core gamers stop looking for a console casual gamers will suddenly see consoles available and snatch them up. And those casual gamers will be even more attracted to Game Pass than the harcore gamers who look for those day one releases. Another thing Microsoft could do is offer tokens with your Game Pass subscription. Say 5 tokens a month. Put games on tiers and allow subscribers to keep a few games of their choice instead of the monthly picks by Microsoft. Day One releases would be more than 5 tokens so there would have to be a system to acquire more tokens. That would drive Game Pass more.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 744d ago
Elda745d ago (Edited 745d ago )

So far not one original AAA first-party exclusive releasing in 2022 except for the possibility of another racing game which is Forza. Maybe at XB/MS showcase next month they may announce a secret AAA exclusive releasing in 2022. One can hope or dream.

MadLad745d ago ShowReplies(8)
thesoftware730745d ago ShowReplies(4)
darkrider745d ago

Microsoft doesn't have nothing to replace starfield. Of course that another forza will be launched and maybe the gears collection, but that's more of the same. The hype behind starfield was huge even if beteshda just reveal a trailer with assets... Got to wait for 2023 to get some new quality ip. Something that Microsoft really needs.

thesoftware730744d ago

It's ok, I can wait. The difference seem to be that a game doesn't have to be a exclusive for me to enjoy it. I have tons of games to play and even more with PS++ coming soon. I can wait, it's not that detrimental.


Deeeeznuuuts744d ago

You can wait? How many years have I seen people say this regarding Xbox, it's embarrassing.

I'm sure they will do just fine when the studios they've bought start pumping out games but until then, it's a bit dismal

Destiny1080744d ago

the yearly december release is in jeopardy

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Starfield's recent player spike is good, but it needs its Cyberpunk 2077 moment now

Starfield's recent player spike is a good sign, but Bethesda desperately need to line up their Cyberpunk 2077 moment.

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ZeekQuattro8d ago

I feel like the second big update that releases late this year will do just that. Part of the story expansion is also new means of transportation on planets.

P_Bomb8d ago

A good DLC could turn some heads. The Destiny games got momentum that way too.

piher8d ago

What player spike?

I checked steamcharts through the link in the article and it went from 8,000 to 11.500, so yea 20% but when the game peaked at 330,000 It's safe to say that the actual effect of this update was negligible.

LostPotato7d ago

Doubt it'll ever get redemption. As many developers have said in various interviews it's beyond saving.

Just release the mod tools and expansion and move on.

Profchaos7d ago

Cyberpunk 2077 had some strong bones i disliked it on launch because I could see the potential I could see the strengths of what they wanted to achieve but it wasn't done yet

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Starfield fans want mech piloting added after Bethesda teases "major features on the horizon"

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Jingsing8d ago

They didn't get the memo the game is dead and the Bethesdabots only want magic and fantasy.

Boy_the_CowRoy7d ago

Starfield fans? The game only has 9 thousand current players, worldwide! As a company you cannot waste time on creating "Major features", it is simply not profitable. Just move on.


This Fan Just Turned Starfield Into Star Wars By Installing Over 100 Dedicated Mods

The YouTuber DeityVengy has transformed Starfield into an open-world Star Wars RPG, or The Mandalorian, with over a hundred mods.