
How FromSoftware rigged the review game

From USA Today: "FromSoftware has risen from relative obscurity to superstardom in the past ten years, and it’s essentially done this by creating the same game on repeat. Sure, there are subtle differences between Sekiro, Bloodborne, Dark Souls, and Elden Ring, but they’re similar in structure, feel, and shape. Hell, they even share many of the same assets between series. This is just an observation, not a criticism – why should developers redo a door-opening animation every time they make a game? Work smart, not hard.

When Dark Souls (2011) launched, this kind of game was an unknown quantity. Those who played Demon’s Souls two years prior knew it would be good, but secret battles waged behind the doors of major game publications. “Are you sure this is a 10/10?” I’m imagining editors asking their reviewers at the time. “Are you sure?”

You don’t get these games until you play them, and sometimes not even then. You have to conquer them. Whether it’s a genuine sense of accomplishment or Stockholm syndrome doesn’t matter – it works. Pushing your way through Dark Souls’ Blighttown as an active participant isn’t the same as watching someone do it. All you see as an inactive observer are the flaws – the technical issues, the apparent unfairness, the clumsy movement."

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773d ago Replies(7)
TheDud3Abides773d ago

I'll disagree with this opinion and offer this in rebuttal. Part of From Software's appeal is its heavy emphasis on exploration and player freedom. It has always been this way. In the article, the author seems to want to downplay the 96 meta average of Elden Ring on their ability to not recommend the game to everyone. I would say that about Super Mario Galaxy. It is a fantastic game but there are many people who dislike platformers for their own reasons. Does this mean we should lower its score?

CrimsonWing69773d ago

You know what I find funny, we have actual game journalists trying to throw shade or call out reviews, when this is something their audience has been pointing out to them for years.

What's even crazier is they're throwing that shade at a game that absolutely deserves the positive review scores and praise.

Look, you can dislike the game for X, Y, Z reasons, but there's no denying that they took a formula and translated it into an open-world genre that doesn't feel formulaic and gives an incredible sense of awe with exploration while keeping portions very much tied to the Soulsborne roots.

What I find wild is Souls games usually review well and get a lot of critical praise, but now that FromSoftware created a game that elevates the genre they defined and did incredibly well in sales, we now get all these weird articles and people within and out of the industry saying it doesn't deserve the praise it's getting.

fitofficial773d ago (Edited 773d ago )

It's one of the only ways journos know how to get attention.

frostypants773d ago (Edited 773d ago )

Welcome to the current state of popular culture and media: if it's popular and legitimately worthy of praise...tear it down. It's a mass psychological illness.

772d ago
fitofficial773d ago

Game "jOuRnAlIsTs" rig the traffic game by saying something mildly inflammatory to draw eyes whether it makes sense or not.

TheColbertinator773d ago

Games stuffed with micro transactions, barebones content and outdated ideas get praised all the time too. Difference is that game "journalists" receive their swag bags and event invitations so the 8s, 9s and 20s are given out like candy.

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Kai Cenat Is Taking on the Entire Souls Franchise

ESTNN writes: "His past game marathons came with redesigned streaming rooms, costumes, cameos and other hyped additions. But the longest one of them all proved to be with FROMSOFTWARE's magnum opus: Elden Ring."

Inverno8d ago

I hate to be that guy but, who cares?


Elden Ring Killed Gaming For Me & It's About To Do It Again

Saad from eXputer: "Utilizing its myriad strengths and masterful design, Elden Ring ruined gaming for me in a way I'll always be thankful for."

GhostScholar26d ago

It sounds like you’re just an eldenring fan and not so much a fan of games by and large. Which theres nothing wrong with.

RoadRacer25d ago

The author's profile appears to state otherwise. I believe they just got a massive shock with Elden Ring, something that stuck around. To each their own I guess

Crows9025d ago

Elden ring ruined from software for me....maybe.

I hope their next game isn't open world too...

ravens5225d ago

I have yet to beat Elden Ring. Not cause it's too hard , I've beaten Sekiro, Bloodborne, Demon Souls etc. Also I could just make my character op but I prefer to play under leveled. It's too big. I beat Radaghan or the moon lady last then got lost, lost for years lol. I'm going to beat it tho. Haven't played it in a while

Crows9025d ago

I platinumed the game but hated the open world aspect...started great but then after a bit you notice all the repeated dungeons and bosses...it got massively tedious and much preferred late game areas in a typical souls game than the open world repetition.

GhostScholar25d ago

The ole “I’m so good at hard games I had to play under leveled to get challenged and if I worked that hard in real life I wouldn’t be working at Walmart”

ravens5224d ago

? Don't work at Walmart or any type of retail...lol. But w.e. Makes you feel better about ya sad life 🤷🏽 lol. You probably just suck at games lmao.

25d ago
Aussiesummer25d ago

I loved it but yeah it is just overwhelmingly massive and confusing, I don’t think I’ll ever finish it.


Bonfire interview with Miyazaki Hidetaka: "Shadow of the Golden Tree" is the only DLC"

The large-scale DLC "Shadow of the Golden Tree" for "Elden's Circle" will be released on June 21. This is the only additional content for "Elden's Circle" since its release two years ago, and according to public information, its size will also be the largest DLC since the founding of Fromsoftware.

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