
Remedy Entertainment Remaking First Two 'Max Payne' Titles

Max Payne creator Remedy Entertainment announced that it will remake the iconic Max Payne and Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne video games.

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Orchard803d ago

Holy cow... Alan Wake 2 and now this... I had to double, triple check first that this wasn't some left over from April 1st.

neutralgamer1992803d ago

Very excited recently bought the original to play via BC. So if I understand correctly they will make each game separately and very early stage of development. 2025-2026 at the earliest is my guess but I think these games will finally get the love and support their deserve

iamrperry803d ago

I’m not sure the development cycle would be that long, considering they’re not “new” games. The storyline is already there, the gameplay and the models have been mapped out.
I would think it would be next year sometime.

neutralgamer1992803d ago

Yeah come to think of it I think you could be right and the development could.be much shorter than a new game from ground up

Like you said they already have most of the stuff they need and they are using their in house engine so that should cut down on development time too. I do wonder if they will straight up remake or will they make some changes to story if needed

RaidenBlack803d ago

Northlight Engine!
Hell yeah!

RaidenBlack803d ago

The news generated so much traffic, it broke the website.

-Foxtrot803d ago

God I love these, super happy they are being remade

It just had that special something the third game was missing

If Renedy ever got to do another game I hope they do their own Max Payne 3: The Rise of Max Payne a timeline where Mona survives and Max stays in New York

porkChop803d ago

Idk if they would want to. Sam Lake was really happy with Max Payne 3. He didn't want Rockstar to just imitate Remedy's games.

-Foxtrot803d ago

The issue I just felt is that Max Payne 3 came off like it was a new early IP by Rockstar, they got given the Max Payne franchise and we’re like “f*** it, let’s use this and just make this new game Max Payne, we’ll work around why we’ve set it in Brazil story wise”

You don’t have to make a carbon copy but it missed s lot of things which made the franchise so good.

The best parts of the game were the flashback levels in New York

RedDevils802d ago

People like me love Max Payne 1+2 are usually doesn't care about 3, it's boring. It completely different game the story hit a different direction to the first two it completely ruined it imo. It's a game that have Max Payne in name but there is no Max Payne in 3 it a completely differently character with better graphic.

mkis007803d ago

100% I liked Max Payne 3, but it didn't feel like a Max Payne sequel. The character looked way too different and there were no connections to the other game.

Eidolon803d ago

Special something, probably nostalgia.. lol

senorfartcushion803d ago

Always is.

It’s classified as an addictive substance.

-Foxtrot803d ago

Not really

Those iconic comic like cutscenes

Gritty, dark setting in New York

Music was more memorable

Theme song from Poets of the Fall was better over Health

Mona was a good foil for Max and interesting but ended up being thrown away choosing the wrong ending to go off

Drenched in Noire atmosphere and story wise

MADGameR803d ago

I can get behind that! I am VERY excited!

andy85803d ago

Damn I'm excited for this. Very wary with Rockstar being involved because their reputation is awful lately. Hopefully with Remedy developing it it should be good.

Profchaos803d ago

Rockstar is purely financing this all the tech work is on remedy

803d ago
badz149803d ago

just like they were only financing the GTA Trilogy. Everybody knows how THAT turned out. Plus, Remedy also had their hands on CrossFireX, right? THAT didn't turn out well either. honestly, it's really hard to be hyped by Remedy anymore these days. They are kinda misfiring left and right

andy85803d ago

I did say Rockstar weren't developing it but they didn't develop the recent trilogy either and they cheaped out on it. As said it should be good with Remedy.

pietro1212802d ago


Cross Fire being awful wasn’t Remedy’s fault that being said they have a great track record. Easily one if the best developers around and Sam Lake is a excellent writer

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Returnal Beginning of a "New Future" at Housemarque, Is the Game That "Allowed" Studio to Join Sony

According to Housemarque, Returnal marks the beginning of a "new future" at the studio, and is the game that them to join Sony.

fr0sty18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

Returnal was fantastic, and I'm looking forward to seeing what these folks create with Sony in the future.

Storm2329m ago

Ithas been my favorite experience of this generation so far I think. Can't wait to see what Housemarque is working on now.

jznrpg18h ago

They make some fun arcade styles games. Returnal is one of the best games so far this generation. I wonder what is next

amobius17h ago

returnal is easily one of the most underrated games this gen. a lot of people with ps5s dont know it exists.

fr0sty16h ago

And it exists for free if you subscribe to PS+ Extra or Premium.

Kornholic9h ago

For free? 12 months of PS Plus Extra costs 130 € and Premium is 160 €.

Where I live you can buy Returnal for as little as 15 € if you buy it used. Even at full price it is nowhere near the cost of PS Plus Extra or Premium.

So how on earth can you se that it exists for free if you subscribe to those paid subscription services?

ChasterMies2h ago

Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think “Returnal” is perfectly rated. The restart mechanic is not the most fun for everyone.

JEECE1h ago

Yeah, I think the Tower of Sisyphus would have addressed this somewhat if it had been in the game earlier. The gameplay is great, but I sometimes chose to play other things when I didn't want to commit to a run (particularly before they added the save feature). The tower provided a way to have fun with the arcade gameplay without investing in a full run, which was nice, and felt in line with their prior games.

gold_drake3h ago

returnal was amazkng, i loved everything anout it

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Embracer shuts down Alone in the Dark Reboot developers Pieces Interactive

From GameWatcher: "Embracer has shut down Pieces Interactive, the studio that recently developed the Alone in the Dark Reboot for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

Pieces Interactive, acquired by THQ Nordic in 2017, worked on the Titan Quest franchise. Its most recent game, Alone in the Dark, received mixed critical reception at launch but was improved with subsequent patches."

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mastershredder1d ago

Like we did not see this coming. Pieces and Alone in the Dark, had a kick me sign on their back the entire dev cycle to release. Perfect example of not reading current market trends, bad forecasting, marketing and release.

1nsomniac1d ago (Edited 1d ago )

Why is it the perfect example?? It was actually one of the few games that did all those things well. In fact considering the current environment in the industry it actually did all those things very well.

The problem was the game itself was just rough around the edges and that’s the problem we currently have in the industry it’s hard to release something like that when everybody wants perfection and the developer and publisher doesn’t have enough to pay off all the reviewers.. it has a large cult following and had potential to be exactly what survival horror fans have been crying out for while they were waiting for silent hill 2. Don’t see what market trends and forecasting has anything to do with it at all. I don’t remember it fighting in its release window either.

RaidenBlack1d ago

Alone in the Dark would've gained more praise if it released in 2022, well before Alan Wake II and other horror projects

Kurisu23h ago

The demo they released a while back didn't leave a good impression, and it seems like they were riding far too much on Jodie Comer and David Hayter to be the driving force to buy the game. They're both great actors, but their performance on this game from what I've seen felt very stiff/forced - like they were out of their comfort zones. It's a shame to see another studio closure, though, and I hope the people effected (affected? I always get it wrong) can find more work soon.

Elda23h ago

I played the demo of AITD & it wasn't good at all.

Kurisu23h ago

It was a poor demo. Too short as well.

Elda22h ago

I thought it was very boring.

Azfargh14h ago

The game itself seems a new experience going on the full game.

MrBaskerville6h ago

The demo sucked, full game was a lot better.

JEECE23h ago

Embracer's takeaway from this will probably be that they should focus on live service games.

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Team Asobi says Astro Bot will push the DualSense controller "to a new level"

Astro Bot launches later this year

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Cacabunga1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

Day one buy ..
Too bad most devs do not take advantage of the controller’s haptics

CrimsonWing691d 6h ago

I hate that not many have taken advantage of the dual sense.

badz1491d 3h ago

exclusive features like those featured by the Dualsense will only be maximized by Sony's own team, sadly. And they definitely need to do it or it will become an afterthought by the end of this gen with other devs not bothered taking advantage of the unique features. that's exactly the problem with the PS Vita. not enough devs (not even Sony's) are willing to push the envelop when it comes to its features passed the launch period. games like Uncharted GA which uses the Vita to its full capabilities are almost non-existent. even the power is underutilized.

CantThinkOfAUsername1d ago

They're struggling with putting out a finished game let alone implementing exclusive features.

Zenzuu23h ago

How are games like Horizon Forbidden West, Demon Souls, Ratchet & Clank, Spider Man, God of War Ragnarok, Returnal, Sackboy A Big Adventure and such unfinished?

jznrpg1d 3h ago (Edited 1d 3h ago )

They did a great job with the demo version I would guess with all this time they really push it now. Unfortunately nobody else does it. It really can make a big difference in immersion but it isn’t used beyond rumble , speaker and the touchpad as a button

Jingsing1d 3h ago

It will be the second PS5 exclusive game. "Maybe" :/

Gabrielmpf1d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

Steering with the controller in GT7 is a game changer.
I've since played WipeOut and Project Cars 3 with gyro steering, and also loved it.
Wish more racing games used this feature

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