
Nintendo Switch games are too expensive and have every reason to be

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD costs $10 more on the Nintendo Switch than it did on the Wii. And it's our own fault.

masterfox1214d ago

"The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD costs $10 more on the Nintendo Switch than it did on the Wii. And it's our own fault."

I couldn't agree more, and other several issues in general with Nintendo and the Switch, yep is your fault :)

Jin_Sakai1213d ago

"The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD costs $10 more on the Nintendo Switch than it did on the Wii. And it's our own fault."

True. It’s currently the top selling game on Amazon’s best sellers. So don’t expect anything less than $60 for remasters.

mikeslemonade1213d ago

That’s just cause Nintendo is greedy. The games actually aren’t worth more.

Nuvem1213d ago

Almost every for-profit company is greedy. Nintendo just knows that their consumer-base is willing to pay that much. So it is the consumer-base's fault.

Silly gameAr1213d ago

Nintendo can do it, and no one will say a word. Anyone else does it, and it's an internet witch hunt. They're looking to burn people at the stake.

mikeslemonade1212d ago

Well each base will pay for it. If MS and Sony always had their games at full price, people would still buy it. They just wouldn’t grow as much. It limits Nintendo’s growth potential.

Zhipp1212d ago

That depends on how you define "worth". Nintendo games tend to not depreciate in value, so if you're someone who resells their games after finishing them Nintendo games are absolutely worth more.

In terms of budget, though? Hell no they're not worth more.

1nsomniac1212d ago

The reason Nintendo get away with it is its predominantly children who play their games and own their systems. These are the people that are the easiest to exploit. That doesn’t make it ok! Not at all.

It’s Nintendo’s scummy fault and we shouldn’t be allowing them a free pass by blaming others!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1212d ago
LegoIsAwesome1213d ago

Its actually funny on my local game store BOTW is still in full price for a 2017 game.

FinalFantasyFanatic1212d ago

They do the same with 3DS games, they're hardly in stores now, but the ones you do see still command full price.

NotoriousWhiz1212d ago

People vote with their wallets, don't want to pay $60 for a remaster, don't buy it. Just don't be mad that your vote is small enough to not matter. I wish it was less than $60, but $60 won't stop me from enjoying a great game on my Switch.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1212d ago
BattleCat1213d ago

Nintendo for the Family and for the kids. :) It's a loveletter to all that parents, who don't have much money. That's Nintendo

gold_drake1213d ago

i hope ur being sarcastic ha

ocelot071213d ago

Surely that be Xbox lol? I don't trust gamepass. But right now it's a bargain series s plus gamepass is for the parents who don't have much money.

Silly gameAr1213d ago

I don't trust MS or Gamepass either, but you have a good point.

Shiken1213d ago

As an adult who owns all three consoles, the Switch gets the most playtime. That is why the demographic is mainly for adults with busy lives. Several studies have shown that to be true, the hybrid nature is just too convenient.

CBaoth1213d ago

Is that why the majority of advertising appears on Disney, Nickelodeon, and Cartoon Network? Nintendo in Japan caters to the entire family. In the States, not so much. But please continue to back up your assertions with anecdotal evidence. I find it inspirational!

Shiken1213d ago

The majority of their ads have beeb centered around adults using the system, and most people that use it are recorded to be over the age of 18.

Nice try, maybe look up the definition of everyone and realize that everyone =/= for kids if the art style of their 1st party games has you confused.

smashman981213d ago

Yep fans consistently come out in droves to support the games and in the end fans are the one to suffer. In fact I actually fear not buying nintendo's games at launch simply due to the fact that If I don't I may end up paying more down the line.

DragonWarrior191213d ago

That's just the nature of game development. Games cost money, even remasters like this. The cost of development goes up every year and is absolutely nowhere near the cost it was when this game was originally released. That's why next gen games are starting to cost $70. Gaming is not a cheap hobby and you are lying to yourself if you believe it it.

1213d ago
CrimsonWing691213d ago (Edited 1213d ago )

How much did this remaster cost to develop in comparison to something like Breath of the Wild? How come some games launch at a $19.99 price tag like Resident 4 - 6 Remaster on the PS4? Please explain to me profit margins and how they come up with what’s economically viable for an MSRP.

I highly doubt this had to be $60 nor was it expensive to produce. I think Nintendo knows what their consumers will pay and will bend them over a barrel because they just take it and smile.

CorndogBurglar1213d ago

Wow. So a decade old game thats already finished and is just having some remaster work done warrants a $60 pricetag? Are you insane? We're talking about a game that already earned Nintendo millions of dollars. In what world is it okay to charge the same as a brand new game that went through full development for a decade old game being remastered.

Yes, game development had gotten more expensive since the Xbox 360 came out, when we last saw a price hike for games. I get another price hike happening now, 15 years later. But no one with a brain can justify charging full price for a decade old remaster that only went through a fraction of development as every other new, non-remastered game.

LucasRuinedChildhood1213d ago (Edited 1213d ago )

lol. The financial reports tell a very different story. You're parroting misinformation from, to be frank, corporate apologists like Colin Moriarty and Andrea Renee who never source any actual evidence for how unprofitable games are, nor could they if tried.

This is a lazy, barebones "remaster" like 3D All-Stars - it's basically just a port of an old game. Anyone who knows anything about games development knows that ports and remasters are incredibly cheap to do and are highly profitable (that's why we see so many of them).

This port is being sold at $60 because there are enough people out there who are willing to buy it at that price. If consumers are willing to hand over their money for an overpriced product, Nintendo will gladly take it. That's all there is to it. There has always been well priced and over-priced remasters (e.g. L.A. Noire Remastered). You're trying to rationalize a corporation being greedy as being something else.

Think about this logically. Loads of proper remakes with lengthy development times have been sold for $40 (Ratchet & Clank, Crash, Shadow of the Colossus, Spyro, etc) and were highly profitable.

If you think it wouldn't be profitable at $50, think harder. Way more effort went into remastering Modern Warfare 2's campaign (new assets, visual effects, etc) and it only cost $20. Why? Because the market wouldn't have tolerated a price any higher than that for what was being offered.

If we saw the profits for individual games (e.g. an equivalent to BoxOfficeMojo for games), this narrative you're regurgitating would die off.

Games are more profitable than ever. Games development, like the cost of movies, is going up because studios can justify rising costs in the pursuit of these rising profits.
- games sell way more now and have a far bigger audience
- publishers get a much larger cut due to digital sales
- games are more monetized through micro-transactions and deluxe editions, etc.

smashman981213d ago

Lol I defended the 10 dollar price increase on next gen consoles. But you are lying to yourself if you think Nintendo is selling Skyward Sword HD at a premium due to "cost".

ShadowWolf7121212d ago

So you're saying this remaster only took marginally less work than a brand-new AAA title?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1212d ago
CorndogBurglar1213d ago

There's obviously nothing wrong with charging full price for a new game when it launches. Obviously lol. There's also nothing wrong with people buying them at launch. If they want it that bad and want to pay fill price, no big deal. But who the hell wants to pay full price for a game thats been out for years? Its just silly. And this is even worse. A remaster of a decade
old game warrants the same price tag as a brand nee entry in the series? Thats just laughable.

Its a shame too, because I wanted to get this. But I can't justify it.

smashman981213d ago

And to top it all off this game is 10 dollars more than it originally costed.

badz1491212d ago

"But who the hell wants to pay full price for a game thats been out for years?"

To answer your question, Nintendo's sheep do and they will defend it to their grave!

Lexreborn21213d ago

I’m just not going to buy them anytime soon. I’m tired of Nintendo feeling like they are a special grade of value. The illusion is gone that Nintendo quality trash means nothing when you have competition hitting with quality hits as well.

Fraggle19871213d ago

100% true. The sheep buy it at that price then they will continue to price them accordingly.

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Are the Console Wars Over? Welcome to the Handheld Wars.

Looks like the epic console wars might be coming to an end, and a new battlefield is heating up: the Handheld Wars. With heavy hitters like the Steam Deck, Lenovo Legion Go, and the trusty Nintendo Switch, portable gaming is taking the spotlight. These handhelds bring the power of consoles to your hands, offering a variety of gaming experiences for both casual and hardcore gamers. While PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo aren't going anywhere, the rise of handheld gaming is giving us more ways to play than ever before.

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darthv7210d ago

console wars are stupid to begin with... let alone handheld wars.

GameGeeked10d ago

Console wars, and possibly handheld wars, may seem silly, but they persist because there will always be passionate fan.

darthv7210d ago

Being passionate about the games is fine. The plastic boxes... not so much.

InUrFoxHole9d ago

Passionate is one thing. But fans went full retard

Cacabunga9d ago


You need some kind of plastic box to play them games.. and people tend to choose the best one. Console wars allows games and consoles to reach new heights.

S2Killinit9d ago

You really don't get to speak. Come on.

Ironmike9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

S2killinit u just as bad

S2Killinit9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

I’m not as relentless as some on here. In fact, I only respond in kind and I got pulled into this site after seeing how some commenters were always rushing in to be the first comment and detail conversations in favor of their box. Now that their console of choice is doing badly, they preach kumbaya. Just saying.

crazyCoconuts9d ago

Is it implied that "console wars" refers to the fans warring vs. the war the platform holders are constantly in?
Obviously the platform holders have been at war and will be as long as they have to compete for our dollars.

ravens529d ago

They're fine, as long as you know this isn't REAL. I can say how much distaste I have for MS but still have a best friend that only games on Xbox. Its not that serious .

Charlieboy3339d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Darth, do you not have preferences for certain things in life ? You know like a certain brand of phone, car, clothing, restaurant, etc.

Or are you one of those boring limp people that like to sit on the fence with everything because the 'conflict' is too much for you to handle?

There is fuckall wrong with having a console war....it keeps things fun and interesting. Well unless you're a supporter of Xbox that is.

Most of the intelligent self respecting Xbox supporters have jumped ship and all that's left now are the mouth breathing knuckle draggers.

Ironmike9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

So u resort to insults to win argument, u already lost bro .

Charlieboy3339d ago

@ Ironmike Whatever you say sunshine.....yawn

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 9d ago
Knightofelemia10d ago

Console wars were great when it was SNES vs Genesis. Was always a great topic in the school yard. You got the Genesis port the friend got the SNES port. Always fun to compare who was better. I always looked forward after the school week and rent a game for the SNES. Now the console wars are pretty much done and over with PS3 vs XB360 was pretty much the last of the console wars. Anything after that is pretty much one sided with almost everybody going PS4 and PS5. To me the console wars started to drop after the PS3 and XB360 ran their course. Be interesting to see the handheld wars I am in the market for a new handheld system.

GameGeeked10d ago

The SNES vs Genesis days were definitely memorable. I was lucky to have both consoles :) It's interesting to see how the focus is shifting now. Handheld wars could bring back some of that excitement. Which handheld system are you considering?

anast9d ago

I was on the Genesis side. We see how well that went.

RaiderNation9d ago

I had both but I preferred the Genesis for the sports games and I liked Sega's 6 button controller better for fighting games. That D pad was a godsend to pull off Street Fighter moves!

RaiderNation9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

The "golden age" of gaming to me was between 1995 and 2000 when it was a 3 horse race between Sony, Nintendo, and Sega. For me, there WAS no console war because I genuinely loved all 3 platforms, with each bringing something unique to the table. I miss that era.

anast9d ago

I switched to Sony day 1.

PhillyDonJawn9d ago

Anast, no one would've ever thought that about you. Totally surprising news/s

Fist4achin9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Mortal Kombat was superior on the genesis!

FinalFantasyFanatic8d ago

It also helps that back then, they used very different hardware, today's consoles have very similar internals to each other, especially modern Playstations and Xboxes.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 8d ago
fsfsxii9d ago

Handheld wars aka which system is gimped more and destroys your hands faster.

anast9d ago

I would say with the defeat of Xbox and Nintendo being it's own thing in family friendly handheld gaming, the console wars are over. For those of us that enjoy that kind of entertainment and are aware of this aspect, it was fun while it lasted.

There is no handheld war Nintendo owns the handheld landscape.

-Foxtrot9d ago

" There is no handheld war Nintendo owns the handheld landscape "

If the Xbox handheld is true I won't how it will do against Nintendo, even Sony couldn't keep up and the PSP was fantastic

RaiderNation9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

The Steamdeck has currently sold around 3 million worldwide. A handheld Xbox would be lucky to double that. As others have suggested, there IS no handheld war. Nintendo owns it.

Ironmike9d ago

The defeat of xbox my god u for real it's a console u talking g like its real war the defeat that's saddest statement I read in here

anast9d ago

"that's saddest statement I read in here"

Your not very self aware. I get it.

The Wood9d ago

The xbox as a console is a shadow of what it was during the 360 era. IF the term war offends you then I guess that you lean towards the green brand.. Just a guess mind you.. Regardless, the brand has been mismanaged for way too long and that's a key factor as to why the gappage as increased yoy between it and its closest rival.

DarXyde9d ago

In a handheld war, Nintendo cannot be beaten.

PSP was a surprisingly robust effort, and it came the closest... While doing half as well as the DS.

badz1499d ago

closest? By any metric imaginable, it was not even close. it's easy to assume the that the PSP might as well be considered a success but it sold over 80mil vs over 150mil by the DS. It was not until the failure of Wii U, Xbone and Vita did people finally realize how well the PSP actually did. before all those, it was generally called a failure by many, considering how badly the DS crushed it in sales.

NotoriousWhiz9d ago

If the PSP's 80 million isn't a success, then what is the 3DS' 75 million?

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FinalFantasyFanatic102d ago

I really want Xenoblade Chronicles X on the Switch, can't believe that hasen't been ported. I'm playing Skyward Sword at the moment and I'm almost finished, but it's so long and the controls are so bad, even without motion. Astral Chain is fantastic though, they should make a sequel.


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