
Announcing Perfect Dark, the First Game From The Initiative

Xbox Wire:

Two years ago, we announced the formation of a new Xbox Game studio in Santa Monica, The Initiative, and today at The Game Awards, we announced our first project, Perfect Dark.  With Perfect Dark, we’re aiming to deliver a secret agent thriller set in a near-future world. We have built the Perfect Dark team at The Initiative by bringi ng in some of the most talented game.

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LOGICWINS1269d ago

They did it again. No gameplay. C’mon Microsoft you can do better.

-Foxtrot1269d ago


Perfect f****** Dark man

LOGICWINS1269d ago

I’m excited man, I just don’t understand why CGI is still being used to advertise games. That’s not necessary with the power of these consoles.

Vegamyster1269d ago


The game is probably too early in development and is not ready to be shown.

Godmars2901269d ago

Yet another 1/3rd person shooter.

ABizzel11268d ago (Edited 1268d ago )

More power to them. The IP hasn't been relevant in over 20 years, and only truly speaks to the older crowd close to their 30's and up, so younger gamers looked at this without an ounce of care. It's nice to see old franchises being revived, but they should have gone with a new IP IMO.

--Onilink--1268d ago


If the IP has been irrelevant for 20 years to the point of not being recognizable by newer audiences, how is that any different than introducing a new IP to them?

If they dont know Perfect Dark, have never played it and its also a reboot, for newer audiences IT IS a new IP

gleepot1268d ago

but made by a different studio -- it wont be good.

soulrebel1268d ago

@Godmars what did you expect it to be? An origami tutorial?

bouzebbal1268d ago

Nice!! Cool trailer, I need to see some more of this! Crossing fingers this ends up decent

Knushwood Butt1268d ago

I thought it was Killzone Liberation.

1268d ago
+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1268d ago
Asuka1269d ago

TBF there was warning to keep expectations in check with regards to xbox related announcements. But still... Perfect Dark I cannot fucking wait!

GamerRN1269d ago

I'm excited, but I really need a 3rd person adventure game soon

medman1268d ago

I've been keeping my "expectations in check" with xbox since 2008, when they stopped delivering games that interested me. Skipped the xbox one generation, got a ps5 and a series x and am enjoying both....ps5 I'm still working through my ps4 backlog and playing some of the new titles, xbox I'm playing games I missed last gen via gamepass.

The reality is Microsoft has launched a new console, and I really like the hardware, but the software isn't there. No new titles until late in 2021? Halo not until fall/winter 2021? Microsoft really has zero for a new console launch from their first parties? That is weak, with a capital w. I'm fine with it because I skipped the xbox last gen so I have plenty to catch up on, but for xbox only gamers who bought an xbox one, or one x, or one s, what are they playing? The same old titles with not much new other than a few third party games on the horizon? That plain sucks.

Sonyslave31269d ago

Lol did sony show gameplay of god of war 2 no.

Vengeance11381269d ago

Why do people keep calling it God of War 2?? Its God of War 5, the last game was not a reboot.

sinspirit1269d ago

Sony doesn't have anything to prove in regards to game quality and consistent release schedules. We know to expect great things. Xbox we don't have a clue because they've spent a decade sitting around and overhyping/under-delivering with really inconsistent and long stretched releases. They've always had great CGI sourced for their games and reveals. When they actually come out is a whole other ballgame in regards to quality.

throne1269d ago

dont worry we'll be seeing amazing gameplay soon

Sayai jin1268d ago

Sinspirit, your ideology only applies to people that are familiar with PS. New gamers may not know the stellar game quality that Sony brings every gen. They need to show game footage the same as every other console manufacturer.

chiefJohn1171268d ago (Edited 1268d ago )

The goalpost moves once again. Sony doesn't have to show gameplay for reveals, only MS does

RazzerRedux1268d ago

I'm happy with the reveal as it is. Too early to expect gameplay.

But why do you guys have to bring Sony into it every damn time. They just live rent free in your heads, don't they?

1268d ago
Teflon021268d ago

They also didn't show CG. Which is always misleading

janus2251268d ago

Last time XBOX exclusive win game of the year?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1268d ago
DeadManMMX1269d ago

Dude God of War 2, Horizon Forbidden West, Fable, Metroid Prime 4 and so many next gen games that are far out are running with cinematic trailers. Its just the announcement so we know its coming.

RaidenBlack1269d ago

They were pretty clear actually: "We're still early in development but we are really excited with where things are going ... we wanted to share a cinematic piece that help set the tone for our world"

UnSelf1269d ago

say wwwoooooorrrrrrrrdddddddddddd! !!!

alb18991269d ago

I'm just happy to see on what The Initiative is working. Looks good the environment.

1269d ago
NeoGamer2321269d ago

I want gameplay too, but in reality I think this game is about three years out. Plenty-o-time for gameplay closer to launch.

SonyStyled1269d ago

The setting looks good though

Saijahn1268d ago

They show gameplay too early and it looks rough they get trashed. They show a simple announce trailer they get trashed. Nothing is ever good enough sheesh

DJStotty1268d ago


It's a trailer, you never see gameplay in a reveal trailer.

This is the same on all platforms, Horizon forbidden west was CGI, didn't hear many complaints then.

Teflon021268d ago

Ratchet and Clank A Rift Apart, as well as Sackboy, GT7 all showed gameplay in the reveals

gamer78041268d ago (Edited 1268d ago )

It’s a teaser like the mass effect trailer.... I hope it is third person

lelo2play1268d ago

Yep, neat CGI trailer with no gameplay, again, is essentially worthless...

psychosmurf1011268d ago

Wait so our expectations of an “announcement trailer” now is that it has to include gameplay? SMH

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 1268d ago
porkChop1269d ago

Holy shit. They actually did it. Greenberg undersold a show for once. That's nice to see. The Initiative is full of talent from all around the industry. I'm expecting some great things from that team.

NeoGamer2321269d ago

I played Perfect Dark Zero as my launch game on X360. Loved it and play through many times. Hope that with modern consoles and graphics that this lives up to my very high expectations.

XBManiac1268d ago

Multiplayer was the only fun thing to play for some time. But single player was a mess. There were other better Xbox 360 games to play alone then.

crazyCoconuts1268d ago

I got it at launch w/ my 360 and remember being a bit disappointed. I don't remember anything from the SP and the MP was ok but kinda janky if memory serves. I remember it being kinda blah

SonyStyled1269d ago

I wouldn’t say he undersold because he didn’t over oversell. He was very specific to not have high expectations, thus there was 1 game announcement by cgi trailer

Sayai jin1268d ago

There was actually another game console exclusive to Xbox. Ark 2.

DaveZero1268d ago (Edited 1268d ago )

@ sayaijin- I do not think Ark 2 is exclusive, it was said it would come to playstation but a long way after the release on xbox. It will annoy alot of sony fans who were hoping to see Ark 2 as soon as it releases on console, the way it sounded though is it could be years before playstation players see it. My bet is they will release it on xbox and pc at same time or pc shortly after xbox before they do on playstation. Xbox console is most like a pc and it's that closeness to pc that makes building the game easier. Out of the two console it is easier to build the games for xbox and pc than it is PS and PC release.

I do hope one thing, that with all these stars like vin diesel Russell Crowe, Michelle Yeoh, Jeffrey Wright, Karl Urban that they do away with the alien thing from Ark 1, keep the tech related to the era of prehistoric. What put me off Ark 1 was its addition to futuristic tech.

AngelicIceDiamond1268d ago

Funny I had a feeling he under sold it tbh, like there was a small part of me that was thinking that. This is how you market Aaron. Not over hype then underwhelm like he's been doing for the past, forever.

I agree they've been hiring some great and talented devs so high hopes for the Initiative.

RazzerRedux1268d ago

lol.....Greenberg can never be trusted to say anything accurate I guess.

But holy shit was that an awesome reveal. Way too early to expect gameplay, but at least we know what the Initiative is working on.

Love Darrell Gallagher's work on Tomb Raider. Frankly, he is the *perfect* guy for this job.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1268d ago
Sciurus_vulgaris1269d ago

I’m pretty sure I heard first person as stated by a developer before the trailer was shown.

Asuka1269d ago

You are correct. Clearly stated it's gonna be a "First Person" experience.

CaptainHenry9161269d ago (Edited 1269d ago )

Back for Blood that should have been called Left for Dead 3 looked good

iNcRiMiNaTi1269d ago

They probably couldn't get their IP rights back from valve

Ashunderfire861269d ago

Sounds like what IOI did to Hitman with episodic content. Not too bad but it’s perfect dark guys they are building on Rare success with the game! With all raw talent from many studios!

SlothLordPootus1269d ago

Perfect Dark is great but I was really hoping for something original from the AAAA Initiative game.

Prubar1269d ago

Even though it’s not a new IP I feel it’s been long enough that they can do some really unique things with it. Same with the way Sony handled GoW.

SlothLordPootus1269d ago

I agree, it's absolutely exciting, I was just hoping for a different studio to tackle the project. Of existing IP, Perfect Dark does have the most potential for being something "different".

NeoGamer2321268d ago

I never understand this logic. If they wanted to make this type of game, then why wouldn't they use an IP name they already own and has been very successful.

There is nothing bad about using an existing IP. But, it does save the developer and publisher money on having to build the story behind the IP, introduce the new IP, and convince gamers to buy it.

Also, Perfect Dark already has diversity in the IP in that the protagonist is a female. Perfect Dark was well before its time in many ways.

Tacoboto1268d ago

Perfect Dark also has the extra benefits of being both the pinnacle of N64 FPS, building off of GoldenEye, and the weaker entry padded with nostalgia just by being a launch title.

PDZ was the Xbox online FPS to play for those that didn't want to stick to just Halo 2 in that first year. It had bots with decent enough AI and was among the first major online console games to support 32 players.

Neonridr1268d ago

what's the difference between AAA and AAAA? Is this a BBBQ thing where the extra B stands for BYOBB? That second B was a typo.

Tacoboto1268d ago

The difference? Wait till E3 ;)

Sciurus_vulgaris1269d ago

The Perfect Darks reboot looks like it’s moving the franchise towards immersive sim style gameplay. Hopefully the title still has MP.

Eidolon1269d ago

I'm 100% ok with that. I loved Deus Ex: HR and Prey.

Snookies121269d ago (Edited 1269d ago )

It just wouldn't be Perfect Dark without a really fleshed out multi-player. Normally I'm all for ditching multi-player in games for a more focused story. But with this franchise, it NEEDS multi-player. And a damn good one too. I have high hopes, I'm just worried after Zero happened lol.

Sciurus_vulgaris1269d ago

Zero came out 15 years ago lol. I actually remember Perfect Dark Zero being fairly popular on Xbox Live until Halo 3 game out.

Ashunderfire861269d ago

It looks better than the disappointing Perfect Dark Zero cartoony look 👀 It’s back to the real look of Johnna Dark! Yes Perfect Dark is back Microsoft need this moment! Sony already delivered its Microsoft turn to shine!

S2Killinit1268d ago

Rumours say it is episodic.

AngelicIceDiamond1268d ago (Edited 1268d ago )

I hope it's single player focused first. Then add in MP later. But that's just me though. I understand MP was one of the best parts but it's a reboot with new mechanics. I dunno it sounds like it could get clunky with MP. Who's knows though.

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Insider Claims Perfect Dark Reboot Remains in a 'Very Rough State

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helicoptergirl24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

The hits just keep on coming. Will not be surprised if this gets canned. It already got rebooted and they had to bring on an outside studio to try and help developement. Some of the original creatives have left the project.

But I will say, just wait until the MS showcase. If you don't see it there, then alarm bells should start ringing.

Snookies1223d ago

God, please don't screw this one up Microsoft! I am keeping my expectations super low, but Perfect Dark (the original) holds such a special place in my childhood. I want this to turn out well SO bad.

helicoptergirl23d ago

Are you expecting the game to be shown at the upcoming Xbox Showcase?

neutralgamer199223d ago

Just cancel it because we know you won’t be happy with its sales performance while giving it away on GP day one. GP is the biggest issue for developers and that affects the sales. No one can deny that now. GP equals to good deal for gamers and bad deals for AAA development. Take two CEO said it and he was 100% right. There are certain games that make sense on GP but not every game. 20 million gamers playing a game on GP doesn’t mean much to MS it seems because they still want sales. Just please start releasing all games on other platforms otherwise Phil is next now. You can’t spend 80 billion and be this bad

Inverno23d ago

The studio was founded in 2018. It's still not adding up in my head how it can take 6 years to develop a game, with a whole dev studio working on it.

jjb198123d ago

This is the only upcoming MS game I'm looking forward to. I hope it doesn't get canceled.


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rlow129d ago

Perfect Dark would be cool but I’m hoping for Fable. I’m really interested where they’ve taken the game.

Tacoboto29d ago

Looking ahead now, I'd say Avowed is what I'm looking forward to most in the fall. Obsidian's been nothing but quality and consistency so I can't wait to see what they've been cooking


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The3faces140d ago

Wow I actually commented in a Xbox thread before Jin_Sakai! Contraband gameplay would be dope.