
Cyberpunk 2077 Review | Gamespot

Cyberpunk 2077 has standout side quests and strong main characters, though its buggy, superficial world and lack of purpose bring it down.

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TGGJustin1272d ago

Now people maybe will realize they overhyped this game. I never saw anything about it in footage that made me think it would be a GOTG. CD did one great game in Witcher 3 and people acted like everything from them would now be gold.

Silly gameAr1272d ago

I'm not really that excited about it either, but people are hyped for this game because of the dev behind it. cd project red are super respected, and honestly one of the game companies out there that are really on the gamers side.

SullysCigar1272d ago

I do agree that CDPR are super respected, but the people that were hyping the crap out of this game were also largely of a demographic that had nothing else to look forward to this yea after Halo got bumped.

I loved TW3, I've even saved a little bit to play on next gen after hearing it will be patched, but I had my concerns about CP2077 due to the whole Keanu Reeves thing and the bizarre Twitter marketing with celebs. It kinda felt a bit 'check it - we gots money now'. I guess I'll check out a few more reviews and see from there.

fiveby91272d ago

I'll surely be playing the game. I still do expect it to have some technical bugs. But I fully expect to put well over 100+ hours into it.. I am seeing some other very good reviews. Reviews are clearly subjective though. Who knows the motivation of experience of the reviewer. I tend not to put much value on reviews from such sites. But to each their own.

oof461272d ago (Edited 1272d ago )

@SullysCigar: "...but the people that were hyping the crap out of this game were also largely of a demographic that had nothing else to look forward to this yea after Halo got bumped."

Why are you making this a console war thing? I've seen tons of Playstation and PC people who were excited for this game.

1272d ago
GamingSinceForever1272d ago

If they were really on the gamer's side the shit would be all patched at launch. This game has been delayed twice I think. Not saying that it won't be a good game but can they please get their quality control together.

UltraNova1272d ago (Edited 1272d ago )

I'm not here to defend the game, let me be clear on that but Kallie Plagge reviewed the game, a games journalist that literally only plays Animal Crossing and Pokemon.

How did Gamespot thought its a good idea to let her review a genre that she does not play regularly, or even worse, might not even like to begin with? Also isn't she the "too much water" lady? Sadly there was no "too much rpg" quote...

Knushwood Butt1272d ago

The same person reviewed Yoshi's Crafted World and gave it 8/10.

'Collectibles reward your curiosity and provide an added layer of depth.'.


mikeslemonade1272d ago

W3 is overrated and Cyberpunk should have been current gen exclusive, the PS4 held it back.

NecrumOddBoy1271d ago

Kallie Plague is a blot in gaming journalism. She is horribly racist and sexist, and puts really egregious social politics in her garbage reviews. These woke reviewers need to keep their personal agendas out if the reviews.

hamburgerhill1271d ago

@oof46- because he's a douche!

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1271d ago
TheOptimist1272d ago

Witcher 2 and Witcher 1 were masterpieces too, but ok

TGGJustin1272d ago

No one hardly gave a damn about Witcher until the third one. The first was just OK and the second was better but still had issues. They haven't done near enough compared to some other studios to think everything they do will be GOTY quality.

RgR1271d ago

Just like no one hardly gave a damn about elder scrolls morrowind....and yet it's still the best elder scrolls from bethesda.
Same with witcher 1 and 2. Most casuals had no clue if it's existence. Too much cod in the brain. And yet many others knew how great they are.

Imalwaysright1272d ago

CD made 3 great games prior to Cyberpunk and since when does one review dictate the quality of any given game?

ABizzel11272d ago

3 great games is really pushing it. The first was decent, the 2nd was good, the 3rd was great.

ufo8mycat1271d ago (Edited 1271d ago )

The first game was super rough
Second game was good
TW3 was amazing

Just because a studios previous gane was amazing doesnt automatically mean their next one will be.

ikarodemon1272d ago

First I would like to know why this review left before the date agreed with the developer. Second, why should I take into account a review of a game that has not received its final patch? Gamespot is playing a dirty game in this case.

TGGJustin1272d ago

What? This was played with the Day 1 patch. Reviews went live today for everyone that had a code for it. Don't be mad because Gamespot wasn't blinded by hype like some other outlets. If you want to accuse someone of being dirty then accuse the developer for refusing to send out console keys and refusing to let reviewers use their own captured footage.

RazzerRedux1271d ago

"What? This was played with the Day 1 patch. "

No.....it was not.

"I played a pre-release build that was updated during the review period, and there's a day-one patch planned as well, but the scale of technical issues is too large to reasonably expect immediate fixes."

1270d ago
1272d ago
Petebloodyonion1272d ago (Edited 1272d ago )

Well, it seems that you already had your mind made up that the game would suck no matter what.
reminds me of all the reviewers that already had Days gone painted as a failure at E3 because it was another zombie game with a white male protagonist.

And since you are so eager to have a Gamespot review reflecting your perception of the game I guess that we can discard your review of Tlou2 since the same Gamespot reviewer gave it an 8 versus your perfect score.
I guess you must agree also about Gamespot's review of Spiderman Miles Morales score of 7/10 versus your 9.5 review

And before replying to ppl about patches you should at least read the review
" I played a pre-release build that was updated during the review period, and there's a day-one patch planned as well, "
So nope she didn't play the patched version of the game.

1272d ago Replies(1)
spicelicka1272d ago

Completely disagree. Many of the reviews are calling it GOTG in scope and ambition. Pretty much all the points taken off are due to performance issues and glitches Personally I couldn't care less about glitches, it is an independent issue and as long as it's plays decently well i'm satisfied.

Father__Merrin1272d ago

@ 5by9

its a 20h game that can double up into the 40's range you will only get 100's of hours if you just play it again

Mr_cheese1272d ago (Edited 1272d ago )

Dude, i just looked through your comment history and cant believe you have spent the past 4 hours going from thread to thread bashing Cyberpunk and hailing reviewers as if you've personally played the game and they sung from your heart book.

Games1st1272d ago

91 metascore with 44 reviews

1272d ago
Jin_Sakai1272d ago

Here we go with this BS again.

By Kallie Plagge:

“The incorporation of different cultures and backgrounds is wildly inconsistent, from good to inaccurate to downright offensive“

NecrumOddBoy1271d ago

Fictional world created by multicultural developers from an Eastern European studio from a game created by a black guy. Still not woke enough. Kallie is trash.

potatoseal1271d ago

When I eventually play the game it will be a BLIND PLAYTHROUGH...

MadLad1271d ago

Make another 700 posts how you don't like the game lol.

RazzerRedux1271d ago (Edited 1271d ago )

Has he played it?

notachance1271d ago

did this game insult your family or something lmao

neutralgamer19921271d ago (Edited 1271d ago )

One side will hate the review and cite 91/100 on meta while other will defend the review

Here are some facts

Cd project red haven't allowed sites to review the console version

CDPR have allowed the early reviews to show any of their personally captured gameplay due to the fact many would show bugs and glitches along with good aspects of the game

There is a day zero patched which was released mid way through the review process when other big companies would let the reviewers play with day zero/one patch to review to give fair and honest opinion

The main story is extremely short and with side quests it's 40+ hours max(I rather take a short great game but it is what it is)

Pandemic has hit all game developers hard so working from home and polishing the game along with play testers isn't easy. I think many games that will launch start 2021 will suffers some bugs/glitches unless games are delayed

Is it a bad game absolutely not is it GOTG type game I also don't think so. I am waiting till summer 2021 so I can get a ps5 and hopefully by than they will have a true next generation patch to make it awesome. This game needs gamers feedback so CDPR can improve so I think it's safe to assume it will be a much better game by middle of summer 2021

Reviews are an opinion of one person when that person gives our favorite game a good score we defend them and when they don't we hate on them. Ask yourself this do you want the person reviewing to give you all the pros and cons or just pros and gloss over any bugs and or glitches

xTonyMontana1271d ago

They are a small developer,they have slowly increased the scale and production values of their games with every single release. Lack of purpose in the world is a bit concerning but overall you are going to get bugs in a game this size and scale.

conanlifts1271d ago

Even with GameSpot's review score it is sitting on a 91 at metacritic. In my view that still puts it in line for game of the year.

gamer78041271d ago

you are going to have to look elsewhere if you dont' want an agenda driven review, (stay away from polygon, kotaku and this specific gamespot review)

"I found just one message on one of the many computers I logged into that commented on how low-brow Night City culture is. The result is that there's a fetishization of trans people at every turn, in a game with only one very minor trans character (that I found, at least) and no way to play as an authentically trans character yourself."

ChiefofLoliPolice1271d ago

You don't even realize that the person who wrote this review is full on SJW. I bet you didn't even read the review.

RgR1271d ago (Edited 1271d ago )

Witcher 1 and 2 being equally great of course....only casual gamers were wholly unaware the entire time.

Casual gamers love love witcher 3. But the rest of us know just how awesome the 1st and second were. Specifically the 1st.

Yui_Suzumiya1271d ago (Edited 1271d ago )

On the hand, I've never been interested in The Witcher series, but this looks amazing to me. I just don't care for medieval themed fantasy games outside of Dragon Age II and Inquisition.

soulrebel1271d ago

Shit I didn't realise these guys did the only reviews in the world of gaming. Guess the game is shit.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 1270d ago
shepherdzeMan1272d ago (Edited 1272d ago )

Gamespot the attention-seeking whores as always!

- currently rated 91 on Metacritic which proves my point

nommers1272d ago

Give it time. There's not much mention of console versions being reviewed from what I've heard.

generic-user-name1272d ago

Says person who hasn't played it.

Dark_Eternal1271d ago

The Metascore is a weighted average aggregate of many diverse opinions; it doesn't "prove" anything about reviewers you hate. 😅

Chaos_Order1271d ago

The metacritic score doesn't prove your point at all, and the fact you think it does is both hilarious and cringeworthy. Maybe the reviewer was just being, you know, honest?

Hell, if I worked for a large gaming site you can bet your ass off I'd lie through my teeth constantly and hand out 9/10 to hyped games just to keep rabid fanboys off my back. If I was to actually review games honestly I'd be called all sorts of names by the idiot masses.

I'm still massively excited for Cyberpunk, by the way. Just waiting on the PS5 version. :)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1271d ago
Vx_1272d ago

Muhahaha i told you so, i called it out that this is a max 8/10 game and i got all the hate and dislike

outsider16241272d ago

8/10 still means its great. Why the hell would you get hate and dislike for?

zumlauf141272d ago

"i told you so". lmao based off one review? Currently has 91 meta. So that would mean you were wrong.

RacerX1272d ago

This review is rushed at best, and he spends an uncomfortable amount of time complaining that there isn't enough "transgender" content... As if that's some bar we really need raised (based on the percentage of people in the world that are actually trans)...

I give this review a 4/10, and will reserve judgment for more thorough and genuine reviewers.

mike32UK1272d ago

Are you 12? Or did you have a bet on this or something?

Vx_1272d ago

@outsider1624 nothing wrong with an 8 but ppl are way too sensitive these days, many hoped that this is the game that will change the gaming experience forever, when in fact it’s just another open word game full of bugs and non-consistent story and gameplay.

@zumlauf14 not for long this will avrage in the 80s, as more 7s (or worse) reviews will be added.

Redlife2g1272d ago (Edited 1272d ago )

😂 What's wrong with an 8??

Dragonscale1271d ago

Witcher 3 fanboys lol. So happy it got a lower than expected review score from gamespot of all sites. How very sad and spiteful purely because its not witcher 4.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1271d ago
1272d ago Replies(1)
RazzerRedux1272d ago (Edited 1272d ago )

"The incorporation of different cultures and backgrounds is wildly inconsistent, from good to inaccurate to downright offensive"


RebelWAC1272d ago

Got to love Kallie though I mean, she tried lol she tried

SyntheticForm1272d ago

This particular reviewer is notorious for her SJWism.

SullysCigar1272d ago

Hate that crap - they need to keep it out of reviews.

Stick it on some lefty site where people like to whine about that stuff and just tell us if the game is fun and how it plays. Write a separate opinion piece about it (that I can ignore!) if you really feel it's so important, but just don't tarnish reviews with it!

SyntheticForm1272d ago

I'm so tired of it and I'm tired of hearing people talking about how we "need" more people with a certain pigment, daily. Skin pigment does nothing for anyone. We don't "need" anyone with a certain pigment, but we do need good, competent people for any job whether it's in the government, the medical field, or McDonald's. People sitting around the kitchen table deciding whether to pay the gas bill or feed themselves don't give a crap how many latinas Biden puts in his cabinet.

I'm tired of people being "offended" by stupid nonsense. If you're offended, dig a hole! Dig a deep hole and just sit in it, and stop infecting everyone around you.

I had to get that out, lol. It's going to be struck, but it's honest, and I don't care.

RazzerRedux1272d ago


"If you're offended, dig a hole! Dig a deep hole and just sit in it, and stop infecting everyone around you."

Right there with you. These people are miserable. And they won't stop feeling miserable until the entire world is miserable. Nah....I'm not going to wallow in misery especially over a damn video game

frostypants1272d ago

@SullysCigar man I'm a lefty and this stuff even makes me want to puke. Maybe the left has gone too far left and now I'm center? I dunno anymore. But this garbage is...well...garbage.

1272d ago
SullysCigar1271d ago

^ @Frosty, same here man. It's gone way too far and pushed me centre. The left now just want everyone to conform and there's way to much policing of 'wrongthink' on the internet and social media. I can't support that kind of thing - freedom of speech is something we've rightly fought for and I'm not about to give it up.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1271d ago
ANIALATOR1361272d ago (Edited 1272d ago )

Isn't that what the left wanted? All people and cultures in one big melting pot?

frostypants1272d ago (Edited 1272d ago )

@ANILATOR136, that's the traditional, old school liberal portion of the left. Some of the new (very illiberal) ultra-left are...and I mean this very literally...pro-segregation. I've seen it put this way: imagine the modern political spectrum as a circle, with the top of the circle being centrism. People who go far enough left wind up going around the circle and meeting the ultra-right wing at the bottom...they're hard to tell apart aside from how they arrived there. The problem with society at the moment is the left wing portion of those crazies are not just tolerated, but encouraged, even though their rhetoric is disgusting to anyone who recognizes it for what it is.

SmokinAces1272d ago (Edited 1272d ago )

Those same leftist apparently also feel its their job to dictate how each culture is portrayed, even when they're not a member of said culture.

RgR1271d ago (Edited 1271d ago )

That is what they used to like.
.and in fact I don't think anyone was much problem with that idea...although it never really was a melting pot and what they really wanted was to make all cultures equal.

But all that is in the past now. Right now they don't want equality. They want special treatment for minorities and other "oppressed" groups. and they want to hear nothing but praise for certain races and cultures.

1272d ago
frostypants1272d ago (Edited 1272d ago )

I am so tired of this philosophy that it is OK to declare what is offensive to people, even when the speaker is NOT THOSE PEOPLE. Where does she get off saying what's offensive to them? Does she think they aren't grown-up or intelligent enough to speak for themselves? Does she speak from their perspective? People like this author don't realize that they are low-key exactly that which they claim to abhor. So toxic.

RgR1271d ago

It's a complete lack of self awareness. We dress computers and ai becoming sled aware...yet we should really be concerned with other humans not being self aware.

njitram20001272d ago

Dammit, and here I though the score was lower because it was not being looked at through the overhype lens. Guess I'll have to find my down to earth reviews elsewhere.

IanTH1271d ago

Did you read the rest of the review? I'm guessing you saw "SJW" and didn't form your own opinion by reading it, and then somehow used that as justification for ignoring the entire review? What if it is exactly what you were looking for, but it has one part in it you aren't interested in/don't agree with? How does bringing that one thing up completely negate the rest of the review? Mindboggling.

njitram20001271d ago

@instantstupor, I did read the whole review, yes. You're the one assuming all sorts of things about me. But this SJW crap has to stop. This is a Polish company and unlike America, the rest of the world doesn't have a problem with "cultural appropriation" because highlighting and even stereotyping of other cultures is what makes people interested in it.
If she feels a need to point out that the "incorporation of cultures is downright offensive", then she is either catering to an SJW crowd or has an SJW tinted view of the world, neither of which is appropriate in a gaming review.

zumlauf141272d ago

*reviewer writes something i don't agree with about diversity* "SJW!". You lot are the biggest snowflakes.

RazzerRedux1272d ago

*poster writes something i don't agree with about a review* "You lot are the biggest snowflakes!"

I can play that game too. lol

1272d ago
gerbintosh1272d ago (Edited 1272d ago )

That one paragraph makes me question the reason why she rated it 7. Was the score due to an agenda she wanted pushed but didn't happen?

CrimsonWing691272d ago

Dude, I freaking knew SJWs would be knocking points off for things that trigger them.

SmokinAces1272d ago

Takes guts to post that acronym, I remember when doing so not that long ago would get a comment marked inappropriate at the very least, maybe the mods are lightening up a bit. FYI I agree with you.

IanTH1271d ago (Edited 1271d ago )

Hard to imagine, given what gets up and downvoted here. This place is very comfortable labeling any-and-everything they don't agree with as "SJW". It is the easy strawman to point at which allows them to ignore anything someone says without having to spend the energy discussing the point. I've seen it used so many times here where it didn't make sense & get upvoted.

IanTH1271d ago (Edited 1271d ago )

I hope that's sarcasm. How is bringing that up a problem? I'll never understand people with that mentality.

Edit: Though I see that isn't the case. I cannot fathom how discussion about things is a bad thing. It's a part of the game. To some people it is important. To others, it isn't. If that's not something that has a baring on your playthrough, then ignore that section.

People talk about it like anyone who brings it up is looking to feel superior to someone else, or to earn some kind of points from an unseen panel of hipster judges. It's something they noticed during their playthrough, so they are noting it. You probably wouldn't, so you wouldn't. It's weird that people treat every piece of content has to 100% be applicable to them, even if 99% of the rest of that content - in this case the review - is still relevant. And then focus solely on the 1% that isn't applicable to them, but don't recognize the irony in being potentially offended that someone is potentially offended.

The fact that's the only thing you picked out of the whole review to talk about tells me that as much as they care about "social justice", you care more about "anti-social justice". So what makes you any different from her? She expresses her opinion. You express yours. Except people with your opinion tend to simply be "shut up, I don't want to hear your opinion, I'm tired of it", rather than having any real discussion of substance to the topic at hand, or the reason for not wanting to hear about it. "It annoys me because I find it inconvenient" isn't a particularly great justification.

RazzerRedux1271d ago (Edited 1271d ago )

This reviewer is known for her SJW stances and I'm pointing that out in a concrete example. It is relevant and it affected her review and its score. If you don't think so fine.

Note. Not once did I say "shut up, I don't want to hear your opinion, I'm tired of it". I also didn't say "It annoys me because I find it inconvenient". You made all that bullshit up. Talk about straw man.

So you are are bitching about me summarizing that review as SJW when you just made up a bunch of shit I didn't say at all. So yeah.....your opinion is pretty much worthless when you have to generate fictional arguments to make a point. I'll just disregard your posts.

RgR1271d ago

This alone should make the review invalid.
Political ideologies holds no place in video game reviews...at least not in a credible way.

Due to the popularity of gamespot and how metacritic values certain sites more than others. This low review will have probably affected the score way more than it should have otherwise....and so it would probably be standing with a higher score right now.

RPGer1271d ago

I am not that excited to the game, I have a lot of concerns for developers choices like fps, calling this an RPG, although it is pure shooter with points and leveling system 'fallout', etc...

But this very precise SJW point of view is very aweful and disgusting. Actually it is very distributing to know that such people exist in the gaming community, or in any. Hope these kind of people focus on hollywood and just do their things their and just use Hollywood to dumb them their with all their nonsense.

Criticize the damn game, you people are fake and non of view criticsized MW2 for that Russia mission, if it other than Russian you would be now crying loud. Such hypocrisy it very pathetic.

Bobertt1271d ago

Most of the big game review sites are full of fake SJW journalists now and they don't like that CD Project Red isn't pandering to them. Most of the more level headed reviewers on youtube who have played it say it's amazing but full of bugs which will hopefully be fixed with the day one patch.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 1271d ago
boing11272d ago

I'm getting my popcorn ready! It's going to get hot in herre!

Tedakin1272d ago

Everyone is giving it 9s. Gamespot seems to always score below everyone else for shock value.

Tedakin1272d ago

... other websites? It's sitting at a 90 on metacritic right now.

Games1st1272d ago (Edited 1272d ago )

91 metascore from 44 sites

Redemption-641272d ago

I belive that us for the PC version only. Consoles don't yet have a rating yet.

I did find what IGN said very interesting, that they are not allowed to show footage of the problems in the game due to CD project red's pre-release restrictions.

Tedakin1272d ago

I just want to see what it looks like on Xbox One S......

SDuck1272d ago

Isn't that normal though? I think it would be unfair if reviewers would go "hey, look at this night club full of NPCs T-posing", bringing down a game that has not been polished. Not saying day 1 patch will fix all those bugs but i trust it will fix most of them

nommers1272d ago

I would give it time. There's usually an influx of initial positive reviews and IIRC there's a lot of usual suspects. From what I gathered most were playing on PC with great settings too. Gotta see how the console versions are going to do.

FantasticBoss1272d ago

Honestly I think it's healthy to have some reviewers that are less into a game. If they find something about it they don't like then that may be relevant for others. It's ok to have reviews that stand out from the pack. diversity in opinions means people can better get a sense for what the game is and whether or not it is for them.

monkey6021272d ago

Thats a great way of looking at it 👍

Like that Japanese site/magazine (is it fumitsu?) That averages 4 different reviewer scores. I like the way that works.

I remember playstation magazine once upon a time had a "second opinion" column that shared someone else's thoughts on it.

enkiduxiv1271d ago

Exactly. I just don’t understand people who hate on a review that doesn’t give a game a perfect score.

Those reviewers usually drive the industry to do better, well maybe not EA, but just about everyone else.

Outlawzz1272d ago

Yea I barely ever agree with gamespot reviews. I guess I don't share the same game tastes as most of the reviewers.

TGGJustin1272d ago (Edited 1272d ago )

The game is full of bugs and shouldn't even be getting 10's and 9's. Just wait until you hear how it is on consoles. There is a reason they haven't sent those out to anyone yet.

SullysCigar1272d ago

I heard there was some cloak and dagger nonsense about what can be spoken of and when. That's not okay with me, unless it's to protect story spoilers. It just makes me think something's up.

This game was already delayed - if it wasn't ready for full and honest reviews, including how technically sound it is (or isn't in this case), then it wasn't delayed enough. Reviews should tell us how it is NOW, not ignore problems on the promise of 'day 1' patches.

outsider16241272d ago

Jesus! I even saw a video if it.. don't know if it is indeed CdP2077 or not. I mean did look like one and man.. it was horrible. The driving, the collisions, the ai.

I just hope im wrong.

FantasticBoss1272d ago

SullysCigar, it's pretty common for reviewers to get various topics they aren't allowed to discuss. In the vast majority of cases it's spoiler related. I can't speak for Cyberpunk specifically, but the existence of such rules on their own isn't a reason for much suspicion.

blackblades1272d ago

Yeah, so far I'm seeing perfect scores and a 9 from ign. Pcmag gave it a 5/10 so these 2 have the lowest scores.

nommers1272d ago

In Opencritic there's a lot of unscored reviews that are not so favorable.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1271d ago
Show all comments (205)

Cyberpunk 2077 Support Concludes As CDPR Turns Focus Towards Next Witcher Title & Other Projects

CD Projekt has concluded support work on Cyberpunk 2077, as the studio has turned focus towards the next Witcher and several other projects.

Read Full Story >>
DustMan3d ago

Such a great game. Recently started another playthrough.

Aussiesummer3d ago

I really have to get back into it, didn’t even get half way through, have the dlc and everything too.


Cyberpunk 2077 Director On 95% Positive Steam Rating: "Never Thought I'd See It"

Cyberpunk 2077 has come a long way from being one of the worst games on the planet to being one of the best ones.

DustMan17d ago

I shelved it after a few hours in game at launch, glad I didn't refund it. One of the few games I've actually completed in the last year, and after finishing the campaigns I wanted to just jump back in from the start. They pulled a No Mans Sky and finished one of the best FPS in the last few years.


Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B29d ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv7229d ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii29d ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast29d ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...


It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.

gunnerforlife28d ago

Days gone! By the end of the game I couldn't drop it down! I went around so many hours killing zombies! It was addictive by the end.

S2Killinit28d ago

That game was just plain good game. It didnt improve, it was just good.

gunnerforlife28d ago

I don't know, I got it abit late, and struggled for a few days, and then all of a sudden it just got good!!

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