
Obsidian Announces Two Titles and Preps Release of a Third at Xbox Games Showcase

The Xbox Games Showcase was a big show for Obsidian. Not only did we get the chance to announce our first of two expansions that are coming to The Outer Worlds alongside our friends at Private Division, but we also got to show off a new trailer for Grounded, which releases into Xbox Game Preview.

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Lore1424d ago

This studio is going to be huge. Already have a Fallout competitor in The Outer Worlds, and now Avowed looks to be the game to compete with Elder Scrolls. Sony really dropping the ball

Father__Merrin1424d ago

How are Sony dropping the ball lol

vw13031424d ago

I also do not understand. It was extually the only publisher which could match sony firts party. And the only game that I get excited about. Ps presentation won by miles!

Lore1424d ago

Because in “my” opinion, Sony continues to put out the exact same type of games from their first party studios aside from God of War and The Last of Us. Similar to Ubisoft over the past decade. Making an open world and focusing on the “story” is not the way to go about game development. They have no sprawling rpg’s. Being a company that brings in near 70 billion per year, I expect them to add to the rpg fire so that it’s not just Bethesda, CD Project Red, Obsidian, Monolith Soft, Square Enix, and now Xbox making these games. Sony has “0”

Imortus_san1424d ago (Edited 1424d ago )

Sony lack of first party variety in AAA games, they have used the same formula in all there AAA games this gen.

scofios1424d ago (Edited 1424d ago )

"Sony lack of first party variety in AAA games, they have used the same formula in all there AAA games this gen"

This comes from the same people who where cheering 4 generation long the triangle of Halo, Grears , Forza , LOL

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1424d ago
Cmv381424d ago

Tf Sony got to do with this? Your insecurity is showing.

Lore1424d ago

Hmm, insecurity? I’m a playstation gamer and gaming is a hobby/passion of mine. So if I have disappointment I’m going to voice it. When I comment it’s with no bias

However I am concerned for you as an individual, as the thought process on how you came up with your comment seems a bit alarming. Nowhere did I state anything that should’v warranted that response from you regarding insecurity. So good luck to you and wish you well

zeuanimals1424d ago

@Lore: What an insecure response. Lmao.

1424d ago
Imortus_san1424d ago


I upvoted you, that what I fell, Sony at a ton of great games and great variety int he PS1 and PS2, them on PS3 they trimmed it a bit, but this gen, they trimmed it just too much.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1424d ago
SyntheticForm1424d ago

Sony are dropping the ball? Really? They're the only ones who even have a ball.

RpgSama1424d ago

Dude, did we see the same event? The event was a dumpster fire. 2 seconds of maybe gameplay from avowed says nothing.

Lore1424d ago

Missing the point. I don’t care how well the game’s end up being. The point i’m making is that they’re actually “trying.” Where as Sony has been nonexistent

Bruh1424d ago

There was actually 2 seconds of gameplay? Where?!

OMNlPOTENT1424d ago

You may be getting ahead of yourself a bit buddy. We haven’t seen anything about avowed other than a tiny trailer. Also Sony’s conference I would put above this one honestly. Not saying this conference was bad, but Sony’s was better in my opinion.

Pedantic911424d ago

You still didn't answer @Cmv38 question.

What does Sony have to do with a studio owned by Microsoft ?
An article that has nothing to do with Sony and a game that's not being released on a Sony platform ?

Class_Viceroy1424d ago

Sony continues to put out the exact same type of games?

The game list from the last handful of years is very diverse and all high quality. Dreams, Ghosts of Tsushima, Nioh 1/2, Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider-Man, Detroit: Become Human, Days Gone, Until Dawn, Bloodborne, The Last Guardian, God of War, The Last of Us 2.

And this doesn't even include the indie/smaller titles and VR stuff. These games are a handful of different genres, and even the action-adventure type games like Horizon, Days Gone, Spider-Man, Ghosts of Tsushima are all very different in how they approach their worlds. Hell you could even argue one of the worst games on this list, Days Gone, would have been a top 3 Xbox Exclusive if they published it this generation.

Microsoft is just trying to catch up to the party. They have not put out quantity or much quality this generation. I like what they've done with the studio acquisitions and I'm actually very interested in a few of these games, especially Obsidian, but to say Sony dropping the ball is laughable.

remixx1161424d ago (Edited 1424d ago )

MS has been dropping the ball for years in regards to creating new ips yet you claim don't is the one churning out real stuff. You've gotta be kidding me.

Since 2016 Sony has been laying down unique and interesting games along with established ips while MS has been pouring you guys the same halo, Forza, gears tea for a while.

Now all of a sudden they announce a new RPG and all is forgiven.

Mr_cheese1424d ago

While I disagree with "dropping the ball", i would like to see an open world RPG aching to Deep Down.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1424d ago
Bruh1424d ago

Damn they really have an agenda against Bethesda lmao. Now a Skyrim competitor after a Fallout one.

Anyhow Obsidian makes good games, and Bethesda has gone to absolute shiet so it’s time for them to shine

zeuanimals1424d ago

Honestly, Bethesda needs some competition and the fact it's coming from a first party is huge. I hope Sony get their own Bethesda style RPG. Next-gen has the potential to really let those types of games flourish.

thebobbywhite26291424d ago

lol how has bethesda gone to shit you numbskull

Bruh1424d ago

Fallout 76, don’t even need to say anything else numbskull

phoenixwing1424d ago


also you can easily say that aside from graphics the elder scrolls has gotten worse from changing to oblivion to skyrim

remixx1161424d ago

Fallout 4 is barely an RPG at this point.

RaidenBlack1424d ago

The new IP somehow reminded me of Deep Down.

RamRod881424d ago

Obsidian is going to be one of the premiere studios for Xbox next gen.

phoenixwing1424d ago

they're the hope in the dark really. as long as they get to keep making rpg's I'll keep buying them

Imortus_san1424d ago

3 games, damm, this guys are working like crazy.

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Pillars of Eternity Lore to Know Before Playing Avowed Later This Year

Avowed is set to continue the legacy of Obsidian's Pillars of Eternity RPGs, and the world of Eora is filled with complex fantasy concepts.

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Avowed: Deep-Diving into Quests, Skills, Party Members and More on the Official Xbox Podcast

Xbox Wire : Dive deeper into the gameplay for Avowed with Game Director Carrie Patel, who joined a special episode of the Official Xbox Podcast

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Lightning775d ago

Much better shape than last years show. Glad they took feedback well.


So many great games coming late this year and next year. These current gen consoles finally showing up and showing out.

SimpleSlave4d ago

I'm sure this game will be great. It's Obsidian after all. But holy molly does this looks like a PS4 game... But I do really hope it's successful for their sake. Maybe they can even buy their freedom like Toys for Bob did later down the road.

Obsidian is too good to be wasted under Microsawft.

SimpleSlave4d ago

Thank you. I tried my best 🤣🤣🤣

But even I can't save Obsidian from one flop and done under Microsawft. So good luck to them.

MontyeKristo3d ago

Unfortunately, I'm inclined to agree.. graphically, it looks dated. I'm sure it will still have the potential to be a great game, as I thoroughly enjoyed Outer Space, so time will tell.

Just graphically, it looks dated.

repsahj4d ago

I am very impressed with this game compared to perfect dark and stalker 2. If I have a series X, this will be my day 1.

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Avowed's director says they "don't believe in living in fear" after Microsoft closed studios

"As a developer - and as a player - it's always sad and it always sucks to see studios close and devs lose their jobs. I really hope all those people land on their feet, because I know our indusutry is better with them in it," Patel tells the outlet. "As for me and how I look at things, I guess first and foremost: I don't believe in living in fear," the Avowed director.

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Lightning775d ago

Then gets shut down the next day. They should know better than to talk crazy like that.

XiNatsuDragnel5d ago

They'll get shut down that's how Microsoft work

gold_drake5d ago

watch it get shut down tomorrow haha

Skuletor4d ago

It was probably already decided yesterday


"And then Phil Spencer took it as challenge..."

Elda4d ago

They better worry because Avowed doesn't look all that.