
Xbox Series X July Showcase Predictions Preview

Metro: The Inside Xbox show in May unveiled some interesting but smaller scale projects. The Medium and Scorn are both Xbox Series X exclusives, smaller in scale but potentially great additions to Game Pass. Really, Xbox’s chance to show what they can do is the upcoming July Showcase. I have dug through the rumors and speculation from various forums to come up with what we are likely to see from the showcase.

1456d ago Replies(2)
TranceHop 1456d ago (Edited 1456d ago )

I’m hoping Ninja Theory will shock the gaming industry by showing Hellblade 2 gameplay. If Hellblade 2 gameplay looks anything like the trailer I’ll have a heart attack lol.

CaptainHenry9161455d ago

I agree. But Hellblade story and gameplay wasn't that great. Hopefully they add more depth to the story and gameplay

RamRod881455d ago

Disagree. Hellblade story was really good, gameplay was okay.

Gaming4Life19811455d ago

I agree hellblade needs a gameplay overhaul but i enjoyed the crazy story. To be honest the story was the only thing that made me keep playing because combat was pretty lame.

Hopefully hellblade looks great and the combat is alot better and deeper.

Baza1455d ago

Some intense battles while they last. Otherwise it feels like a walking simulator. Story was pretty shallow. They need to expand the core elements big time.

CaptainHenry9161455d ago


Sometimes the world felt empty as well.

Tacoboto1455d ago

For the people who disliked the story, did you play the game with headphones?

Hearing the subtleties of Senua's inner monologue, her self-doubt and deprecations made that game one of my favorites of the gen.

Ratchet751455d ago

Hellblade story was probably the best part of the game

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1455d ago
ABizzel11456d ago

Console Exclusives

343 Industries: Halo Infinite
The Coalition: Gears 5 Enhanced
Turn 10: Forza (most likely Forza 8)
Ninja Theory: Hellbalde 2
Xbox Game Studios Publishing: Flight Simulator
Rare: Battletoads or Everwild
Mojang: Minecraft RayTracing (this one will be shown as it shows off Ray Tracing best)

3rd party developers

Cyberpunk 2077
At least one game from: EA, Activision Blizzard, Ubisoft, Square Enix, Capcom, Bandai Namco, Sega
Take 2 Games: Red Dead Online (they milked GTA why not Red Dead at this point)
Bright Memory: Infinite
The Ascent
The Medium
Call of the Sea

Games they have in the works, but probably 2021 - 2022

The Initiative: New AAA IP
Playground Games: Fable or New AAA IP (I hope it's not Fable, we need new game MS)
Compulsion Games: ???? / New IP AAA Indie
World’s Edge: Age of Empires (the studio was made specifically for this game)
Obsidian: Releasing Grounded that month, next game possibly Outerworlds 2 for 2021
Double Fine Studio: Psychonaughts 2 (multiplat with PlayStation) / maybe a teaser for 2022 game
Inxile: Wasteland 3 (multiplat with PlayStation) / maybe a teaser for 2022 game
Undead Labs: Praying it's not State of Decay 3, but whatever it is it's a multiplayer game based on job openings

Sunny_D1455d ago

Lol. You can’t be acting like this wasn’t a valid criticism. It took them long enough. You know.... took them like a an entire generation to finally start somewhere lol

343_Guilty_Spark1455d ago

You won't have this argument much longer. You'll be left with nothing.

neutralgamer19921455d ago


Last 3 years of Xbox 360 and this whole gen and yet we are still at predicting stage but you brag

More games better for us gamers you Xbox fans act like that was an invalid point. It's because of criticism Microsoft acquired so many studios

what would be best for us gamers is if both Sony and Microsoft go at it sell neck and neck and deliver amazing games throughout the whole generation

I don't believe most of us have any stocks with either company so the only thing that should matter to us are games

Look at what sony delivered with TLOU2 and ghost and those are curren gen games. Hopefully with Ms having more studios now they can release amazing games throughout next generation

Ps2 closed with GOW2 and SOTC

Ps3 with TLOU

Ps4 is closing with TLOU2 and ghost

Microsoft stopped supporting the original Xbox to focus on Xbox 360 which they're released when it was not ready. The last two to three years of Xbox 360 they did not support it well and now this generation what have they done the last few years

These are are valid criticisms and this is where they can improve. but it seems we cannot have any mature conversation in gaming about any console maker because if anybody says anything negative about PlayStation or Xbox or Nintendo the fanboys come out in full force

TheHunter811455d ago

There are no console exclusives when it comes to Xbox

343_Guilty_Spark1455d ago

Do you buy consoles to worry about if the games come on PC? Why does it hurt you if a game is on PC?

Consoles are designed for ease of use...and based on Steam reports the average PC is only geared for 1080p graphics.

You crying about issues that don't exist.

aconnellan1455d ago

But the definition of console exclusive is a game that appears on one console and not another... and Xbox does have those

Yodasfavoritesoda1455d ago

I think we definitely see fable. I’m excited to see it

averagejoe261455d ago

Oof. Those first party offerings are rough. Thank God for Sony and Nintendo.

Gaming4Life19811455d ago

Agree with everything you said except i hope fable 4 gets announced.

Baza1455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

Halo is the only exclusive that excites me

FinalSpero1455d ago

I don't think we'll see anything 3rd party. I think this will be 1st Party only event.

On that front I expect to see 1-2 new studio acquisitions(Specifically I'm predicting a Dontnod acqusition).

Tacoboto1455d ago

It would be weird seeing Cyberpunk 2077 with Series X upgrades previewed right after the delay that pushes it right on the next-gen launch, when all that'll be available then will just be the One X version running at full throttle.

The last thing MS needs to show are third party cross gen titles when they're receiving flak on their own cross gen titles.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1455d ago
AngelicIceDiamond1456d ago

343: Open the show with Halo Infinite no more than 5 minutes of gameplay. Hopefully the single shot campaign is a real thing. Making for a nice cinematic feel. Brand new engine, characters, enemies, gameplay mechanics, abilities etc. Its said the game has 1200 people working on it. This game seriously cannot fail.

Playground's Game: Obviously it has to be Fable IV. The team is said to be using photogrammetry techniques for world building. Similar style as Forza Horizon games. They were teasing quite a bit last year but was a no show, I think this year we will definitely see it.

Going through each studio will take awhile so I expect something from The Initiative since the game is in playable form. Turn 10 will show off a teaser but won't release this year its said they're skipping this year's release. Obsidian was already announced they have something planned. Hopefully its the planned Pillars Of Eternity Skyrim Inspired AAA game. Undead Labs most likely SOD 3. This game needs to be AAA. If they're making a zombie survival they need to go all in and make it BIG a full blown AAA title. One new studio acquisition or possibly building a MS Japan studio for AAA JRPG's.

chiefJohn1171455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

Yes SoD 3 with a AAA budget and story. The sandbox and gameplay is there. All that missing is the AAA graphics, animation and story. Do that and you got one of the best zombie games ever. Screw it you don't even need the top notch graphics get the animations up so you can have good scripted events to go with a story and the game is set

ColdSin1455d ago

I always wanted their first pitch. The Class 4 pitch. It sounded extremely interesting.

CaptainCook1455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

I'm hoping for an open world Fable reboot

derektweed11455d ago

Turn10 skipped last year's release, they should be releasing something this year.

Sol4ris1455d ago

Here we go , more speculations. What happened to the PS5 SSD articles, did those run of steam?

LOGICWINS1455d ago

We don't have to speculate on SSD tech anymore. Sony and Microsoft weren't lying with regards to what that could do to revolutionize game design. Rachet and Clank: Rift Apart and The Medium proved that as the core gameplay of both games requires traveling between worlds in an instant.

Show all comments (44)

Perfect Dark Reboot's Stunning Gameplay Checks All The Deus Ex Boxes For Me

Perfect Dark surprises in its gameplay reveal as the creative mechanics and incredible design choices bring back the Deus Ex feel perfectly.

isarai3d ago


Maybe you got your games confused but that was nothing like deus ex besides being a fps

Sonic18813d ago

It had more of mirror edge and Dying Light than dues ex

AsimLionheart2d ago

I don't get it. I watched the trailer and saw nothing mind-blowing. Why are articles trying to hype up a heavily scripted and edited supposed gameplay segment from a game stuck in development since founding of the Initiative studio in 2018? It wasn't even an actual live gameplay or a handson preview. Remember the early Crackdown 3 gameplay trailers and how the actual game looked and played?

Gameplay videos mean nothing without actual handson gameplay. This game has been in development hell for nearly 6 years with still no release date in sight. Games stuck in development hell almost never turn out to be good. People are only setting themselves up for disappointment by hyping this game up.

porkChop3d ago

Idk when I watched the gameplay to me it seemed like a mix of Deus Ex: HR and Mirror's Edge.

RaidenBlack3d ago

It had a sci-fi immersive sim feel (when not parkouring) ... which is Deus Ex's territory ... hence the comparison

MrBaskerville3d ago

Did seem like it had potential imsim elements. Probably less rpg stuff than deus ex I'd wager.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1d 2h ago
Inverno3d ago

I don't get how a scripted and edited gameplay video can have you believe this game is anything like Deus Ex. Especially without it having much context as to what the general gameplay loop will be like.

MrBaskerville3d ago

We saw some hacking, stealth, combat and such, that's where the vibe came from. Seems like you might get a wide variety of options for dealing with the levels. That's why people think of Deus Ex. It

Inverno2d ago

Yes but how many games have we've seen that have shown off mechanics that give the impression that it'll be one way and then turns out there isn't really much depth to those gameplay mechanics other than just being extra padding? Can't trust gameplay videos these days, half of it is deceitful marketing.

aaronaton2d ago

Same, I thought the animation quality was subpar. I don't understand what people are seeing that I'm not!?

Crows902d ago

You're correct. Xbox fans have been not getting anything "exclusive" for so long that they don't know how to control themselves when after mostly 2 entire generations they've gotten close to nothing.

They lack the ability to look at things critically.

Crows902d ago

Oh geez. People have really gotten drunk on the MS show Koolaid.

They didn't show what the game will be or play like at all.
If anything it seems to try to take the cyberpunk approach. So I'm actually really concerned for it since they didn't show anything specific or any long period of gameplay segments. It didn't show what the world would be like and how you fit in that world either


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helicoptergirl40d ago (Edited 40d ago )

The hits just keep on coming. Will not be surprised if this gets canned. It already got rebooted and they had to bring on an outside studio to try and help developement. Some of the original creatives have left the project.

But I will say, just wait until the MS showcase. If you don't see it there, then alarm bells should start ringing.

RaidenBlack3d ago

looks like we don't need those alarm bells anymore

343_Guilty_Spark2d ago

Looking like a very dumb comment now

Snookies1240d ago

God, please don't screw this one up Microsoft! I am keeping my expectations super low, but Perfect Dark (the original) holds such a special place in my childhood. I want this to turn out well SO bad.

helicoptergirl40d ago

Are you expecting the game to be shown at the upcoming Xbox Showcase?

neutralgamer199240d ago

Just cancel it because we know you won’t be happy with its sales performance while giving it away on GP day one. GP is the biggest issue for developers and that affects the sales. No one can deny that now. GP equals to good deal for gamers and bad deals for AAA development. Take two CEO said it and he was 100% right. There are certain games that make sense on GP but not every game. 20 million gamers playing a game on GP doesn’t mean much to MS it seems because they still want sales. Just please start releasing all games on other platforms otherwise Phil is next now. You can’t spend 80 billion and be this bad

Inverno40d ago

The studio was founded in 2018. It's still not adding up in my head how it can take 6 years to develop a game, with a whole dev studio working on it.

jjb198139d ago

This is the only upcoming MS game I'm looking forward to. I hope it doesn't get canceled.


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rlow146d ago

Perfect Dark would be cool but I’m hoping for Fable. I’m really interested where they’ve taken the game.

Tacoboto46d ago

Looking ahead now, I'd say Avowed is what I'm looking forward to most in the fall. Obsidian's been nothing but quality and consistency so I can't wait to see what they've been cooking