
President Matsuda discusses his expectations for Luminous Production and its mission - New AAA IP

Luminous Productions is a game studio within the Square Enix Group established in March 2018. Under the leadership of Takeshi Aramaki, who assumed the role of studio head in December 2018, the studio is committed to developing next-generation games that leverage cutting-edge technology.

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AK911750d ago

I'm kinda mixed especially considering Hajime Tabata was meant to lead this studio but left after less than a year makes me think the studios not doing to well.


Microsoft shakes up Xbox marketing as key exec departs for Roblox

Jerret West is leaving Xbox at the end of the month.

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TOTSUKO12h ago

Won’t be missed. Xbox sucks at marketing in this industry. This is badly needed.

jznrpg11h ago

I see Xbox stuff everywhere. On cereal boxes, toasters and fridges.. Xbox just sucks.

Scissorman11h ago

This. Marketing isn't the issue. He's just fleeing the sinking ship.

10h ago
DivineHand12510h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Unfortunately, Xbox has not done great with marketing this generation. One thing I found odd is that he is leaving Xbox for Roblox. I'm not sure how big Roblox is in comparison to Xbox but I can't imagine him getting better compensation from there. Perhaps he was forced out?

fr0sty9h ago

It's simple, Roblox is profitable.

DivineHand1259h ago

@fr0sty Would you leave your place of employment to work somewhere else for less pay just because that business is profitable?

You would have to be a special person to be ok with that.

zaanan8h ago

That, or he is pulling an Elop.

DarXyde1h ago


Not really. I don't know how much experience you have with working or how far along into your career you are, but profitability does offer an indication of how sustainable your job is. The company that is not profitable (or less profitable) is probably exploring options to cut costs, including axing jobs (we see Microsoft closing studios and really downsizing physical media operations. Valid concern in my opinion).

I doubt that's the only factor at play here and it could be any myriad of reasons why he's out: cut in compensation, not liking the direction of the company, toxic work culture, etc.

Either way, I can see a case for people leaving a job that pays better with less profitability. If you're in the marketing department and your brand isn't doing that great despite your best efforts, you probably want to coast for a while at a more profitable company.

Not saying that's reality, but I can totally see a case for that.

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Tedakin7h ago

Xbox marketing has mostly been trash for a decade. Shake it up as much as you can.

RhinoGamer887h ago

Marketing is not the issue at XBOX. Production and its leadership have screwed up royally. XBOX studios, wth are you doing managing these developers?!

XBManiac4h ago

It is both and all... the best console with the most expensive invest in marketing and the "best" developers and the best online service with the best servers... but... well... also, the worst console with a bad invest in marketing and competition using Microsoft servers for their online services and... What is Xbox now, a console, a service, a platform, a brand, a dead project? This is a marketing problem, maybe.

XBManiac4h ago

The problem is not the marketing, but how you invest the money in marketing. If you invest far more than the competition and receive less... the problem is the one in charge, isn't it? Well... Phil Spencer was a marketing guy, will he be the next? Unity are hiring... :)

DivineHand12530m ago

How do you know how much each company invest in marketing and what evidence do you have to indicate Sony spends less than Xbox?

XBManiac22m ago(Edited 21m ago)

Companies in the stock exchange have to publish their data. Make some research, it is for free.


Returnal Beginning of a "New Future" at Housemarque, Is the Game That "Allowed" Studio to Join Sony

According to Housemarque, Returnal marks the beginning of a "new future" at the studio, and is the game that them to join Sony.

fr0sty15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

Returnal was fantastic, and I'm looking forward to seeing what these folks create with Sony in the future.

jznrpg15h ago

They make some fun arcade styles games. Returnal is one of the best games so far this generation. I wonder what is next

amobius13h ago

returnal is easily one of the most underrated games this gen. a lot of people with ps5s dont know it exists.

fr0sty12h ago

And it exists for free if you subscribe to PS+ Extra or Premium.

Kornholic6h ago

For free? 12 months of PS Plus Extra costs 130 € and Premium is 160 €.

Where I live you can buy Returnal for as little as 15 € if you buy it used. Even at full price it is nowhere near the cost of PS Plus Extra or Premium.

So how on earth can you se that it exists for free if you subscribe to those paid subscription services?


Major Nelson is joining Unity

The Verge writes: "Larry Hryb, aka “Major Nelson,” has his next job. Following his departure from Microsoft last year, where he was a public face for the Xbox brand, Hryb will be joining Unity’s Community team, he announced on Monday."

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exputers16h ago

I hope they utilize him to the full.

Inverno15h ago

They put in one idiot that almost ruined them and now they add another idiot. Unity looking to eradicate themselves out of the industry.

just_looken4h ago

Yep its messed up as unity was a decent engine for indies but they just hate there userbase it seems and really hate money over there.

ElaBosak3h ago

Why? what's wrong with this guy? What did he do?

RhinoGamer8814h ago

Larry is a gaming guy, XBOX, Unity makes a causal game engine...what does he promote?

darthv7214h ago

Wonder if he will just be flipping switches for them?

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