
Senran Kagura: Peach Ball Review - WorthPlaying

With customizable tables, special minigames, a story mode, and fan-favorite additional modes including diorama mode and the Dressing Room, Senran Kagura Peach Ball is set to be one of the hottest pinball games yet.

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SENRAN KAGURA Peach Ball Review - CG

CG writes: Tamsoft released its Senran Kagura Peach Ball on PC following the Switch version which released in Japan at the end of last year.The game offers some pinball madness with the girls in good form as you would expect, except this time there is a crazy story to accompany the table action.

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Senran Kagura PeachBall Gameplay PC 4K (NSFW)

CG writes: Marvelous & Tamsoft released their Senran Kagura Peachball on PC this week. The game features some of the girls who have turned animalistic. An excuse then to change them back via the game of pinball or in this case Peachball. Oddities aside, if you like racking up high scores and interacting with the girls then this one is for you.

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Amplitude1749d ago (Edited 1749d ago )

This game was fun af on Switch aha. Spent like 15 hours in it. Might grab this just for the 60fps...

Hopefully they add more tables as DLC cause there really arent enough in the game, and the ones that are there are all so similar to one another aha

1749d ago Replies(1)
AK911749d ago

Oh good not on PS4 wise decision from the Senran Kagura devs.


Review - Senran Kagura: Peach Ball (PC) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Leo Faria: "In the end, Senran Kagura: Peach Ball fails as a piece of erotica as well as a decent pinball game. Its minor gameplay mechanics are shallow and simplistic, offering a ton of questionable spectacles over actual substance. If you’re actually into this type of game, I’m pretty sure you won’t even pay attention to my review and you have most likely already pre-ordered it. In that case, have fun, because I surely didn’t have a lot of it. If you’re not part of this specific demographic, however, this game is definitely not for you. If you’re looking for a decent pinball experience, go play Yoku’s Island Express instead. I can guarantee you that there will be less scantly clad highschoolers in that game."

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