
What It Will Take For Capcom To Remake Resident Evil 3

During an interview between GameWatch and the producer behind the Resident Evil 2 remake, Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, the dev confirmed why Capcom had chosen to reimagine that particular entry in the series. Additionally, Hirabayashi also confirmed it was possible for Resident Evil 3 to get the same treatment. As it turns out, Resident Evil 2 was remade because fans had requested to see a retelling of that game, and the same could happen with Resident Evil 3 - if enough consumers demand it.

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naruga1967d ago (Edited 1967d ago )

i m playing RE 2 remake now....while the direction that followed this time(3rd person , survival horror -slow shooting action, counting heavily in atmosphere) was the proper one ...the game was needing more production behind it ....it has a lot of rough edges ...especially in visuals and it is very obvious that Capcom rushed it out to counter RE7 disaster.....they should have moved all the production to RE2 remake rather than developping the RE 7abomination

1967d ago Replies(9)
pietro12121967d ago (Edited 1967d ago )

Counter the RE7 disaster? It was positively accepted both sales and reception wise. Also the game looks great. Btw the remake was in development for four years... no where close to being a rush job.

bouzebbal1967d ago

that game was great, and had everything, from puzzling to some action and variety of weapons etc.. and was scary as f***, especially in VR OMG

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1966d ago
TheGamingArt1967d ago

RE7 disaster? That was one of the best selling and highly acclaimed REs in a long time. RE 2 is amazing in its remastered form!

ButchKween1967d ago

Get a grip naruga. Your fanboy immaturity is showing. Re7 sold almost 6 million and was very profitable due to the lower production cost. Google it. It was critically praised. RE2 is excellent. Just because they don't do things your way doesn't mean they are a disaster. Girl bye. 🙄

DaDrunkenJester1967d ago

You're right, they should have went more RE6 and last half of RE5 and just jumped full boat into button mashing action game

Sirk7x1967d ago

The visuals? This has some of the best environment and enemy graphics I've ever seen. Game isn't sitting at over 90 for nothing. Capcom killed it with this one.

NarutoFox1967d ago (Edited 1967d ago )

Are you kidding me lol. This gotta be a joke. This comment should remind people to never do drugs.

SPEAKxTHExTRUTH1967d ago (Edited 1967d ago )

The visuals need work? What do you have your console hooked up to a potato?

nucky641967d ago

naruga, i've finished my first 2 playthroughs - it's a wonderful game - no issues here. i have no clue what you're talking about?

stanr1967d ago

What game have you played? RE7 was a hit and is the measuring stick for all VR games to follow.

Thundercat771967d ago

RE7 was a huge hit that revived the series once again. Get out of here.

Dark_Knightmare21967d ago

Leave you fantasy world bro and join all of us in reality it would be healthier for you

notachance1967d ago (Edited 1967d ago )

*facepalm emote*

anyway, this, Monster Hunter World, and soon DMC 5.. man, Capcom sure is stepping up their game.

Sirk7x1966d ago

Agreed! I'm happy that they finally mostly pulled their heads out of their asses lol. They're doing well by their IP right now, and that's great. Also, Mega Man 11 was good too! Smaller title, but the best Mega Man game there's been in years.

Wha_gwaan1967d ago

You have got to be a troll or a fucking idiot. Something tells me it's both.

bouzebbal1967d ago

OMG what did i just read??
this guy is never happy i really hope you aren't like this in real life

CorndogBurglar1967d ago (Edited 1967d ago )

Oh god....here we go.

Dude, I figured you were a troll with all your RE7 hate back when that came out, but I also thought that you could just not like it because of the new camera perspective. Others didn't as well.

But this confirms it. They made a near perfect RE game with this and you're still complaining.

And where do you even come up with your "facts"? You know you are just making things up in your head and then pretending that's the truth, right? This game was in development long before RE7 released. And how was it rushed out to counter RE7 when it released over a year after RE7?

Stop being so ridiculous.

bunt-custardly1967d ago

Surely you mean RE6 as a lot of people regard that as a failure?

Yui_Suzumiya1966d ago

No, he prefers RE6 over 7, lol

T2X1967d ago (Edited 1967d ago )

Wtf game are you playing? The production is through the roof.

trooper_1966d ago

RE7 was a commercial success.

What are you on about?

DaMist1966d ago (Edited 1966d ago )

Wow you're still that hung up on RE7? So much that you're finding "rough edges in Re2" just so that you can blame 7? Lol ok

outsider16241966d ago

Eh? Weren't you complaining about Res7 because of its new camera perspective?
Well look, they've added your our favourite camera back.What's wrong now?

This is far from a rush job here.

RomanPSX1966d ago

Wtf are you talking about?!? Rushed to counter RE7 disaster?!?!

1966d ago
Xb1ps41966d ago

Wtf?! Did this guy just call re7 an abomination?! IM playing re2 now and while I agree with the graphics, I was expecting more for all the praise it was getting I was a bit let down but considering it’s a remake and no other remake comes close.. im perfectly fine with it..

Capcom just needs to ignore ppl like this. Do us all a favore and don’t comment on re games anymore

Knightofelemia1966d ago (Edited 1966d ago )

Damn that is some good shit Naruga I'll have what you're having. How was RE7 a disaster? If anything RE7 fixed the disasters called RE5 and RE6.

deno1966d ago (Edited 1966d ago )

I have nothing against what you're saying. I haven't played RE7 yet but it does look weird to me in third person. If I'm saying anything further down the line I'm just being silly. God bless bro.

Morgue1966d ago

If comments were considered clickbait. This one definitely takes the cake.

+ Show (28) more repliesLast reply 1966d ago
-Foxtrot1967d ago


LOL. We know its already happening lets be honest

Sirk7x1967d ago

I hope so! I'd buy that day one as well.

mgszelda11966d ago

With how well mr x was done. Doing 3 with nemesis in mind is a no brainer

Pennywise1381965d ago

As much as I want to believe that I remember everyone thinking Capcom would for sure remake RE2 after the positive reception of the the RE1 remake back in 2002. It ended up taking 17 years and 3 console generations to get it. I really hope that’s not the case for 3.

AspiringProGenji1967d ago (Edited 1967d ago )

I played the hell out of RE2 back them. the remake has me on the edge of my seat. I dunno If I can take RE3 and the damn Nemesis, but Bring it!! This is the RE direction I love, not all that trash that came after 4

kayoss1967d ago

I honestly thought back than RE3 was where it started going down hill. The introduction of Nemesis kind of turn the franchise into more an Action type game (Devil may cry with guns) instead of a true survival horror game. RE4 was great but there wasnt a lot of horror to it when compared to RE1 and RE2. RE5 and RE6 were just bonkers.

Good-Smurf1967d ago (Edited 1967d ago )

There's nothing DMC about RE3 all it did was slightly faster pace and tiny bit more ammo.
If you not good at dodging it's almost certain that you will died fighting against Nemesis unless you stockpile the weapons and ammo which by that point it's your decision not the game.
They give you choices to fight,defensive fight or just run I loved that.
By the time it started to feel more action oriented you're already in your 3rd play in.
I've been playing both RE2 and RE3 but RE3 have far superior pacing and the thrill of fighting Nemesis never gets old the AI unless you exploiting them are really not fooling around.
RE3 is the only game in the series that I still play to this day never get tired of it,played it on Dreamcast,PS1,PS3,PSP,PS Vita.

dekke1967d ago


time when RE went to downhill was start of vol.4 and followed by 5 and 6 .....7 was and still is awesome...but RE2 remake will slap to face all of those :P i think RE4 and 5 and 6 was made just for US audience cuz of action/shooting shit :D

MEGANE1967d ago

I see you point, I have a different opinion dought. RE3 dint offer anything new, it was just the same of the same, they play it safe. RE4 redefine everything!... It is just too good to be criticized. But I agree with 3 been the turning point.
I will just remake RE1again and RE4 In like 5 years. Or who nows maybe they bring RE3 back and make it awsome

Nebaku1966d ago

"Devil May Cry with guns"...a.k.a Devil May Cry.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1966d ago
-Foxtrot1966d ago

They need to add a hide feature for Nemesis like in the Evil Within

Only issue with Mr X is that you couldn’t hide from him

Sirk7x1966d ago (Edited 1966d ago )

I swear, most people didn't complete RE3 back in the day because they turned their Playstations off after the first time he burst through a wall xD

AspiringProGenji1966d ago

I was one of those. i gave up the 2nd time he jumpscared me near the safe room. I finally beated the game on PC many years after lol

starchild1967d ago

Totally agree. I have no issue with full remakes. I actually wish more older games would get remakes. Shadow of the Collosus and Resident Evil 2 are two of the best remakes I've played. I would love if older games like Tenchu Stealth Assassins, Fatal Frame and Onimusha got full remakes.

bigmalky1967d ago

I think they're testing the water with Onimusha with the recent release. Hopefully it sells enough, and we can get a full remake of the series too.

sinspirit1967d ago

I also think that doing these remakes will absolutely reveal what made all these classic franchises so good in the first place to carry on their genre-defining franchise names. The pacing and development in older titles is so much better imo. They don't follow the same formula as all the games these days. I also think this is part of what made God of War 4 so good. Games these days try to be the next big blockbuster, but few try to be critically acclaimed and memorable passion projects.

Sirk7x1966d ago (Edited 1966d ago )

It was awhile back, but Fatal Frame 2 did get a full remake on Wii using the engine from 4, and it was amazing. Terrifying game.

Shuckylad1967d ago

I’d of loved both zero and the original remade like RE2. CV also! But 3 will definitely happen next.

gantarat1967d ago

While i'm enjoy/happy with RE2 remake. i kind dissapoint that Both Scenarios are not different.
Also look like CAPCOM cut B character go adventure in the city before reach to rpd stations.

BigBosss1967d ago

You do realise there are Scenarios A and B and then there are Scenarios 2nd Run A and Second Run B

gantarat1967d ago (Edited 1967d ago )

Scenarios 2nd Run is B Side.
Leon A Leon B and Claire A Claire B story on Remake are not different much like original.
All 4 Story Fight the same boss (G1,2,3) on the same location,encounter mr.x in rpd and have similar cutscene with sherry mom in the lab before fight G3.

what different is final boss.
Leon fight super tyrant,claire fight G4.
and B Character continue fight G5 after that.

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DefenderOfDoom292d ago (Edited 92d ago )

A great example on how to do difficulty in a video game is DOOM ETERNAL. Started playing on ULTRA VIOLENCE but then I started playing on NIGHTMARE after a couple hundred hours of playing on UV . What makes DOOM ETERNAL fun, is on Nightmare, the enemies are very aggressive ,but they give you the tools to defeat difficult enemies , you just have to learn how to use them .

FinalFantasyFanatic92d ago

Doom Eternal was so tough, but it felt so amazing to finish that game, even when the enemy feels unfair and gang up/box up into a corner.

Nacho_Z92d ago

Personal dislikes are bullet sponges and bosses with regular enemies thrown in. Just make the boss hit harder if it's too easy.

thorstein92d ago (Edited 92d ago )

I think Helldivers 2 really gets it right. If enemies are easy, they swarm. If they're high level, they tend to have good defense and need strategems to take down...or bait.

I never feel too angry if I die by swarm because it is usually my fault for not checking my 6. I don't even mind dying if a teammate drops a bomb on the swarm that is gutting me.

I don't like cheap deaths. When the game allows you to progress only to hit you with an enemy that is suddenly immune to all the things you've unlocked and mastered is just dumb. If the game doesn't do hit boxes right and you get killed in lame ways it is dumb.

The screenshot is from Elden Ring, a game I really enjoyed, but the scaling was silly. I didn't do the Eligtree til late game so it was goofy difficult. I thought the Elden Beast was rather cheap. Not a fun skill based match, but just cheap enemy. There was no sense of, "oh it defeated me because I did this or I did that" like all Souls/Borne games.

Crows9092d ago

Don't handhold. There you go. every game is immediately harder and more rewarding.

DarXyde92d ago

1. Intelligent opponents that don't have some set, optional strategy to win and requires more critical thinking.

2. Game provides players with the knowledge and tools about a game world to stand a chance (or at the very least, the opportunity to gain the knowledge and tools).

3. Don't insist on enemies having much more health than the player arbitrarily. Sometimes, you'll have more durable enemies who are armored or inhuman which I would say is fair. The best approach to this I can recall in recent memory is Naughty Dog games: You're extremely vulnerable without armor and can get picked off pretty easily, but your enemies are pretty beatable with the right weapons and strategies where you can't just brute force it. That said, ammo is in short supply, so you engage at your own risk.

4. Depending on the type of games, make resources more scarce without necessarily making enemies bullet sponges. It simply means you'll have to choose your battles carefully and have damn good aim. Like Uncharted. If you're not good at headshots, Crushing is a rough time.

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The 7 Best Video Game Remakes of All Time

Remaking video games is not a new trend, but it is more popular than ever. Which are the best video game remakes of all time?

shinoff2183126d ago

It's a crime star ocean 2 remake isn't on this list. Jeez

kevco33125d ago

There's so many remakes coming out these days, I'm sure many people's favourites won't have made the cut!

jznrpg125d ago

I agree with you. It’s was so good I finished it way faster than I wanted to.

ApocalypseShadow125d ago

Where's the 2D love? Like Strider and Bionic Commando Rearmed? Some of my personal Remake favorites.

LightofDarkness125d ago

Those games were excellent, especially loved that Strider reboot back just after the PS4 released.

got_dam125d ago

Links awakening was fun, but it STILL runs very poorly. Slowdown all over the place.

DefenderOfDoom2125d ago (Edited 125d ago )

For a 90s video game remake I would put QUAKE 2 at the top. Nightdive did a amazing job . And Machine Games added awesome new content.

Soy125d ago

Dead Space over Mario All-Stars, esp since All-Stars was just a graphical upgrade. Otherwise.....can't quibble much with that list.