
Guide: How to Enable System-Wide Supersampling for PS4 Pro

Push Square: "The latest major PS4 firmware update is upon us, and as usual brings with it a host of brand new features to enhance your PlayStation experience. One of the main additions in PS4 firmware update 5.50 is system-wide supersampling for PS4 Pro. This feature allows your PS4 Pro-enchanced games to output to their fullest, even on TVs with a resolution less than 4K. The game will output at the maximum resolution, then your PS4 Pro will shrink the image down to fit your television, giving you a much more detailed and sharper image. If this sounds good to you, you'll want to know how to enable the feature, and that's where we come in."

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Aenea2291d ago (Edited 2291d ago )

Wow, this needs a guide OR a video? What's next? A guide on how to turn on the lights??


THQ Nordic has just announced that they are to attend the Gamescom 2024 event

"Whatever we said, whatever we did - we didn't mean it, we just will be back for good! We are thrilled to announce that after a year of absence, THQ Nordic is making a grand return to Cologne for gamescom 2024." - THQ Nordic.


FromSoftware boss addresses gaming industry layoffs

'As long as this company's my responsibility, I would not let that happen.'

Hidetaka Miyazaki describes FromSoftware's relationship with parent company Kadokawa and references Satoru Iwata's perspective on layoffs.

Hofstaderman9m ago

As it should be. At this rate the Western side of the industry will crash and we may yet see the resurgence of Japanese gaming development. Really miss the PS1 days. No bloated budgets, diverse games and many IPs that exist today are from that era. Perhaps the industry does need a reset.


Microsoft shakes up Xbox marketing as key exec departs for Roblox

Jerret West is leaving Xbox at the end of the month.

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Won’t be missed. Xbox sucks at marketing in this industry. This is badly needed.

jznrpg7h ago

I see Xbox stuff everywhere. On cereal boxes, toasters and fridges.. Xbox just sucks.

Scissorman7h ago

This. Marketing isn't the issue. He's just fleeing the sinking ship.

5h ago
DivineHand1255h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Unfortunately, Xbox has not done great with marketing this generation. One thing I found odd is that he is leaving Xbox for Roblox. I'm not sure how big Roblox is in comparison to Xbox but I can't imagine him getting better compensation from there. Perhaps he was forced out?

fr0sty5h ago

It's simple, Roblox is profitable.

DivineHand1254h ago

@fr0sty Would you leave your place of employment to work somewhere else for less pay just because that business is profitable?

You would have to be a special person to be ok with that.

zaanan3h ago

That, or he is pulling an Elop.

Tedakin2h ago

Xbox marketing has mostly been trash for a decade. Shake it up as much as you can.

RhinoGamer882h ago

Marketing is not the issue at XBOX. Production and its leadership have screwed up royally. XBOX studios, wth are you doing managing these developers?!

XBManiac1m ago

It is both and all... the best console with the most expensive invest in marketing and the "best" developers and the best online service with the best servers... but... well... also, the worst console with a bad invest in marketing and competition using Microsoft servers for their online services and... What is Xbox now, a console, a service, a platform, a brand, a dead project? This is a marketing problem, maybe.

XBManiac5m ago

The problem is not the marketing, but how you invest the money in marketing. If you invest far more than the competition and receive less... the problem is the one in charge, isn't it? Well... Phil Spencer was a marketing guy, will he be the next? Unity are hiring... :)