
Bungie Still Needs To Address Fundamental ‘Destiny 2’ Issues

INQ: Bungie’s first real attempt to address issues with Destiny 2 was detailed Wednesday following an ever-growing state of discontentment among PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC players. The near-term roadmap shared in a “State of Destiny” blog post-Wednesday evening nips at the edges but fans also need to hear about how the developers are going to handle more fundamental issues with the shooter.

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Destiny 2's Pantheon is Great, But Isn't Sure What it Wants to Be

A few weeks ago Destiny 2: Into the Light released its highly anticipated raid boss rush mode, Pantheon. At release it was something I was cautiously optimistic about. As fun as the mode was, the overall response from the community, and reward structure left it in an unusual position. With all of the Pantheon stages now available, I wanted to touch on my experiences with the unusual mode. - IS

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The Pros and Cons of Destiny 2 Reversing Weapon Sunsetting

While the good arguably outweighs the bad, there are still some valid concerns about Destiny 2’s approach to reversing weapon sunsetting.

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Destiny 2: How an Overlooked Exotic Became One of The Game's Best

Destiny 2's meta is ever-shifting, and a recent Exotic went from overlooked to must-have very fast.

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