
Assassin's Creed Origins - My Last Game Review - We Write Things

Fans wanted a year off for the Assassin’s Creed franchise, and a year off is what they received. Fans wanted a refocus on the series’ core pillars and a refocus is what they got. For all of the change that was being asked for in all sorts of different directions, Assassin' s Creed Origins handles everything brilliantly.

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Loktai2403d ago

Im thinking Ill need to pick this game up. I was burned by Unity and though I know syndicate fixed much of what was wrong I was gunshy to pick that game up... though part of the reason was that I felt like Id missed a chapter by not finishing unity (I tried, believe me even after the patches). Maybe Ill drudge through unity just to play syndicate and then this and hopefully feel better about the series afterward knowing there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I know I could play any of the games out of order most likely and it would be fine but its my own hang-up, where I dont like to move on to the next game til I finish the previous one. Thats been a problem in general with series that go far back on old consoles etc. for me but thats just me.


10 Video Game Sequels That Saved Their Franchise

Video game sequels like Assassin's Creed Origins, Doom (2016), and Fire Emblem Awakening were just what these franchises needed to be revitalized.

Immagaiden407d ago

Lmao what’s Halo Infinite doing on this list?

Who would ever say Halo Infinite saved the Halo franchise

SullysCigar407d ago

Thought the same - very bizarre!

RE7 though... my God, what a shift over RE6! That franchise was definitely going in the wrong direction, so RE7 was a welcome return to form.

ModsDoBetter407d ago

Resi 6 was and still is the worst entry in the series.
7 was a great turnaround, despite people’s concerned about the switch to FP perspective.

DMC5 definitely helped the franchise after the whole DmC debacle. Whilst it was a decent action game, it was a far cry from the series and the characters we knew.

AC Origins is my favourite in the entire AC series. Despite the switch to a more RPG style of gameplay - the setting, soundtrack, length, etc were all amazing. sadly followed up by the ridiculously long and “more of the same” Odsyssey.

I don’t feel it’s fair to say the franchise slipped with Doom 3, Doom 3 was incredibly atmospheric and took the game in a different direction but there’s no denying Doom (2016) was sensational.

Halo 4 & 5 were disappointing but Halo Infinite definitely didn’t save the franchise? What?

TheEnigma313407d ago (Edited 407d ago )

I'm going to have to go with SMB 3. I was around when SMB 2 first came out and people hated it. 3 is still arguably the best mario game created.

HellspawnPR1981407d ago

"Halo Infinite"? Worse Halo ever. Whoever made this list just lost all credibility.

Hofstaderman407d ago

In future lists of a similar nature I have a suspicion Final Fantasy XVI will feature.


Six Best Historically Accurate Games

GF365: "Out of the many historically accurate games out there, these are our picks for the six best games that are historically accurate. While these games aren't completely accurate, they depict the times and situations of history well. Plus, they're all a lot of fun to play, too."

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jznrpg561d ago

Historically accurate from the past is tough to truly know and judge especially the farther you go back because history is written from the people in power and doesn’t mean it’s the truth just the narrative they wanted to tell.

I don’t care about historically accurate in most games because they are games not biographies or history books . Just make the game fun , good gameplay and such .

Ghost of Tsushima wasn’t historically accurate in many things but I loved the game . Many examples like it .


Ubisoft Announces Financials "Well Above Target" Thanks to Assassin's Creed and Rainbow Six Siege

Assassin's Creed and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege drive Ubisoft's financial results well above target.

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592d ago