
‘Destiny 2’ Will Ban PC Players For Using Cheats For Other Games

INQ: Destiny 2 launched on the PC with a controversy surrounding players who were banned within 24 hours of the game’s release. Bungie took a hardline stance against the use of software that could be used to cheat in the game and there were the usual posts flooding forums claiming innocence. The developer clarified Tuesday the game even checks cheat apps unrelated to Destiny.

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thejigisup2412d ago

Destiny 2 is that snooty little rat bitch from elementary school who was always snitching on everyone for literally everything.

psyxon2412d ago ShowReplies(3)
Usperg2412d ago

So if you are using a cheat trainer for a single player game, you will get banned in Destiny 2?????

This reminds me of Punkbuster that was supposed to be scanning to see your browser history if you were on a cheat site and try and ban you!!!

OMGitzThatGuy2412d ago

"PC players who have any cheat tools installed on their computer are advised to make sure they are not running when starting Destiny 2." Just don't have it running while Destiny is running, and if are using it while another game is open then you don't have anything to fear. Reading is powerful.

amazinglover2412d ago

I use Auto-hotkey to automate some work functions and even use it when at home and need to pull excel files from our database through an RDP connection quickly and with less hassle. Someone was banned from destiny for having this on there computer yes this can be used to cheat though he used it to rebind keys in PUBG, it is absolutely ridicules I can be banned for just having this active on my PC and running as a process when playing Destiny. How would you feel if they started checking your PC for pirated steam games then started banning people for pirating games that are not theirs.

Profchaos2412d ago

So you've never made a mistake like forgetting to kill a background process before?
Simply don't use it for any other hand ever is not a legitimate excuse.

No other Dev has gone to this extreme

Maxor2412d ago

You can never be too sure, I say ban them just in case.


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