
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (Switch) Review | Hardcore Gamer

Hardcore Gamer: " there’s one genre that has had a surprising amount of support on the Nintendo Switch, it’s fighting games. Not only did Pokken Tournament DX come out earlier this month, but we also saw the introduction of Nintendo’s brand new IP, Arms, and Capcom’s revamped Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challenges a couple months after the platform’s release. Well here comes a new addition to the Switch’s ever growing catalogue: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 takes all your beloved Dragon Ball characters and mashes them up in a time-alternating plot that has many twists and turns along the way."

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Dragon Ball Games Battle Hour 2024 Arrives in Los Angeles on January 27-28

Dragon Ball Games Battle Hour 2024 runs in Los Angeles from January 27-28 and features manga, anime, movies, games, toys, and much more.


I Believe It's Time For Bandai To Move On From Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

The continued efforts to generate revenue through Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 hold the series back from realizing its full potential.

ZeekQuattro216d ago

I've been saying this for years. The newcontent is drip fed over years whenever a new movie is out since the Super Anime is over.

gold_drake215d ago

moving on ..

maybe a reboot would be nice.

Daeloki215d ago

I honestly think it's time to collectively as a society move on from Dragon Ball completely. Don't get me wrong, it will always be my childhood favourite, but like it's been some overdone lately. All recent DB games have been thinned out overmilked content and just... we don't need more DB anymore, it's enough, let the whole series retire.


Mysterious Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Tease Shared by Bandai Namco

Today Bandai Namco shared an interesting tease that has fans of the Dragon Ball Xenoverse franchise and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 wondering about what may be coming.