
So About That Time I [Initially] Gave Hellblade A 1/10…

Jim Sterling - "Sometimes you don’t quite consider every facet of something until the thing is done. Unfortunately this was the case with a previously published review for Hellblade.

The review will be back, but given the personally unprecedented situation, I need to think about it more than I initially did."

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AspiringProGenji2489d ago (Edited 2489d ago )

Woah there Jim...
What's wrong with you!?

MetalGearsofWar2488d ago

He didn't receive his money at first.

badboyz092488d ago

Exactly! all about the money and attention.

LightofDarkness2488d ago

He never does sponsored videos and works entirely off of his Patreon. None of his videos are monetised. Try again.

Bathyj2488d ago

So attention then. Cos he doesn't like that right?

Born2Game832488d ago

@bathyj who doesn't like getting attention in the entertainment (movie, game, music) industry????????????

Tech52488d ago

Jim Sterling ran into a game locking glitch and he mistook the glitch as part of bad game design. after realizing the glitch didn't appear again he took back his review. It's not clear which version he tested.

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moegooner882488d ago

He actually included a link to a website selling his merchandise in the original review. How pathetic is this ?

Cobra9512488d ago

How do you think he earns a living, digging ditches?

moegooner882488d ago

Lets make this the standard for reveiwers then. Each one can have their own merchandise and slam it into their reviews, because advertisements and flambait scores aren't enough.

Allsystemgamer2488d ago

Except he doesn't have advertisers. That's how he makes his money to do reviews.

moegooner882488d ago (Edited 2488d ago )

^ so he isn't getting paid when posting his videos on Youtube? Yeah right. This whole " fiasco" got him 100K views in one day, go figure.

its_JEFF2488d ago

^ Yea, apparently none of this videos are monetized. Apparently all his money is make through patreon and merch. TBH pretty much every game/review website has merch store, at this point you're just looking for a reason to hate him... which is fine, but just come out with it. I could see why someone wouldn't like him, totally understandable. I personally don't mind the guy, for better or worse he says what's on his mind and what he thinks.

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Miss_Weeboo2488d ago (Edited 2488d ago )

@LightofDarkness I'll try again. The whole thing is shameful. Imagine what the people that created this game are feeling when a critic completely dismiss years of hard work and gives their game a 1 out of 10. And I'm completely fine with the score, if you truly think this game is sht, if that's your honest opinion then that's what you should give to it. But that's not the case here... "Maybe I really did go a bit too far this time" Really?
I'm not demanding of a critic to be right each time, I don't even care about objectivity anymore: be subjective, give us your opinion, that's fine... The bare minimum I ask of people like him is to have this limit: Am I being honest with this review? That is, to behave like a grown up,not like an immature spoiled little brat: There are more than enough 12 year old ranting about things out there.
And another sign that you are an adult is, when you F*** up you admit your mistakes, and do not make sorry excuses like: Oh you know, at the time I didn't consider every facet of this (F*** u man!)...

LightofDarkness2488d ago (Edited 2488d ago )

Oh please, talk about a storm in a teacup.

You didn't even bother to find out why he gave it a 1/10, did you? The game has game-breaking bugs, which are trickling out now across the user base. The issues are known to the developers now, but we still await a fix. While I agree that a 1/10 is over--zealous, I would be remiss not to score a game poorly for game breaking bugs, regardless of the level of polish and work that went in to it (my personal scale is <=4/10 for a broken game, depending on how easily broken it is). Broken is broken. You don't release broken products. He has been quite vocal in his crusade against "release now, patch later" release practices, so any one who has followed his work should not be surprised, really.

I think what's apparent here is that you have some strange cognitive bias against the man and are desperate to for this to be a vindicating "gotcha!!" moment, because all narcissists love to quietly seethe and then relentlessly gloat when the apparent hypocrite has been outed. And oh boy, there are a few of those here today.

"And another sign that you are an adult is, when you F*** up you admit your mistakes..."
What do you think this video is about? He apologised and told you his reasoning for doing so. Explaining why he did a thing is not the same as making excuses.

DaDrunkenJester2488d ago

I'm sorry, but if there is a game breaking bug that doesn't allow you to beat the game... the game should get a bad score. Its one thing to be a bad game, it an entirely different thing if the game is broken.

Miss_Weeboo2488d ago

@LightofDarkness You're wrong. (Sorry for any grammatical mistakes, I tried my best)

1) I notice why he gave the game a 1/10 (I read and watch or listen whatever I'm criticizing). By the way he mentions just one bug, not plural. But in any case He was extremely harsh with this game (bias I'd say), and you can see that just by doing a simple search on google of his other reviews: for example, He gave AC Unity, the most iconic modern example of a broken mess, a 5/10. So I didn't know about his crusade against the "release now, patch later" practices, but I'm guessing it started like this year? But then again he criticize those practices (and I can even agree with that criticism) But he is totally fine with giving "Initial" reviews? (by the way he changed the word "Initial" from the title on his website now, probably cause it made him look like a hypocrite)

2) I laugh when I read the second paragraph: I didn't even know who this guy was! (I think I might have seen him some years ago like involved in a controversy, maybe idk, cause I google it and kind of remember his looks, the fascist costume or whatever... but I'm not sure) I don't have a bias against him, I don't know the guy! I don't care about "getting" him. From your words I'm guessing you are a fan of him, and I'm sorry that you felt insulted or angry... But yeah, I profoundly dislike this sort of mediocre journalism.

3) No. That's not what you do when you admit your mistakes. You should Ask for forgiveness and take all the consequences as an adult, you don't justify why you did what you did, trying to make the world "understand".
And No, I'm not getting the vibe here of an apology: I'm sorry. I was completely unfair with this game. I'll try and do it again... More like he wanted to create exactly THIS... This Controversy, People arguing about him, searching on google about him (like I did), getting more clicks, maybe even support from his fans (in the form of money). I guess he succeeded.

ShadowWolf7122488d ago


The guy wanted to love the game and absolutely adores the new model of development they're trying to pioneer, why would he be trying to kill this game? He WANTED to love it and WANTS to see it succeed. It's why he took down his old video and even specifically talked to Metacritic to get his score first taken out of the metascore and then changed.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2488d ago
drunkenspy0072488d ago

he's a hack who makes his living of opinions, what did you expect? I'm surprised anyone gives this walking heart attack any attention.

MegamanXXX2488d ago (Edited 2488d ago )

I honestly think this is one of the best games I played this year. Hellblade is definitely a contender for goty imo

DrShoe2488d ago Show
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Ashlen2489d ago (Edited 2489d ago )

Well I guess at least he acknowledged his mistake.

I have liked Jim for a long time I agree with most of what he says about the gaming industry but I can't deny that recently he has become way too self important. It was funny as a joke but when it's serious it's way too much..

I'd really like if he went back to his roots of criticizing the wrongs of the industry and reviewing games and left a bit of the ego behind along with adding a helping of humility because at the end of the day he is creative and entertaining.

S2Killinit2488d ago (Edited 2488d ago )

I would like to give him the benefit of doubt but there are so many clickbait reviews in the wild that i dont want to let a possible benefactor of clickbait strategy, to get away with their reputation intact.

But yes, at least he is trying to correct it.

ShadowWolf7122488d ago

...how is it clickbait when clicks get him zero revenue?

S2Killinit2488d ago

You think clicks dont get him money? Why?

Liqu1d2488d ago

Clicks give him more attention, more attention can get him more patreon supporters.

Ashlen2488d ago

I am going to say almost assuredly this wasn't about click bait if it was this video wouldn't exist. It was just stupidity if were going to be brutally honest.

Jim is definitely the type of person who wants to be in the limelight, but at the same time he has shown a lot of integrity and personal responsibility.

S2Killinit2488d ago

I do agree with you on that.

ShadowWolf7122488d ago

Clicks don't get him revenue as he runs no ads on his site. Traffic, or lack thereof, is meaningless to him. He's funded exclusively via donations.

S2Killinit2488d ago (Edited 2488d ago )

After a certain number of followers on social media, an online personality gains royalty for each click. No ads needed.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2488d ago
morganfell2488d ago

His mistake?

"Sometimes you don’t quite consider every facet of something until the thing is done"

So he is admitting he pushed out an incomplete review? Or he reviewed incomplete code. Either way what he did is simply wrong and the immediate question springs to mind... has he done this before? Did he give a title a great review that did not deserve it? Did he treat another similar to Hellblade?

This is why I could care less for reviews and have never purchased a game or failed to buy one because of remarks by some talking head on the internet. Reviews are willy nilly affairs without the slightest regard for standards. They are all about what side of the bed on which the writer woke up that day...or how much money they can make by taking a certain tack. And anyone that for a second believes he is rethinking his position because he has discovered the deep end of Hellblade - and it does have one, I love the game - is fooling themselves. This is about money pure and simple. His patreon has taken a beating over his 1/10 position and he is backpedaling for the sake of his wallet.

Allsystemgamer2488d ago

No he admitted he should not have published the review because he was angry at the time and not thinking rationally.

His entire experience (which he loved) was ruined because t was impossible for him to complete the game. He would have had to completely restart which should dock points.

He was angry and gave it a 1 because it ruined his experience completely. He shouldn't have gave it a 1 and he admits that.

Ashlen2488d ago

If you actually watched and read Jim's work you'd know the vast majority is more along the lines of video game related entertainment. People watch Jim as much for the spectacle as for anything else.

Reviews are only one part of what he does.

morganfell2488d ago

I have watched his other works and since before he struck out on his own. And like his reviews they do not change my opinion. It isn't just him but rather this thing I have concerning the desire to make up my own mind.

morganfell2488d ago

Why would anyone want to listen to a review by a person that was raging when so many others did not? His rage is even more reason to write him off. How many games did he slam because of some inability to be objective and he let his emotions run unchecked. Sounds more like some annoying child than an intelligent, objective individual capable of rational thought. Thanks for making his backpedaling even more inexcusable.

pintar322488d ago

He couldn't complete the game becaus it was bugged, hours of work and nothing to fix. How is he wrong? wtf? the code is bad so he is wrong? answer my question.

pintar322488d ago

Never mind, I have seen you other comments in this thread and your just a biased loser.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2488d ago
Obscure_Observer2489d ago

Too late, fool! The damage to your image is permanent!

psyxon2488d ago

Nah, it's true. He's like a whiny kid. Hard to take seriously considering he's 33.

_-EDMIX-_2488d ago

@ps-who cares? What's the take seriously? You're talking about a person that reviews video games.

Born2Game832488d ago

Its true because you said it????????????? do u think before u type.

morganfell2488d ago

Even if he loses a single viewer over this matter there is damage. The question is concerning how much. And Edmix is correct. This is a nobody on the internet and like so many others he has absolutely zero grading standards. You would be foolish to allow this individual to make decisions or sway you concerning your enjoyment. He is quite similar to that worthless angry joe. He has a shtick and no one should consider him a legitimate reviewer. He is an overblown potato with a mouthpiece that was given him by viewers.

Obscure_Observer2488d ago


"This is a nobody on the internet and like so many others he has absolutely zero grading standards"

I wouldn´t say "nobody"; his 1 out of 10 score for Hellblade alone on Metacritic, droped the game from 81 to 77. That´s a LOT of damage to your game image and potential comercial success these days and age where most gamers relies on Metascores rather than experience the game themselves.

morganfell2488d ago

He is a nobody.

His opinion does not affect me. He has not nor will he change my mind. I do not know him, I am only aware of the persona he portrays, but because he is demonstrated his whorish nature I seriously doubt I would like him as an individual.

A nobody.

He doesn't influence my life outside of providing some ridiculous amusement. Whether he lives or dies I could care less. I would prefer he leave any gaming related endeavor but it doesn't affect me if he stays. He is being laughed at by more than quite a few people, and no developer or publisher or developer is going to alter their plans based on his actions. Thanks to his latest debacle, his motivations are even more transparent than ever.

And you are looking at the metacritic affair in far too simplistic terms. That score will not affects sales. In fact, his actions have served to poke another hole in the ridiculous structure that is metacritic and that is as far as his impact extends.

Allsystemgamer2488d ago

Morgan a "nobody" isn't someone YOU don't like. You clearly don't know what a nobody is.

He's not a nobody. He is known throughout the gaming industry. He has worked for a few big name review sites. He is invited to panels to speak with game devs on how to improve things.

That's not a nobody.

A nobody is the guy who sings on the street with no signage deals.

A nobody is a guy making his first time game in his basement.

Jim sterling isn't a nobody.

morganfell2488d ago (Edited 2488d ago )


pronoun: nobody
1. no person; no one.
"nobody was at home"
synonyms: no one, none, not a soul, nary a soul
"nobody was home"
noun: nobody; plural noun: nobodies

1. a person of no importance or authority.
"they went from nobodies to superstars"
synonyms: nonentity, no-name, zero, nonperson, nothing;

Jim Sterling is a person of no importance. Its relative. He isn't to me. At all. Over. Done. Out. One day you will learn people have the importance that you give them. I accord him nothing. Nothing for a nobody.

Obscure_Observer2488d ago


"And you are looking at the metacritic affair in far too simplistic terms. That score will not affects sales."

You don´t have to belive me. Do some research and you´ll find out more about devs threatening reviewers over bad scores on Metacritic. For real!

ShadowWolf7122488d ago

Jim has very clear grading standards, actually. Which is why the 7 he revised this too (despite wanting to give it an 8 or even a 9) is still considered "Good" on his scale.

Allsystemgamer2488d ago


Sweet I guess Bethesda is a nobody because I don't buy their games.

I guess the Seth Rogan is a nobody because I don't like his movies

I guess EVERYONE is a nobody so long as they don't influence YOU.

That's not how that term is used and you know it.

morganfell2487d ago (Edited 2487d ago )

That is precisely how the term may be applied. You are wrong, and were shown the door and just do not like it. If you have an issue, take it up with Websters. Definitions of multiple sources clearly point to this usage. If you do not like the facts, you do not get to change said facts. Tough. Suck it up buttercup.

And not only to me but in reality he is a nobody in gaming. Think about it. His loud pie eating mouth has had no real impact on gaming. None. In the grand scheme of matters he is nothing, not even a speck in gaming. Were he a developer, a well known voice actor things might be different. He has written and said nothing of real impact in gaming. He uses his big trap to either praise or more often degrade the work of persons far better than himself. But this is to be expected from a nobody.

And I do not like Seth Rogan either but he is an actor. Your analogy, like your attempt to deny the use of nobody, fails. Try comparing like to like. Fat Jim isn't someone you compare to an actor. Instead he is no different than any nameless movie critic. He contributes nothing. Like any critic he is a nobody.

@ Shadow, if he had standards these would be written down in detail. They would be explained to those reading of listening to him bellow so they could understand by what accords he reaches his decisions. They would demonstrate to what he awards weight and for what he detracts praise or points.

And they would be inviolable.

But that is why such things as real standards have disappeared from print and the internet. Such standards prevent one from changing their mind on a whim and going against their own recorded standards because today "they felt like it". Or because their cash throw was threatened and they could not allow something like sticking to their guns to interfere with their bank account. They do not get to interject as much of their worthless personality into the equation.

And face it, reviews are no longer about true evaluation. Instead they concern the rockstar nature of ego driven writers who fail to comprehend they write about an industry in which they do not work. They often damn work they themselves in their talentless world are incapable of replicating. And they live to serve themselves and their own desires instead of conducting reviews for the target demographic. Yes, that would require removing their own personal likes and dislikes from the equation. A feat impossible when they really only write and review to serve their own ego.

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nitus102488d ago

I think pretty much anyone would be annoyed if they were playing a game and enjoying it then put into a situation where the game was effectively locked in that you could not win due to an auto save which effectively prevents you going back.

That now brings me to auto saving. Yes, it is a nice but in many respects a lazy feature in some situations but personally, I prefer to manually save but the downside of that is the fact that if you die and you have not saved you will go back to your last save point which could be hours of lost gameplay. If this happens to you a few time you should learn to save regularly or do you throw a "hissy-fit " and complain the game is too hard. 😊

My personal favourite save feature is the one in the Souls/Borne series where you can effectively save the game by exiting the game but the downside of that is if you die you respawn back at the last bonfire/lantern minus your experience (ie. souls or blood echoes) of which you only have one chance if getting them back.

rainslacker2488d ago (Edited 2488d ago )

That's not a game breaking bug of the game though, that was by design.

Whether it's a good design principal or not is kind of besides the point here, but it does make it so the review itself is flawed if that was the sole reason that it was downrated, because it seems such a thing is not worthy of taking the game from a decent to high score to a 1....as a 1 is pretty bad.

That being said, to Sterling, it may have seemed game breaking, and as such, I can see a deduction in points, even a 1 if he really thought it was somethiing that grevious. I also feel that a rescore is warranted if it was brought to his attention that was by design, and when thinking on it, and the reasons for it were reasonable, then bump up the score, but also consider if they think it's a good feature or not. At the same time that has to be explained why it was lowered, so the user can decide if it's important to them.

In this case though, I wonder how many times he died to face this bug, because apparently it's quite a high number.

However, I don't think it was the save thing that made him score it so low. It just frustrated him that it was the case.

rocketpanda2488d ago

Damage to his image, lol! Have you watched his videos? He uses dildos, strange masks, boglins, wraps his head in cling film with cornflakes and other weird things. This is hardly damaging, more like some egg on his face.

He makes money from patreon not from Youtube ad revenue. His patreon supporters will still be paying him for a minor review error that you think is some drama the will make him lose relevancy..

@psyxon - If you want to take about whiny children then how about the time he gave a certain Nintendo game a 7/10(which is a good score) and a lot of fans got so angry they decided to DDoS him and send him threatening messages.

Obscure_Observer2488d ago


"Damage to his image, lol! Have you watched his videos? He uses dildos, strange masks, boglins, wraps his head in cling film with cornflakes and other weird things. This is hardly damaging, more like some egg on his face."

Yeah, good luck to you both. Enterteiner and patron.

_-EDMIX-_2488d ago

Ok, for those that even care that badly.

I'm doubtful this is going to impact his career he makes a living based on his opinion in view of games.

To my understanding this dude makes like around $11,000 a month simply based on giving his opinion about games.

rainslacker2488d ago

Why is his image relevant to his reviews. I'm not a huge fan of him, but I do respect some of the work he does. I don't typically look to him for reviews, because the stuff he grades on are different than what I look for in games for the most part. His other political discussions about issues in the game industry though are a good thing. I don't always agree with them, or the way he presents them, but he's in a place where he can keep real discourse going and call developers, publishers, and occassionally the community to task, and he more often than not takes the community side on issues. Obviously not the whole community as we are not one voice most of the time, but at least he's doing what he feels is best.

His image is fine. A bad review here or there hasn't ruined any reviewer that I'm aware of. People will forget about this until a time comes when he's inconsistent on some game they either want to love or hate, and even then, it's likely no one will care.

472488d ago Show
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ocelot072489d ago

I do have to agree with him about the "Release it then fix it" mentality developers have these days. Major bugs that can break a game should be completely ironed out before the game goes gold. I can accept some bugs on release but game breaking ones is is really poor from the developers.

2488d ago Replies(2)
ArchangelMike2489d ago

Well played Jim, I love the honesty. Not all "game breaking bugs" are actually game breaking. It depends on how far back you previous save was. If it was only a matter of retracing 5 -10 minutes of game play, then it's not really a game breaking bug.

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Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II – Check Out the Minimum PC System Requirements

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, the much awaited sequel to the award-winning Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, arrives on May 21st. With under three weeks left until the launch, the developers from Ninja Theory have shared the game's

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PrinceOfAnger30d ago

Waiting to see what the "Recommended" spec be like!

Skuletor30d ago

Waiting to see if "Minimum" spec targets 30fps 😂

PassNextquestion29d ago

It's my understanding that the frame rate is unlocked on the pc version

Skuletor29d ago

I've seen Ubisoft have PC specs that have targeted 30fps before.

PassNextquestion29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Why the heck do you need Windows 11 to run the game? I remember there was a ssd feature locked to windows 11 not sure if that's still the case and if that's the reason.. direct storage I believe it is called

DivineHand12529d ago

If those are the minimum specs on PC then why can't the series x do more than 30 fps? Did they intentionally lock it to 30 fps when higher frame rates are possible?

PassNextquestion29d ago

Maybe they didn't want to compromise on the graphics

DarXyde29d ago

Very probable, but I can't really believe that when literally, the Series S ensures that they do.

I kind of think they just want to make it 30fps now to make an update later to keep people "on the hook" or give game pass subs something to look forward to with this game later on.

Personally, I think this game can push at least 45fps, but that's just my opinion. I don't really see a game this short being announced before TLOU2 launched, only to come out *now* and they haven't gotten those frames up.

RedDeadLB29d ago

Probably because they wanted better fidelity and that is probably too demanding for the XSX to push a stable 60fps on. Judging how most games are these days, the performance difference between low to high is sometimes not enough to target double the framerate. A locked, smooth 30fps i better than an unstable 60, even though it feels like picking between two turds.


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RavenWolfx220d ago

The Dead Space Remake gets added to GamePass 10/26, definitely worth playing through.