
‘Destiny 2’ European Dead Zone Is Twice As Big As Any World Bungie Has Created So Far

INQ: When Bungie revealed Destiny 2 on stage during the livestream event last Thursday in Los Angeles, the developer mentioned the sequel was larger than the original game. That begs the questions of how much bigger, however, and World Lead Steve Cotton let slip the potential size of one of the new worlds PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC gamers can look forward to during an interview with Inquisitr at the event.

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philm872582d ago

How much do you have to pay extra for though?

Shotcalm2582d ago

then again the worlds they created were small af

LAWSON722582d ago


The real question is how many of these zones are there? If there are like 8-10 of these zones that are actually creative and interesting for the story then I am interested, if it is 3-4 with 15-20 missions again not really impressive.

Muadiib2582d ago

I like the pine trees, reminds me of Halo CE.

Goldby2582d ago

guess what, 2 pennys is worth twice as much as 1 penny.

doesn't make 2 pennys any better

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