
The Last of Us Remastered can run at native 4K on PS4 Pro

The Last of Us Remastered will include an option to run at native 4K on PS4 Pro, according to a new video report by Digital Foundry editor Richard Leadbetter.

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Neonridr2838d ago (Edited 2838d ago )

I would probably rather play it at 60fps at a lower resolution. But a great option for those who want to take advantage of the better visuals.

darthv722837d ago (Edited 2837d ago )

It was already a great looking PS3 game (that I still need to beat) and the remaster made it look even better. Honestly I want to see something that isnt already remastered get the 4K remaster treatment. Something like Heavenly Sword or Motorstorm. That lush environment would look simply smashing in 4K.

Or how about a remaster of the order???

Neonridr2837d ago

The Order looked really good already.. could you imagine it at 4K?

Even something like Killzone, give it fresh life. Give it away on PS+ along with a free Pro upgrade patch.

conanlifts2837d ago

Skyrim in 4k is pretty good.

conanlifts2837d ago (Edited 2837d ago )

The order was a short but fun game that looked great so a 4k version would work well.

@neon rider I agree killzone 4k, maybe even as a digital preorder bonus. I'm surprised there are no game bundles or preorder incentives.

bouzebbal2837d ago

If there is one game I want to experience in 4K it will be WipEout HD.

mikeslemonade2836d ago

Possible because TLoU is last Gen so it should be able to do 4K.

Majister-Ludi2836d ago

Don't you think the order was boring enough that we all shouldn't be punished with a remaster. Graphics were not the issue with that "gem"

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2836d ago
gbsrnctaln2837d ago

Isnt the remaster already 1080/60?

ziggurcat2837d ago

sort of. it's not a locked 60fps, though. it would just mean that the frame rate wouldn't dip on the Pro.

Babadook72836d ago (Edited 2836d ago )

Indeed it is. Almost never dropping below in fact. I would think ND will have a 60 hz mode here too (edit: with extra bells and whistles)

ziggurcat2837d ago

technically, yes, but there are frame rate dips on the current version that would be eliminated on the Pro.

Ju2836d ago (Edited 2836d ago )

It's unlocked up to 60fps or hard locked at 30fps (Player option). Unlocked runs anywhere between 40-60fps.

2837d ago
ginsunuva2837d ago

If a game's textures and whatnot weren't made for 4K, then playing it at that higher res might look worse, actually.

Paideia2837d ago

I would rather have in HDR. High frame rate always creates a soap opera effect, to me it's horrible unless you're playing competitively.

2600Thunder2836d ago (Edited 2836d ago )

This is how I feel about ALL console games. I want 60fps even if the graphics do not look as good, but bullshots sell games even if the it runs at 20fps. Sudden frame drops hinder my enjoyment due to motion sickness because my eyes tend to fixate on in-game assets (unlike movies where my eyes glaze over the entire screen). 30fps is fine as long as it is solid, but I very much prefer the responsiveness of 60fps. I loved the option in the remaster already and was hoping the rest of the PS4 library had this. Dreamcast spoiled me.

NXSwitch2836d ago

Its too late to try & start defending the PS4Tro because its not even true 4k! Notice no where on the box or ad that Sony is saying true 4k because its false ad & it can't, come on say it with it, "deliver 4k". EA is calling it out saying "4K, not in the game"!

Angeljuice2836d ago

Microsoft said the XBoxOne was capable of "4k video and gaming" before it launched.

There's no such thing as a "true 4k console" you fool. The console is powerful and capable of playing certain games in "full native 4k" (true 4k).

Scorpio won't play all games in 4k either. It will be exactly the same as the current situation with 1080/60p, possible, but the exception rather than the rule.

NXSwitch2836d ago

Sorry "Angeljuice"...but I wasn't present when MS stated that so salt holds no taste.

The only fools here is what Sony sees in their fanbase for falling for this "MH dung" of a system.

You might wana change your name to Scorpiojuice because thats what MS is going to unleash on Sony to finish them off into next year & that fatality is going to look ugly!

Angeljuice2836d ago (Edited 2836d ago )

I know that the Scorpio will be more powerful than the Pro you silly boy. I also know that it will be at least a year before Scorpio will launch.

I'm not buying a Pro anytime soon, but I am far more impressed with it than I thought I would be. If I had the cash to spare I could well be tempted.

If the Scorpio is that impressive, who knows, I may get one (it would have to be really good though as I don't generally buy Microsoft products).

But that's all "Pie in the Sky" as the Scorpio components don't even exist yet, so who knows? Maybe they will release in 14 months, maybe 18 months (if there are problems with yields etc).

So I could wait, or I could get a really powerful console for the next year or so and reassess the situation when the Scorpio is a real thing rather than a mythical unicorn over the horizon.

Maybe you should think about getting one yourself, they're more than 3x an XBOne in raw power, and punch well above their wait according to Digital Foundry (who were very impressed).

In a year or two when the Scorpio releases, you may still get a good price for the Pro, but the X1 won't be worth anything.

NXSwitch2836d ago

I really want too but at the moment I only have both PS3 & PS2 & the rest Nin stuff. I ended up crossing paths with this stranger at GameStop that wanted to sell off his PS4 for $200 at the time but a friend at work told me I can't play PS3 disc games on it so I never went through with it.

I just got NG3 & UnC 1-3 that I bought off my friend at work, for now I'm just rocking the old systems.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2836d ago
Babadook72836d ago

"I would probably rather play it at 60fps at a lower resolution. But a great option for those who want to take advantage of the better visuals."

Great OPTION indeed.

Zhipp2836d ago

Yeah, I just beat the game on PS3, and I'm still regretting not waiting until I could get my hands on a PS4. I'm a PC gamer, and have been playing exclusively at 50-60fps since 2012, excluding 3DS games, so going back to 30fps was a major problem for me. I thought I'd get used to it, but it remained a hindrance all the way through my playthrough.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2836d ago
Aloy-Boyfriend2838d ago

I'm guessing that'd be only for the campaign. I'm not sacrificing that MP 60 FPS ever. It is just too good

2836d ago Replies(1)
2pacalypsenow2838d ago

So this confirms the Pro can do Native 4k gaming

darthv722837d ago

On a remastered PS3 class game of all things. Cant wait to see that recent reboot of Ratchet remade for 4K as well.

Or wouldnt you like to see something that hasnt been remastered or rebooted already done from the ground up to be 4K?

2pacalypsenow2837d ago

A new Killzone Game or resistance 4

Roronoa04112837d ago

The Ratchet reboot is a complete next gen game made from scratch... lets not put remaster and remake in the same tier. It wouldn't be able to run native 4K it would use the same technique as uncharted and horizon. On the other hand the last of us looks amazing for a last gen game and they did a good job remastering it so I would definitely want to try the 4k mode.

akurtz2837d ago

doesnt matter. this remaster looks better than many current gen games. should be a sight to behold

emerica22142837d ago

Madden NFL 12, NBA 2k12, NHL 12, Bloodborne, are all I would like to see in 4K.

2836d ago
ocelot072836d ago

Elder Scrolls Online will also support native 4K for the pro. I know it's not the best graphical game. But it's certainly not a remaster.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2836d ago
conanlifts2837d ago

My gtx 970 can play skyrim, dishonored etc in 4k and the highest settings. So the pro will definitely be able to. The issue is newer games have more assets and would need to be scaled back a bit.

payikick2837d ago

The gpu is not the problem, the cpu is way too weak to handle the amount of instructions sent and received by the gpu to handle 4k.

conanlifts2837d ago (Edited 2837d ago )

@payikick thats a possibility, you might have a point there. I run an i 7 6700 and 16gb ddr4 with the 970 which probably helps with any 4k gaming i do.

2837d ago
2837d ago
conanlifts2837d ago (Edited 2836d ago )

@nitex. I disagree from personal experience. I have played numerous older games in 4k and it is great. Skyrim, alan wake, bioshock, dishonoured etc all run superbly. The 970 however does not do a great job in 4k with newer games like doom, but it did run doom at the highest settings at 1080/60 without a drop in frames for me. Also it can run doom at around 20fps in 4k which would be fine for some console gamers. My point was that older games would run well in native 4k on the pro, but newer games not so much.

Edit:- @armchairanalyst the doom fps was based on what i saw online. In truth i never tried doom at 4k myself as i played it on my monitor. All of the older games i play in 4k on my tv though. For doom i wanted 60fps so didn't really bother trying 4k myself.

kraenk122837d ago (Edited 2837d ago )

Watch the newest Digital Foundry hands on video and be amazed.

2837d ago
2837d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2837d ago
freshslicepizza2837d ago

of course the pro can but it depends on the game, so i dont understand why some people were adament that project scorpio which is over a year from now wouldn't?

ecchiless2837d ago

I think ppl is talking more about "new" games and not old games, sure old games can be "remaster" to 4k, but talking about new games, games that are gonna use more effects, polygons, particles, etc... there's where the consoles are gonna struggle, sure maybe they can do 4k for those games, but not and the same quality/fps that a pc with a premium gpu/cpu.

Angeljuice2836d ago


They are saying that Scorpio is a "4k console", which it will be (capable of 4k), but some interpret that as meaning all Scorpio games will run in native 4k (which they won't).

It is going to be very much like 1080p/60 on the current machines only switched with Scorpio having the advantage.

Devs will choose how best to use the resources, whether that be native 4k or more details and faster frame rates with lower resolutions and fancy new upscaling techniques.

Some people just refuse to believe that Scorpio won't be rendering every game in native 4k @60f/s.

XanderZane2837d ago

Looks like Sony may be lying about the whole thing. Apparently the devs were asked by Sony to create some 4K visuals of their games. This video was interesting. Can a HDMI1.4 port be software patched to work as a HDMI 2.0 port to support HDR?


IRetrouk2837d ago

You are trying i will give you that but we already knew it would be upscaled, who honestly said that 4.20tf could do a current gen game native 4k? Its already been explained what the custom stuff is and how it works lol, also im sure sony will explain the whole hdr thing in time, theres no way they could lie about it and get away with it, just wouldnt happen, again that fella mark who has his hands in the heart of the ps4 is smart, for all we know its him that made it possible.

kraenk122837d ago

Just watch the latest Digital Foundry hands on and shut up.

rainslacker2837d ago (Edited 2837d ago )

You don't need HDMI2.0 to support HDR. Original 4K spec with HDR only required HDMI1.4. HDMI2.0 is only required for the UHD/HDR standard which runs at a faster bitrate....mostly for audio reasons. But in theory, yes, the firmware could be updated assuming the PS4 can allow the extra bit of power to the port itself.

Taking the assumption of a random YouTuber who bases their information off of little knowledge of the spec isn't as appropriate as simply doing a google search where that information is well documented.

XanderZane2837d ago (Edited 2836d ago )

So it's not UHD/HDR then? Ok.. good to know. Looks like only a view remasted titles will even support 4K native with a few tricks. Yes, we knew it wasn't true native 4K, but Sony is trying to make it seem like it is. Lots of damage control on here though. lol!! Don't shoot the messengers.

He didn't destroy anybody. He explain it where as anyone can add HDR to any platform depending on what format of HDR is used. He didn't really explain how or why it would work on a HDMI1.4 port or not. Not going to matter much, because one the PR4 Pro is released it will be dissected and all the truths will be revealed.

rainslacker2837d ago

The HDR used in UHD is HDR10(required for all UHD content) and in many cases Dolby Vision(not mandated in the UHD spec).

HDR is just a pixel color standard which replaces the 4bit color standard in use today. The TV's always had the impetus to support the standards, and the 4bit standard was a singular standard used for all forms of TV content.

There is no such thing as fake or true HDR. HDR is not UHDHDR. HDR is it's own standard(or standards), not connected directly to UHD in any way, beyond the mandate that UHD actually be able to provide at least HDR10.

When people say "not real HDR" they imply that it is neither HDR10 or DV, which are the two current formally accepted standards for TV's in use today. If Sony's HDR isn't of one of these two standards, the TV would not be able to display it, or would default to the 4bit pixel profile that is still included in the HDR spec.

Since people saying "fake HDR" don't actually understand how this stuff works, they see some information which seems counter to what the UHD spec calls for(HDMI2.0) and assume that because the system doesn't have that, that it is incapable of providing at least HDR10. The articles and fan boys acting like it's absolutely true without doing research are just wrong, and even when presented with this information in forums they refuse to look more into it, or just accept that others are more knowledgeable than them.

And to date, no one has been able to explain what exactly "not real HDR" actually is, and I'd doubt they'd be able to explain why if it's not "real HDR" that it wouldn't even work in the first place.

Native 4K has nothing to do with the UHD/HDR spec either. HDR is not dependant on 4K in the least, outside the only HDR displays being 4K+ TV's. That's just a rendering resolution. UHD 4K resolution is really no different than native 4K resolution, although the image quality of non-native 4K renders will not be on the same level as a native 4K image from a game or UHD.

As far as what Sony is doing, I can say they are trying to blur the line of what is and isn't 4K, and while not technically wrong due to the processes they're using, it's still not the same thing that people commonly talk about when they speak of 4K. However, I also feel all 4K device manufacturers, gaming or otherwise, have been doing this since the inception of 4K, and the same way MS has been doing with X1S where they clarify with fancy buzzwords or after the fact, and probably will with the Scorpio. I personally think all this confusion over what is what with the spec is directly related to just how confusing the spec is on the consumer marketing level, where not all 4K is equal, and things like HDR are being tied into the 4K spec as if it's somehow integral to it.

ecchiless2837d ago (Edited 2837d ago )


Oh God rainslacker destroy u and you're still trying to defend your pathetic comment, lol!

Edit: wrong word :D

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2837d ago
Maxor2837d ago

LOL on ancient last gen remastered. That counts now? Whats, next indies like Rocket Leauge? I guess that makes the Xbox One a 1080p console too right?

TKCMuzzer2837d ago

Really? So called gamers like you need to sort yourself out, your not about gaming, your about 'mine is better than yours'.

GTgamer2837d ago

Did you just call last of us acient that game looks and plays better than allot of games released for new gen so have several seats.

Mr Lahey2837d ago

Yeah, still one of the best looking games out there on PS4/XONE so.. Ancient or not, It's gonna be awesome to play it in 4K! :)

ginsunuva2837d ago

A Raspberry Pi can do native 4K Pong technically.

kneon2837d ago

No, it can't, it only has HDMI 1.3.

Sevir2837d ago

There are concessions that can be made, RotTR on Pro has 4K native.

The experience is a tad paired back as higher level geometry, particle effects and AA solutions aren't as intense, but they still combine with The Pro's Temporal post processing AA and Parallax Processing tools, to deliver a Native 4K experience...

So, to those thinking the Pro can't... you're seriously gonna eat a few crows come launch day.

Erik73572837d ago (Edited 2837d ago )

Of course, not on most games. But last gen ports yes it could potentially run those at 4k.

Let's see it run Uncharted 4 at 4k 30fps

With you it's like "Okay we found like 1 or 2 games, it plays games at 4k guys!!!1" lol

Ju2836d ago (Edited 2836d ago )

Looking at how Horizon runs with checker board 4k, UC4 in 4K will look just fine - and definitively better than 1080p - which already looks impressive. But sure, go on ranting about a product you obviously have no interest in nor you have actually seen, and that you'd rather play 900p for the unforeseeable future. Sure, I'd sure would want that as the "better" alternative /s.

_-EDMIX-_2837d ago (Edited 2837d ago )

I'm not sure how many seriously needed confirmation of this resolution is depended on game and developer in the sad reality is most Gamers seriously do not understand it.

how long have I been saying this to you guys?

I've literally been saying this for years that A Game's resolution is dependent on the developer almost more than it actually even is the hardware, at the end of the day the hardware most times it's not really determining 1080P or 4K or anything like that as much as the actual build of the game, consider if somebody wanted to make some famicom or NES game in 4k Are you seriously telling me that's not possible?

So when people were saying native 4K was not possible on PlayStation 4 Pro I had to sit back and laugh extremely hard because what you're basically saying is you know every single last game that's going to released in existence for this system.

I said this at the very start of this generation if developers wanted 1080P 60 frames they would have created their damn games to run that in the first place who's stopping any of these companies from just using the same engine that they used the last generation to run 1080p 60 frames? It's not saying PlayStation 4 and Xbox One can't run 1080p 60 frames it's merely saying developers choose to not run that resolution and I'm starting to notice that most Gamers on here that don't understand this do not own gaming PC's they seriously believe this system essentially decides that and not the developer it's something I can seriously find funny and strange at the same time.

Did GTA San Andreas not released 1080p 60 frames on last generation consoles? Did GTA V released with those settings last generation? It's not saying Playstation 3 or 360 cannot run 1080p 60 frames it's saying that Rockstar is not going to downgrade their damn game to release at those numbers they do not want to make their game look like San Andreas to hit a damn number and you guys seriously need to educate yourselves on why those games are releasing at those settings it has more to do with the developer choosing to as opposed to weak hardware.

Ju2836d ago

That's so wrong. I suspect the majority of people just don't understand how things work nor do they care and rather follow the hype of the day.

In fact, I had my doubts that a $400 machine can make any use of 4K in a way, that it wouldn't degrade current game fidelity in 1080p. But looking at Horizon and don't take my words for it - read up Leadbetter's opinion here http://www.eurogamer.net/ar... - the PS4Pro can render games at at least the same frame rate with higher fidelity than the PS4 can render 1080p titles - even if a checker board is used. This looks like is so efficient, that even when actually walking up at a 60" screen (which magnifies pixels) it is very hardly noticeable. The good thing which people ranting here is, that I won't see any of you polluting my 4K gaming pleasure, because it is obviously not good enough for you. Well, then, get stuck with sub 60fps and sub 1080p resolution as long as you like - I will gladly skip Scorpio. For me, surprisingly, the Pro convinced me that it is actually worth playing current gen games in 4K - I feared those needed to get toned down or the upscaler would just trash the picture. However, neither is true. In the worst case you get a better experience at 60fps for 1080p titles. That alone and the 1TB drive is worth getting it.

DigitalRaptor2836d ago


All the Xbox fanboys lied about that, just like they lied about HDR on the slim, and just about everything else.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2836d ago
StormLegend2837d ago

Hopefully a lot of other new remasters run at Native 4K

Ju2836d ago (Edited 2836d ago )

I wonder if I should, too. I need one now. Waiting two more months is tough, but probably worth it. But what if it actually sells out? It is a new console after all.... damn...I just did.

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Its Marvel vs Valorant vs Concord this summer,

3,2,1, FIGHT-

phoenixwing19h ago

I'm buying none and sticking to single player


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Jin_Sakai1d 10h ago

These are the kind of games I like. Can’t wait!

Hofstaderman1d 10h ago

Can't wait. Can never bring myself to delete the first one off my ssd even when I need space, its that good.

purple1011d 9h ago

I deleted it, - but re downloaded it and got another 4 jigsaw pieces yesterday!! all this news of astro made me want more. can confirm I sighed and smiled multiple times, which is more than I can say for the usual games I play (cod & GT7, which do invoke a little bit of edge of the seat excitement, but not as fun as astro)

isarai1d 3h ago

Im excited to buy this, just a simple fun platformer. Japan/Asobi is such an underutilized team, i hope this changes that cause they've honestly produced some of the funnest platformers outside the Mario series imo. I still replay puppeteer from time to time

jznrpg1d ago

I was thinking about Astro Bot and games they made sort of like it in the past and it reminded me of Puppeteer.

It came out at the very end of the PS3 generation so it didn’t get much attention as PS4 was right there. They really should remaster that game for PS5 it was a lot of fun.

The_Hooligan17h ago

Yes!! Absolutely! Puppeteer is a very underrated gem. I believe it's part of the game catalog on PS+. If anyone hasn't tried it, give it a shot.


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