
Coping With The Hype Of No Man's Sky

GameInformer- "Ever since No Man's Sky was unveiled during the Spike VGX awards in 2013, the internet's anticipation for this ambitious game has grown astronomically. The small studio Hello Games in Guildford, England is creating an entire galaxy, and the gaming community is starting to expect infinite possibilities. While visiting the studio for our January cover story on No Man's Sky, we spoke with studio founder Sean Murray about what it's like to be in the eye of the hurricane of hype and how the team deals with that kind of external pressure."

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DougLord3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

Its 10 guys with a budget of <$1mm. Don't put such huge expectations on them.

This is the definition of a small indie title. It will probably be priced at $19.99 and they will be happy to sell a few hundred thousand units.

They aren't "creating" a universe. Its a randomly generated exploration game. A computer is generating the universe - and a lot of it will no make sense whatsoever or will be BLEH. Gonna be like SPORE or Starbound. Which is fine, but its not gonna sell a ton of copies.

TOTSUKO3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

Sean Murray and other devs on the team created a mathematical formula that randomly generates a universe.

So technically they are creating the universe.

They created a mini "Big Bang"

Feralkitsune3453d ago

Which has been done many times. Elite from 1984 is the first to do this and it spawned the procedurally generated space.

So, if procedural generation is what you're claiming is so innovative I have bad news.

The Elite: Dangerous that just launched this week does even more than the original game did in that aspect and will expand even further on that after launch. And even then with all the tech they have put into that game; the game gets stale after a few hours.

TOTSUKO3452d ago


I never claimed procedural generation is innovative have I?
Besides, no developer has created an algorithm on the scale of No Mans Sky.

I have bought Elite: Dangerous
The procedurally generated content in Elite doesn't generated as much little detail like No Mans Sky claims it does. Traveling in big black space is boring despite it being exactly like our outer space. You can't even get out of your ship. lol You have to wait until they implement it in the future which most likely is going to suck because its not a core mechanic.

Just because someone invents it first doesn't mean its the best one. Yeah good job for thinking of it first but there will always be someone else who evolves it and make it better.

DigitalRaptor3452d ago


If this is a "small indie title", what is a large one?

Journey was the "fastest selling PSN game" as of March 2012, and then continued to be the top-selling game in April too. That was a MUCH smaller game.

"A few hundred thousand units" - based on what?
Your preconceived notions? Or your wilful ignorance?

Sorry dude, but they have already created that universe, it's done. It's generated. The formula they created is there. I'm not surprised you don't understand the basis behind what they have done with procedural generation here, but it's okay. When the game comes out and people are enjoying it, I'm sure you'll be here to rain on their parade about the sales, even though you'll be pulling reasoning out of your ass rather than facts from your brain.

You know, those sales are all important to you, especially so these days when it hurts for you to observe reality.

Gamer07113453d ago

They're trying their hardest to pack the game with content and other worthwhile things to see/do. I'm sure there's gonna be a bunch of stuff we can't do and that will turn off a lot of gamers, but hopefully there will be a steady supply of updates over the game's lifetime. I hardly doubt they'll just abandon this "universe" they've made.

TheUpbringer3453d ago

An easy cope is to keep reminding yourself that there's still no f***ing clue what the game will be like outside of space shooting.

creized13453d ago

My hype level for this game is over 9000!
But I won't judge them in anyway if it aint game of the year or if it ain't what we really expect.
Mainly because its a new studio with a small team and a low budget, like "DougLord" (first comment above) has said.

ATi_Elite3453d ago (Edited 3453d ago )

How I cope with the hype for NMS?

Easy I play Elite Dangerous! A game that is an entire universe filled with things to do, explore, pew pew, mine, craft, trade, build, destroy, etc.. And it was all clearly understood what you would be doing before launching.

Unlike NMS in which we get vague descriptions of actual game play.

"how's the game play Mr. developer"?

"ummm you do stuff"

"can you be more specific "

"Oh look funny colored Dinosaurs on Desert type planets"

Also all I hear is Procedural Generated this and Procedural Generated that! Big deal seeing how we have had procedural generation since STARFLIGHT on the Sega Genesis! So Pro-Gen is not a selling point for me. Stop beating around the bush and give me specific gameplay features.

NMS = more hype than substance!


No Man's Sky Adrift Expedition Trailer

Introducing..No Man's Sky: Adrift.A lot has changed in the years since No Man’s Sky released.


No Man's Sky Is Easily One Of Gaming's Greatest Comeback Stories

Despite No Man Sky's rocky launch, Hello Games managed to turn it into one of the best space exploration RPGs out there.

darksky26d ago

HG could have stopped after making 3-4 updates and the debt would have been paid to those why are crying about paying full price. However, they have continously provided free updates for the last 6-7 years. No other developer in hostory has ever done this and probably never will.
There are many AAA games that disappointed but the devs normally move on or close the studio rather than fix the game.

-Foxtrot27d ago

I hate the whole concept of "comeback story" because at the end of the day it doesn't remove the core issue we had in the first place, that we were lied to, it was disappointing and it launched with bare content to what was promised for years.

Any bad game can have a comeback story if it's supported enough after launch but for me if you launch in a terrible state then you had your chance. I can applaud you for what you've done after but at the end of the day there's not much of a choice since most gamers would blank your next product if you ditched your last game so fast, it's not about repairing the game but spending your time repairing gamers trust before you launch your next product otherwise it would be dead on arrival.

With these stories and the games being updated, the only way is up most of the time so of course it's going to improve the game and feel better over all, getting better and better as time passes. No Mans Sky, Sea of Thieves, Fallout 76 etc but then you have games like Anthem, Suicide Squad, Redfall and The Avengers where the devs just clearly moved on, now if they have another product people won't be as exited for it, I mean hell Guardians of the Galaxy was a great game but because of the Avengers it didn't help its sales since people were obviously still sour at that point.

I still think despite the improvements to games like No Mans Sky and Cyberpunk along with being better now overall the games are still not up there to what was promised and hyped as for years.

If we keep celebrating these “comeback stories” then unfortunately it only strongly supports the concept that these studios / publishers can continue to push half arsed broken products out for the sake of quick sales instead of waiting until they are fully finished. We need to condemn this awful behaviour or sadly we lose all voice and power as consumers.

Sonic188127d ago (Edited 27d ago )

I feel the same way about Cyberpunk 2077. I'm glad you mentioned that. I'm not a fan of comeback stories as well. But No man sky developer was a small indie team compared to CDPR. It's worse when it's coming from a AAA developer

Nacho_Z27d ago

"Any bad game can have a comeback story if it's supported enough after launch"

You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not. After release Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone. That's not normal.

The reason NMS and HG are held in such high esteem and calling them liars is a weak stance is the amount of work they've put into it, for free. They're not chasing a quick buck, they've dedicated their lives over the last few years to giving their fans the game everyone wanted.

-Foxtrot27d ago (Edited 27d ago )

They are liars though...

We are not revising history here, I'm sorry but we're not

They built this game up for years and they launched it knowing full well it wasn't up to scratch to what they originally showed off or hyped it up to be.

"They're not chasing a quick buck, they've dedicated their lives over the last few years to giving their fans the game everyone wanted"

And like I said above most of that comes from the fact that if they had just moved on straight away nobody would have supported their next game. They've washed most of that sour taste away after supporting No Mans Sky so now they are doing a new game which more people feel like they can support and get excited for.

Anyway how can you say "You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not" and then make the point that "Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone"

This means that if a small team like this can turn a game around then big AAA games like Suicide Squad, Redfall, Anthem and the like should have been able to do it no problem, oh but that's right they didn't want to put the time or effort into it. They can do it but some people just decide not to.

Blad3runner0026d ago (Edited 26d ago )

"You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not. After release Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone. That's not normal."

People paid for the game at launch and got lied to. Now the game is what it SHOULD have been from the start (what people paid for) and we should be happy they aren't charging EXTRA? Its free because people ALREADY paid for the game at launch.

People PAID for what the game is in its current state (what it should have been at launch), not what it was when it released. Charging people AGAIN would result in even more backlash.

anast26d ago

"You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not. After release Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone. That's not normal."

They already charged for the full price game. All of that work is owed because it was already paid for.

JackBNimble26d ago

Fox ... sure HG made a huge mistake, but they have also done more then any development team that I have seen to fix the problem and go way beyond in supporting the game. And every update has been free, so I don't really get why you are holding on to this grudge.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 26d ago
milohighclub26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

Whatever happened at launch is in the past. By your logic they could have supported it for a year got it to the project they promised then stopped but they didn't. They're still supporting it to this they, they've released more content post than pretty much any game I can think off. More than most MMOs. They didn't have to go this far but they have and don't have any plans of stopping. All for free too.
Yeah they had a shit launch and they've apologised, learned and more than made up for it. I was pissed off at them at launch, but not petty enough to keep slandering them 7 years later.
You have much bigger studios releasing half assed games and fixing it later or even worse not even bothering.

anast26d ago

The DLC costs money. But yeah, people are hanging on to this one longer because of their previous reputation.

TheCaptainKuchiki26d ago

And it doesn't change the fact that the game is a boring procedurally generated environment in which your repeat the same actions over and over again with no real purpose. I hate when they say that the game became good.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 26d ago
thorstein27d ago

I really enjoyed it at launch and had every trophy by August 2016.

The experience I had is no longer in the game: It was just me and my ship. It was a survival game and the feeling of loneliness in the universe was pervasive. There was no way to ruin too far from your ship and, in an emergency, you grenaded a hole in the ground to survive.

I miss that aspect, but since then, I love what they've done.

Hugodastrevas27d ago

I'd say it's THE definitive comeback story

TheGamingHounds27d ago

Final Fantasy 14 takes that one imho

CrimsonWing6926d ago (Edited 26d ago )

Yep and the way they actually did it where Bahamut destroyed the original FF14 and the realm was “reborn” seals it as the best way to do something like this, lol.

jwillj2k427d ago

Oh great another story about the cleanest shirt in a bin of dirty laundry.

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Latest No Man’s Sky update adds ship customisation, space station overhaul, and more

Orbital update drops today, also bringing with it engine improvements and UI refresh.

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Zeke6866d ago

The game that keeps on giving 🦾🥳✌️

Christopher66d ago

The support they've given this game only makes me more interested in their next game.

Zeke6865d ago

Agree, curious what they are cooking up for that one?!