
Crytek says it will fix its damaged reputation with quality products

Crytek co-founder Avni Yerli admits that the studio’s reputation has been damaged by recent controversy, but that the firm can turn that around.

SaveFerris3574d ago

Maybe they should try mobile games? I dunno.

Hopefully they can turn things around.

Future_20153574d ago

They need maybe a new engine, the engine gameplay elements are very lacklustre

sobotz3573d ago

Their engine is fine. Maybe they need to lower its price.

bouzebbal3573d ago

it's about time Crytek. Start firing that moron CEO.
it's the brother saying this? oh well...

Supporter3573d ago

I Really hope crytek fix things all of them. To me they have done no harm.

I wish them nothing bad. I personally think any dev is a good dev. Theres no sense in Putting down a good dev when they're down, their engine rocks and they are loaded with talent.

Good luck crytek

ABizzel13573d ago

They got to big for their britches.

1. They have an amazing engine, but they're not an amazing developer. Their main goal should be getting their engine in the hands of more developers. Lower the price of entry, before Unreal Engine 4 takes over everything, or developers start making their own. Regardless of if you think your engine is better, you can't enter a market that's already dominated by a competitor without offering a comparable / better product and at a reduced price.

2. Next they need to split into small teams and work on smaller projects. Building huge $60 games isn't their strong suit right now, so focus on smaller projects like a multiplayer only FPS, a short action adventure game in the same vein as Darkstalkers, overall treat your company as a powerhouse AAA indie like Ninja Theory is doing. The middle dev is gone, you either have to be a AAA dev or indie. So make multiple good $20 games, instead of trying to make a big $60 that ends up being average at best, especially considering all the talent you pulled from THQ.

3. Hire writers and developer who focus on gameplay. These are the two greatest weaknesses of Crytek. Ryse had a good story, but the gameplay was average at best. Crysis has above average gameplay, with average writing at best. You can't make $60 games with that kind of balance. Graphics only get you so far (for the most part it only gets you instantly noticed). Once you have your team fully prepared then you can go back to making $60 games.

That's what needs to happen for them to recover, and even then it's going to take most of this generation. So licensing your engine needs to be a huge priority, then making smaller budget games, then team building, then you can get back into the AAA scene if that's what you want.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3573d ago
Summons753573d ago

They said try to FIX their damaged image, not dowse it in gasoline and set it ablaze. What they need to do is stop focusing on making the most realistic looking game and focus on the best gameplay, art style, story they can make. Gameplay always > graphics and they really never learned that in school or from history.

SCW19823574d ago

I won't buy another product until they fire Cevat. What he did was inexcusable.

CaptainFaisal3573d ago

Cevat knows what he's doing. Im sure all these changes will lead to something better! I feel sorry for the guys who got layed off and im sure they would easily get their jobs back once Crytek have enough capital to support all those devs. And i have a feeling that they have learnt their lesson and will develop quality games after 2 years or so.

nutcrackr3573d ago

Lucky because there will be no other products to buy after Ryse on PC. They are going F2P.

700p3573d ago

What did he do that hurt you so much???

DarkOcelet3574d ago

If you fix your gameplay department then everything will be good , ryse had a good story and incredible graphics just needed a better gameplay to be a great game .

SoulWarrior3573d ago

Now please make something that has actual good gameplay and not spend all the effort on shiny graphics.

starchild3573d ago

Eh...I enjoyed the hell out of the gameplay in the Crysis games. Excellent gameplay, amazing graphics and an average story all added up to a good game to me. Crysis is one of the only first person shooters that I can play with stealth and strategy. The gameplay is dynamic and that is one of the things I love about it. Most shooters are almost nothing but shooting galleries.

Whitey2k3573d ago

They need to stop screwing around and make there games multiplat instead of having he's head up Phil's ass its Microsoft that put them where they are

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Crytek Interview - Hunt Showdown's Success and How It Has Evolved | MP1st

MP1st talks to Crytek about Hunt: Showdown's success, future title updates, inspiration behind weapons and more.


Crytek Gives Brief Update on New Crysis Game; Studio Has a "Great Team" Working on It

Crytek gives an update on their new Crysis game, confirming that it's still in development, with more to share down the road.

DefenderOfDoom2181d ago

Actually would love a new Crysis campaign.

P_Bomb181d ago

Ditto. Ran through them again last year. I’ll grab the new one.

Crazyglues180d ago (Edited 180d ago )

Yeah they really messed up by not adding the Multi-player to the Crysis Triogly because while the campaign was fun I really loved the Multi-player and couldn't wait to see what it was going to be like on current gen.

They could have dropped new maps and DLC and fans would have bought it up... -But they dropped the ball and did just the Campaign's with no new content or story, which was just crazy.

Anyway still hoping Crysis 4 is the whole Chicken Sandwhich with all the toppings.... Can't wait.

PrinceOfAnger180d ago (Edited 180d ago )

Yeah It will probably be 5 years development

SimpleSlave180d ago (Edited 180d ago )

That's awesome. So how long till the studio closes and everyone gets fired?

purple101180d ago

Series S owners: "but can it run crysis doh?"

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Crytek Sends Cease and Desist To A Popular Photo Mode Modder Frans Bouma

Immersed Gamer writes: "Frans Bouma just received a Cease and Desist letter from Crytek, developers of Crysis. Did he pirate their game? Or maybe he infringed on their copyright? What horrible thing did Bouma do to deserve this? Well, he modded in a photo mode so that people could take beautiful pictures and share them on social media."

Read Full Story >>
annoyedgamer870d ago

Open source the code and dump it on the internet.

mastershredder870d ago

"from his Patreon page" Uhhhh yeah.......Oh gee and I wonder why that was problem? You know where this goes there Filip or perhaps you are just not quite yet.

Mazgamer870d ago (Edited 870d ago )

It's astounding how quickly someone uniformed will take a side of soulless company just because a modder might be making some pocket change.

For your information: He puts all of his camera mode mods on GitHub, completely free of charge. His Patreon is nothing more than a way to tip him some cash for his work.

He says so himself on his GitHub page:
I do this for fun, not profit, but can't create cameras for games I don't own. I've therefore setup a Patreon page which allows you to safely support my work".

Are you following "mastershredder", or are you not quite there yet?

Giblet_Head870d ago

I did some digging and from what I can see it's probably the "early access" releases of his mods only through Patreon that may have stirred Crytek to send the C&D. Apart from that his mods are indeed available free of charge through his GitHub page.

CobraKai870d ago

It’s a non-profit mod tho. It confuses me cuz modders can do things like completely overhaul the art assets of a game or add licensed cars, but adding a photo mode seems to get the cease.

Orchard870d ago

I guess they want to be the next T2/Rockstar...

Fishy Fingers870d ago

Rarely do you see something with so much potential (Crytek) shoot themselves in the foot so many times.

BlackIceJoe870d ago

Instead of sending a C&D Crytek should thank him, for this, because this will lead to more people buying and playing the game.

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