
Sony Has A New Feature Coming For The PS4 That's Going Bury The Xbox One

Amid all the exciting announcements coming out of last week’s Gamescom trade show in Cologne, Germany, Sony announced a handful of new features coming in its 2.0 firmware for the PlayStation 4.
And while firmware is rarely anything to get excited about, this particular update is different — because it will effectively help Sony put distance between itself and Microsoft’s Xbox One.

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Majin-vegeta3574d ago

IMO this will be a great thing.Lets say you have a friend who has never played (insert game name)so he's curious about it.You allow him to play it.He ends up loving the game.Boom it could result in a new fan of the series plus another sale for the dev.

TheFutureIsBlue3574d ago

Yeah this will be awesome. Especially for some of my buddies who pick up a PS4 and want to try out Killzone or Resogun or any other game they might be interested in.

Abash3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

That feature actually convinced my sister to get the PS4. She is not a big gamer but has always loved them, she'll get a new console but hardly ever play the games she buys (which are few and far between).

When I told her about the feature she said she'll definitely get a PS4 and do Share Play with me whenever she feels up for playing a game, and I love that since we live far away from each other now and it'll be like we're playing some couch co-op sessions

mark3214uk3574d ago

why all the down votes? is that the xbots jealous of the new feature?

darthv723574d ago

Share play is a neat idea. Im just curious what kind of quality things will be like. you figure your PS4 is acting as a streaming host and your friend is tapping into it so there will need to be some requirements for the internet up/down speeds on both ends.

donthate3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )


This feature is extremely easy to replicate especially considering the new consoles already buffer the video stream for video recording and twitch broadcast.

Sending your input over the internet to another Xbox One console is no more difficult than sending your input to the cloud which is already done on all multiplayer games (unlike PS4 which has P2P multiplayer in games like KillZone Shadowfall).

Those two existing features combine to become Share Play.

Let's vote it as a requested feature on Xbox One and it will appear there to soon enough. I vaguely remember MS talked about this feature as well was coming to Xbox One around the console reveal.

brads43574d ago

They would get bored and do something else before the game downloaded to their console. Everyone is forgetting that part of the problem.

BlackTar1873574d ago

@ Salty,

What does that have to do with Marks post?

ShinMaster3574d ago

@ YouAreSalty

I'm pretty sure you heard it from Sony first at their reveal.

@ BlackTar

He's explaining to 'mark3214uk' why he is being a jealous Xbot.

mike_honcho3574d ago

@mark yeah it's safe to say those are jealous disagrees.. but this feature is going to be amazing.. this is pretty much what I mostly use gamefly for ATM the moment so I don't have to shell out a bunch of money for a game I'm not into.. another feature I'm looking forward to is where someone can take over control of your game and help you through a tough boss or level your having trouble with.. that was one of the features said to be coming before the ps4 was launched and I'm really looking forward to it..

and @YouAreSalty.. you are salty

RioKing3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )


"This feature is extremely easy to replicate."

Replicate??!! Micro$oft would NEVER do that! As for your name......that's what she said.

jspsc1233574d ago

why would anyone want to play killzone for a hour

ThePope3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

Haha I love how people get down bubbles for trolling. But articles that troll. All good.

OT: MS was going to allow sharing of games with the initial design of the X1. You would install your game completely to the system and up to 5 friends could access it. Not all the details were fleshed out but that was the basic premise.

Don’t believe me look up the video of the unveiling.

And yes this absolutely could come to the X1 (and if its popular most likely will).

Alucard_4203574d ago


you said games,and you only pointed out Killzone Shadowfall. what are the other "game"s" I was wondering?.?

USA0073574d ago

@ brads4
There is no download, the game's owner streams the second screen to their friend. I believe only split screen games will work unless the owner just wants to watch the friend play.

The X1's initial sharing plan works totally differently. Two people couldn't play the game at the same time. Sony's takes advantage of the split-screen feature, and "virtually passing a controller." Both are great ideas, but are 2 different things

dedicatedtogamers3574d ago

I find it incredibly ironic that the main feature of the original restrictive Xbox One DRM (the fact that you could share your library with friends by just logging into Xbox Live) is now available on PSN and no DRM required.

BinaryMind3574d ago

@mark - They're probably jealous he has a sister who plays games with him.

mixolydian_id3574d ago

Can't say I'm that pumped about Shareplay.

It's another one of those features that people aren't asking for... but it's going to be done anyway because Sony have their own ulterior motives at the end of the day.

Share play...? Get your own game and we can play together instead

Alsybub3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )


Yeah, I can't see this feature being widely used in the long run. It sounds cool but when you think about it how many people would actually use it?

Of course there will be plenty of people wanting to play the games but how many people are going to be willing to repeatedly give up their console and play time to allow it? That will be its achilles heel. Not to mention that it's not too good on people's carbon footprint to use two PlayStations to play one game.

For this to be truly viable, and practical, friends would need to be able to download and play the game locally but that would require DRM, to ensure that only one copy of the game can be played at any one time and we know how gamers feel about that. That's the entire reason why it needs to be streamed from one system to another, to ensure that the disk is still in the possession of the sharer.

I suppose a slightly better solution would be to have the player download the game and play locally and have the owner's PS4 simply run a disc check to ensure the game is in the drive. This could even be done in a low power mode/standby. As well as being more efficient this would ensure that lag and other network issues wouldn't affect the player's experience.

As it stands it's an inelegant solution.

Lifendz3573d ago

It's definitely a clever way of getting someone to try a demo. I like this better than the idea of someone taking over the control for me and playing through a tough part like what they announced at the PS4 unveil.

Old McGroin3573d ago

@ dedicatedtogamers

"I find it incredibly ironic that the main feature of the original restrictive Xbox One DRM (the fact that you could share your library with friends by just logging into Xbox Live) is now available on PSN and no DRM required."

You do realise that DRM means the console would need to be online and that in order for Share Play to work the console would also need to be online? So it's pretty much the same thing. Ironic indeed.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3573d ago
jimjam34423574d ago

devs who make games that are terrible are cringing right now.
no more duping good people out of hard earned money.
guess an unintended consequence is that devs will either skip releasing on ps4, or make this feature not work for thieir game, either way it kets us know that game was only going to sell through lying to consumers.

Godmars2903574d ago

No. This lets people who already paid for the game, let their friends play it via online for an hour. most who get fed up with that kind of arrangement are going to buy it themselves.

Likewise bad games will just more "advertised".

Hopefully though, given that you can apparently let others play any part of a game, it'll stop the trend of well designing the beginning of games. The part most reviewers will play to.

frostypants3574d ago

Pretty sure the game has to explicitly support this feature. I don't think it will automatically work with all games like some people seem to think. Hope I am wrong but it would seem to be a huge potential copyright conflict with the publishers if Sony just made it work with any published game.

jimjam34423574d ago

are you assuming i thought this was a demo service? cause i wasnt, i know it requires one person to have the game, but devs will turn this off so new gamers cant try it and not like it, (read that last bit slow) if they feel their game isnt very good, like aliens colonial marines, i ignored the 4's and 5's out if 10's and bought it anyway hoping it was gonna be just a case of, "i didnt grow up watching the movie so i dont care" it wasnt a case of that. but had i played it, i wouldve immediatley known. like 2 seconds in i was ready to go find randy pitchfords lying ass. i mean that game sold millions i think, which is a travesty.

Ju3574d ago

Quite the opposite, I guess. Some games get bad reviews but might still work for a difference audience. Now there is a higher chance to just try those out without taking the risk of getting burned which can actually turn out to be a good thing. Reviews are overrated and one mans opinion is often not the same as another ones.

harrisk9543574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )


Pretty sure the game has to explicitly support this feature. I don't think it will automatically work with all games like some people seem to think. Hope I am wrong but it would seem to be a huge potential copyright conflict with the publishers if Sony just made it work with any published game.

Wrong. So, you should be happy!

"Additionally, Yoshida revealed that because SharePlay is simply taking the streaming feature and making your PS4 the server, all PS4 games past and present will support SharePlay."


Keith223574d ago

@Ju "Won't help. You still need a PS4 to play." immm I just said there is two in my house?

GribbleGrunger3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

Sahre-play probably won't feature 'full screen' play for the person who's sharing your game (as seen in the reveal). Add that to the 60 minute restriction -- although you can initiate another 60 minutes immediately -- and you have a decent gaming experience to judge the game by but not an ideal situation if you want to play the game yourself. It's absolutely perfect and a killer app.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3574d ago
Keith223574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

Good when theres two PS4 in the house to.

Ju3574d ago

Won't help. You still need a PS4 to play.

Ju3574d ago

One can't read the other one can't reply :) (yeah, yeah, one is me...)

Sheikh Yerbouti3574d ago

I wonder if you can LAN into a Playstation TV or PS4 for a little Bedroom vs. Den Madden.

CloudRap3574d ago

Would have much rather had themes though.....(cries silently)

hudechek3574d ago

you have gotta be kidding...

SmielmaN3574d ago

While I think this new share feature is pretty awesome, I would love themes back too. I miss the customization options for everything. And dynamic themes.

lawgone3574d ago

I'd rather have themes too but to fanboys, that somehow sounds anti-Sony because it makes it appear what was in this article is not the greatest thing since sliced bread. And if you are a fanboy you MUST treat every new feature as the greatest thing ever.

slappy5083574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

Im pretty sure themes will be supported in future patches, but right now for Sony getting shareplay out ASAP is definitely the priority. They can address themes later

Shadowolf3573d ago

Themes over SharePlay and gameplay uploads to Youtube, wow!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3573d ago
Blaze9293574d ago

bury the xbox one? Lol these sensational headlines for Sony related topics are hilarious I swear.

But when MS was trying to launch Xbox One with Game Share everyone had a problem with it. Now we don't have that feature at all. I don't understand.

Meanwhile Xbox One has USB media and DLNA support already....(preview program)

Godmars2903574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

Nevermind all the good of what family sharing would/will do for XB1?

Also feel the need to point out that Sony announced this feature when they first announced/showed off the PS4.

MasterCornholio3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

"But when MS was trying to launch Xbox One with Game Share everyone had a problem with it. Now we don't have that feature at all. I don't understand."

I'll help you understand but first let's break up your comment in two parts.

"But when MS was trying to launch Xbox One with Game Share everyone had a problem with it."

Let's not kid ourselves. People loved the idea of being able to share games with friends and family effortlessly. What they didn't like was Microsoft's draconic DRM policies that came with it. I'm sure you still remember all the fuss that lead to Microsoft dropping it in the end.

"Now we don't have that feature at all."

By we you mean Xbox One owners. Sony managed to implement their version of the family share plan without any crazy DRM policy attached to it. Microsoft could do the same thing but they want their previous DRM policies attached to it.

In conclusion people loved Microsoft's family share plan. Many of them believed it was the best feature that the Xbox One had. But the majority of them didn't like the restrictions that Microsoft imposed on physical copies to have it. Sony is doing something similar but without turning the system into a DRM box. That's the main reason why people are excited for this feature on the PS4.

Thank you for taking the time to read my comment.



Your right. I remember seeing Knack being shared played.

Ju3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

Ahem...I share my games with my son all the time. You can only have someone with another account play your games on your activated PS4...but you can play your games with your account on PS4s without activating them. Works just fine.

Also...this "share" thingie is all built on Sony's streaming tech. Who ever plays with you plays it on your PS4 streaming to his/hers. Basically it's a private "Playstation Now" session - with multiplayer support.

Condemnedman3574d ago

Yep typical bloated headlines to feed the trolls

Still not made me buy a ps4 yet

Back-to-Back3574d ago

As usual the xbox faanboys forgot all the drm issues facing MS's new features. Short memory much?

GribbleGrunger3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

Do you honestly believe that gameshare on the XB1 was real? Just give this a little thought: You are getting hammered by the press because of DRM and need a great way of changing the narrative from positive to negative. What could you possibly do to persuade them? You have a feature that COULD possibly persuade them, but you decide the best thing to do is keep that feature quiet and only tell people about it AFTER DRM is removed.

It was a crafty way of pushing that negativity onto the people that fought against DRM. Instead of seeing it as a victory for fair trading, it made it look as if those complaining had ruined it for everyone else. It worked for a while too, with many gamers almost begging for DRM to return. How easy it is to manipulate some people is remarkable.

It may be implemented at some point in the future, but prior to the dropping of DRM, it DID NOT EXIST. You've been fooled ... again. Green is the colour of naivety, envy and money. Everything MS promotes and everything MS represents.

Conzul3574d ago

At least the bone is getting .mkv support.

Should push PlayStation to do likewise.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3574d ago
scootscottskeet933574d ago

Why in the hell are people disagreeing with majin?? Nothing he said there was wrong

brich2333574d ago

On Xbox One, my friend can play all my digital games for free at the same time while I'm playing and he can use his own profile while being 100 miles away or across the world.

xxjabberxx3574d ago

You can do this on the PS3 and PS4 since day 1.

Mystogan3574d ago

But you can only play for an hour...

This feature is cool but it's no big deal xD

Certainly not big enough to bury the Xbox one. Not even dent it. Xbox One right now has a lot more useful features.

Jaqen_Hghar3574d ago

please enlighten us. Useful features is not suspend/resume because a man's PS4 does that when he presses the PS button and turns the TV off (oh no a man has to spend 3 more cents on electricity that day!) and "snapping" is just a buzzword describing multitasking. PS4 can do that as you can simply click the PS button twice and it will switch between the other tasks. A man is sorry if you really wanna watch a movie and a game at once (because getting anything out of those two at once is definitely possible) but you gotta go back and forth lol

larrysdirtydrawss3574d ago

its a very cool feature,and a hour is plenty,not everybody plays for an hour at a time... im not sure you seen consoles sales,xone has been buried since the ps4 launched.

Codewow3574d ago

Isn't that what demos are for?

ravens523574d ago

The hour time limit was mentioned for far cry 4's ability to let a friend play. They didn't say there'd be a time limit for share play!!!!!!!!

700p3574d ago

"That's Going Bury The Xbox One" fanboy overload lmao

Sheikh Yerbouti3574d ago

Yeah, felt creepy clicking on the link.

SouthClaw3574d ago

People forget that Microsoft announced a similar feature when they originally announced the Xbox One when it was all digital. You could buy a game and let other people use it. Funny how people forget.

Antifan3574d ago

That good ole family sharing features. Too bad MS discontinued it because they had to get rid of their precious DRM plans.
Sony beat them to the punch.

DougLord3574d ago

MSFT was going to let you "lend" games, but they wanted to put DRM on it. The outrage over it and the required Internet check in is one (of several) factors that led to poorer sales vs PS4. Sony has stolen the idea, and modified it a bit so that while you don't have the DRM and Internet requirement, you can only do it with games you bought digitally. I would expect MSFT could do something very similar since they initially built the Xbone to do this.

rainslacker3574d ago

Sony announced Share Play at their reveal. I don't think they had a fancy name for it then. They even showed it in action playing Knack.

Has there been any confirmation that it's digitally only? From my understanding Share Play is only available when the original content owner is playing the game, but could be used with retail games as well. Basically someone else just takes over the game, it's not the same premise of what MS was doing at all.

Sony also allowed up to 5 people to share a digital game from day one on the PS3. They eventually changed it to sharing it with 2 people due to publisher pressure.

So, no, Sony didn't steal an idea and modify it at all. MS came out with their sharing after E3 when they couldn't find anything good to defend their DRM policies.

johndoe112113574d ago

Did you just have the audacity to say that sony "stole" that idea? Are you freaking serious?????? you know every time I see an article calling sony fanboys the worst fanboys ever I just laugh to myself.

Let me give you a little troll education: http://youtu.be/qh8KLN-l86o...
That, by the way, was at the playstation reveal last year February, 2 MONTHS before the xbox one reveal. if anything I would say that microsoft took their idea and modified it.

Infamazdre3574d ago

This article is cute for now wait until Microsoft drops there share function where you can borrow full games as long as you want sorry but this ain't gonna bury anything

boing13574d ago

Yeah, let's see them doing that.

GordonKnight3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

This firmware update is 9 months too late!!!!!!

The console should've launched with the features this firmware will provide.


GordonKnight3574d ago

Will this be compatible with PlayStation TV?

boing13574d ago

I don't see why not. It's almost the same idea as Playstation Now, just from your console.

ChrisW3574d ago

As awesome as it sounds... How many people are actually going to utilize such a feature to its fullest extent on a regular basis?

christian hour3574d ago

As great as this feature is, it makes me sad to see a grammatically incorrect headline at the top of n4g. The end times are upon us!!! :P

IAM3574d ago

Or your friends just leech off u. Damn all my associates r broke. ill have to buy them a PS4 too in order for them to make use of it, then there are those who work but have poor money management.

The only benifit I see personally is the having of two PS4 in the house n not having to buy two games. Better then pre own wait for price drops, & waiting for a rental I suppose. Just don't have any surprised charges.

otherZinc3574d ago


This is garbage.
Great, at the same time.

There are "no" AAA PS4 games that have Campaign Co-op!

Friends can sample "garbage" like Infamous Second Son, Killzone Shadow Fall, Drive Club, and the mega garbage Knack; Saving friends $60 per.

3574d ago Replies(1)
LamerTamer3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

This will require allot of overhead now in the form of memory and CPU etc as it takes extra processing. Does this mean devs will now have even LESS power to devote to the games themselves as the OS will gobble up even more memory/CPU? Even if you aren't using it won't they have to provide for the ones that do and therefore have to downgrade resolution/framerate/graphics so that it will run with this feature?

If so this is a BAD thing, more OS bloat (and one I will never use).

boing13574d ago

No. Compression is hardware based and has dedicated chip for that. There is no hit on processing power.

Pogmathoin3574d ago

Again, its only good when Sony does it....... No arguments here, it is N4S.....

sho0ok3574d ago

If you guys really care about Devs, DRM was the solution... No offense to anyone just think about it first.

Majin-vegeta3574d ago

Smh at you damn people who think DRM will save devs!

FanboyKilla3574d ago

lol ok. because ps4 has no features, its going to make one, that kills xone. lmfao jealous of the updates and progress eh? yeah just add that feature onto the list of things you say you are going to do eventually.

thats a pretty impressive things to do list you got there ps4.

Kill Crow3574d ago

I don't get it ... don't free demo's negate this - if you wanted to try before you by you just download the demo? What am I missing here? That you can play the demo with a mate? that's not really revolutionary is it?

awi59513573d ago

Man im so glad im staying out of this childish console war this Gen these type of stories are just sad. The kids dont remember the 100 dollar games we had to buy when one console had a monopoly on gaming.

3573d ago
cellfluid3573d ago

Isn't t@ what demos are for?? Anyway sounds interesting!!

+ Show (28) more repliesLast reply 3573d ago
jaredhart3574d ago

It is definitely something nice to have. Similar to the "family share thing" Microsoft said they had planned but never went into detail.

Not necessarily a game changer, but something great to have nonetheless.

amiga-man3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

Sony are not holding back, they seem to have a lot up their sleeve and aces to play.

Theres a lot more to come from the PS4

3574d ago
bmf73643574d ago

*Family Sharing* on Xbox One offered the ability to share your digital game library (but not play the same game at the same time).
Steam currently has the exact same family sharing system with the same exact restrictions. Sony is allowing "Couch Co-Op" via the internet like how they have been describing it.

Elit3Nick3574d ago

@bmf7364 there is no co-op element in here, this simply allows you stream the game from a friend's PS4 to your own, you can't both play it simultaneously.

amiga-man3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

This is a stripped down version of what Microsoft was offering way back when they announced the xbox one that every balked at. Only difference is Microsofts version didn't have a limited play time.

Except you don't have any of the crap MS were trying to force on gamers, you know the DRM, always online and kinect so not the only difference at all

Funny how you chose not to mention that,

Johnsonparts233574d ago

@Elit3Nick Yes, yes there is. Do your research dude, you can play co-op or against each other in 2K or Fifa (or anything else like that).

Death3574d ago

This feature was announced before the PS4 released. It's a 60 minute game share for Plus subscribers. Details are sketchy so far and you would think that developers/publishers will be able to opt out of participating. If two can play for the price of one, publishers may not be thrilled with the idea. It's a great way to reduce game sales.

Ju3574d ago

@Elit3Nick of course you can (if the game supports local multiplayer). You can also pass control back and forth from your to the other PS4 handing over sections of the game on the fly to a "spectator".

SoapShoes3574d ago

@shloobmm3, Sony announced this feature before Microsoft even showed off the Xbox One.

Sheikh Yerbouti3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

Or a great way to increase game sales. Friends who want to play the game on their own time would have to buy the game. Co-op games would be an awesome avenue to introduce new games, better than word of mouth.

christian hour3574d ago


This is nothing like the family sharing plan that was supposed to be a part of xbox one, nothing like it at all. The console sharing (that has been a part of PS4 since launch) is probably more akin to what family sharing would have been like.

PS3 had something similar to "family sharing" too albeit a bit more generous with the amount of consoles you could share your content with. I had 4 friends from what I recall using my FF7 purchase on PSN a few years a back.

Kinda sucks ps4 is restricted to 2 consoles but I can totally understand why, I felt somewhat criminal sharing my entire digital ps3 library with multiple friends :P

But yeah, "digital couch co-op" is nothing like console sharing or the family plan xbox one was supposed to have, and this is also a feature that was announced for ps4 back in feb 2013 (or whenever the unveil was) long before microsoft unveiled the xbone so drawing comparisons now, this late in the game, is just silly.

rainslacker3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

So much revisionist history by some Xbox fans thinking that MS thought of it first.

Anyhow, On topic


It may not be possible to opt out. It could be required to allow on all titles. On the PS3, remote play had to be enabled for each game, and was at the discretion of the publisher. What we saw was that most publishers didn't bother allowing it.

Because of that, Sony may require it to meet system compliance for any title released on the system. Right now since a lot of details are unknown, it's hard to say if publishers would be OK with all this or not. If it's just a one hour play time with a healthy cool down, and can only be used when the source PS4 has the game playing, then I can't see why they'd have a problem with it.

I could see where they might have a problem if a person could play the whole game by just having their friend renew their licence though. In fact, the PS App or remote play could inadvertently allow the client player to just refresh the game when the source player isn't there, but I'm sure that it would be fixed pretty quickly.

Anyhow, just some speculation, because as I say, there is still too many unknown details. It's a nice feature either way. I think if they allowed couch co-op without the time limit it would be awesome for games that have couch co-op so you don't need to have to code a separate MP mode.

I thought the PS2 moved it down to 2 people a few years ago due to publisher pressure.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3574d ago
iamnsuperman3574d ago

You are right. I see this feature as nice but not a game changer. Social stuff in gaming tends not to be. I also think they need to expand it beyond the share play. It should really become like a portable passport. Where we can go to other machines and play our games without the need to re-download them as the run off the home machine.

Keith223574d ago


Limited game time? last I heard you can jump straight back on it so its not that limited.

Death3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

It's limited to 60 minutes at a time for Plus subscrbers to play co-op. According to Sony you can pick up from the last game save after being auto logged out at the 60 minute mark. "More details are to come later". There has to be a way for publishers to opt out of this though. It will be a hard sell by Sony to make this happen all across the board. The potential lost sales seems much higher than potential sales for those using this as a demo.

Time limits, subscription requirements, and a required internet connection. Isn't this the same "DRM" restrictions people were up in arms with not to long ago? The only thing missing is the daily check in for library verification.

GTgamer3574d ago

@death "Time limits, subscription requirements, and a required internet connection. Isn't this the same "DRM" restrictions people were up in arms with not to long ago?"

False people were up in arms becauuuuuuuuuse What MS was about to do would stop us from buying used games soooooo I see no similaritys at all so you all can be quiet now Gracias.

DLConspiracy3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )


Yep same thing only it didn't limit you to co op games only. You would have been able to share any game on your family share plan for Xbox One. There was even rumor from a supposed employee that it would last an hour at a time and you could play simultaneously has long as you were connected online to verify. Only this included games that were not just co op but also single player games etc. One of the features I was most looking forward to on Xbox.

The title of this article is just click bait the rest of the article is much more tame.

Death3574d ago


Check your facts. Microsoft was giving us the ability to rip our games to the HDD and use them like we do digital copies bought off the online store. When we wanted to trade these retail games in, we had to do it at an authorized retailer that could unlock them from our libraries. We could still buy and trade these used games, we were simply limited to where it could be done. The 24 hour check in was to verify we hadn't traded our games in.

Sony's game share is similar to what Microsoft was offering with one exception. On Xbox we were downloading the actual game when we shared them. The quality was the same as retail unlike the streaming that game share will offer. Both had/have time restrictions which are enforced by DRM. This is needed to prevent lost sales for both publishers and retailers. If Sony is trully offering a way to play from save files one hour at a time, I would imagine these same publishers and retailers won't be happy.

GTgamer3574d ago

Yeah because nooooooo body was up in arms about our friends having to pay to access our games smfh matter of fact MS should of stayed with their oringinal vision see how that would turned out for you ಠ_ಠ. I swear y'all got amnesia because When Sony first announced shareplay in February why weren't you guys calling Sony fans hypocrites then hmmmm? please tell me but somehow today Sony fans are hypocrites for for wanting share play :/.

"If Sony is trully offering a way to play from save files one hour at a time, I would imagine these same publishers and retailers won't be happy."

Where was this comment when MS was about to do the same thing but worst i wonder (•ิ_•ิ).

christian hour3574d ago

I used to have an ISP that would log me off of XBL or PSN every hour like clock work so, I'm more than prepared for the interruption! I knew those two years of ISP hell would pay off in the end! :P (/s)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3574d ago
Mikelarry3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

is it a great feature... sound interesting enough, bury the xbox one come on now that is just exaggerating. wait til we actually get some hands on and run some real world test before exaggerating a feature.

lawgone3574d ago

I agree it could be a great feature. Time will tell. It seems there are significant technical hurdles that they didn't explain how they will overcome. I know if I tried to stream anything with my upload speeds it would look awful.

Kavorklestein3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )

Yeah, not really gonna bury the Xbox one. Stupid headline.
In my opinion, it cold actually HARM game sales on the PS4, because what if people who would have taken the risk of buying a game they thought looked good, get to play their friend's copy, and decide they don't want it?

I remember times when I wanted to play a game with a certain friend I would have to buy it, and that would help the developer get money they deserve for the game, and they got a sale because I like playing with friends.
Now, those developers might not get a sale because people can just play it for an hour at a time, or may decide after playing it for an hour, to never play it again. Or it could encourage people to buy a game as well.. Time will tell, like many have been saying.

It's a double edged sword, it benefits gamers, but it could impact copies sold and could hurt games success on PS4.
But a test run could also CONVINCE people to buy games they were on the fence about.

It's a cool feature/option to have nonetheless.

Neonridr3574d ago

I will wait to see this in actual practice. Playing the game for myself on my console while my friend has to have the game streamed to them on their console sounds great in theory. But will there be lag on his end which will make our games play completely different? Will his lag affect my experience if I am waiting around for him to catch up everytime..

Again, sounds cool, but I would like to see more of this first.

arkard3574d ago

If lag is similar at all to remote play (which it should be, same concept after all) I wouldnt worry about it.

Neonridr3574d ago

remote play is in the same room/house. In Share Play the other person could be on the other side of the world..

iamnsuperman3574d ago (Edited 3574d ago )


Remote doesn't necessarily have to be in the same house/room. Remote play, this time around, has two modes. One is done through proximity (making your PS4 act as some sort of hub). The other is still through the internet (though my experience has been dependent on the internet service provider and where I am)

Here is an example https://www.youtube.com/wat... not me by the way

arkard3574d ago

@neonridr I've never used remote play in the same house, I'm speaking strictly over Internet from my personal experience.

rainslacker3574d ago

I've played it over the internet for PS1 RPG's on the PSP(had a small memory card) without any problem. It works pretty well, but is prone to the internet connection. There are some places where my internet was super laggy, and it wasn't the best, but more often than not it worked great.

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Corpser3574d ago

Sounds good in theory but we already know the 60 minute session limit, what other limits are there? I imagine it would be streaming like ps now and limit to at best 720p 30fps .

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anast10h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics8h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX8h ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon7h ago

We are on the same team brother!

Rynxie4h ago

I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.


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RhinoGamer8811h ago

The actual gameplay looks jerky as hell. FC 24 level of stutter!