
Top 5 Remastered Collections We Want To Play

Game Informer: Like the HD remakes of the last generation, it’s clear that remastered versions of popular games are going to be a part of this new generation. Gamers are eager to revisit more polished and refined experiences that they already know they love. Single-game releases – like Tomb Raider and The Last of Us – have gotten most of the attention so far. However, publishers also have an opportunity to capitalize on their popular franchises (like Microsoft is doing with the Master Chief Collection) by releasing remastered anthologies for the new consoles.

Of course, on the development side of things, this is easier said than done. Just getting a game to run on a new platform is difficult and time-intensive – and that’s without any new enhancements. Adding in improved visuals, a silky smooth framerate, and other tweaks would be even more work. Those concerns aside, these are the new-gen collections of last-gen games that we would be playing in an ideal world.

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700p3592d ago

No. I prefer new ips for the new gen. I think the remasters need to stop for a bit.

Yi-Long3591d ago (Edited 3591d ago )

Remasters, especially collections of multiple good games, offer great value for money for anyone who either hasn't played the originals, or wants to enjoy them again with better graphics and tweaks.

I love them. Although obviously I'll only cherry-pick the ones I'm interested in.

Also, the publishers don't waste their A-teams on these projects, so they would still be working on new games.

Muzikguy3591d ago

This! I haven't figured out why so many people think that talent is being wasted when making remasters. Same with firmware updates. There's hundreds of people employed by these companies that can have work doing other things too without taking from other projects

InactiveUser3591d ago (Edited 3591d ago )

"Exclusive remasters I'd buy:
*Uncharted Trilogy
*Resistance Trilogy
*Metal Gear Solid Collection (1-4)
*The Last Of Us (already released)
*God of War Collection (all 6)
*Ico/SotC (or just an SotC remake - built for PS4)
*Heavy Rain
*Killzone (2-3)
*Ratchet & Clank Future (ToD, QfB, AciT, and maybe Nexus) and maybe the PS2 ones

Multiplat remasters I'd buy:
*BioShock Trilogy
*Half-Life (1-2 and episodes, etc.)
*Portal Collection
*Red Dead Redemption (GotY edition w/ Undead Nightmare)
*Battlefield: Bad Company Collection (throw in BF3 too if you want)
*Test Drive: Eve of Destruction (a PS2 game, hopefully w/ new EoD2 game)
*Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Trilogy (I like the Spec Ops missions) / Black Ops (Blops 1 has the best MP IMO.. out of CoD games)
*Dead Space (mostly 1, I haven't played 2 & 3 yet)
*Civilization: Revolution

Some others I'd consider, but would personally probably wait longer to buy, like GTA IV, Fallout 3, LBP, Brutal Legend, Burnout: Paradise, Folklore, Beyond: Two Souls (haven't tried it yet), Metro series (coming soon), may be forgetting some, but that's pretty much all I'd rebuy, and I would definitely rebuy and replay them."

Quoted my comment http://n4g.com/news/1556626... from ~a week ago, since it's relevant to this topic. I would rebuy most of these on PS5 and beyond too if they keep upping the quality (Quad HD 1440p or 4K, 8K eventually; better textures, lighting, AI, effects, particles, whatever).

ABizzel13591d ago (Edited 3591d ago )


I've said it for the longest, but people just ignorantly and blindly comment anyway. The majority of remasters are handled by smaller 2nd / 3rd party developers who generally aren't out making tons of new IP's to being with.

There are quite a few developers out there who sold jobs consist of porting games.

For multiplatform games, a Remaster Collection is easy, because they're simply taking the PC version and porting it over, at the desired framerates and resolutions.

Console exclusives can be a bit harder, but as Naughty Dog proved it can still be done in as little as 6 months.

These remasters are not taking away any huge resources from developers, and to think that is stupid. They're quick and easy to push out games that give gamers a better version of their favorite game(s) from the last generation (which is always especially important during the first year of a new console launch).

The next excuse is....well isn't that a cash grab. And the answer is, possibly, but it's giving you something to play while these new IP's and AAA franchises take 2 - 3 years to make, and more importantly you don't have to buy it.

NovusTerminus3591d ago

Dragons Dogma, just for a steady framerate! Lived the game but it ran horrible!

Infamous2983591d ago (Edited 3591d ago )

That game was seriously underrated, that game was awesome!!

rmw2hot873591d ago (Edited 3591d ago )

I want to play a gears of war collection 4 xbox one that would be so sick.

knifefight3591d ago

Final Fantasy: The PSOne Collection HD.

knifefight3591d ago

If the games were overhauled enough, I think you get $200 out of me for that. Maybe more.

souldestroyer143591d ago (Edited 3591d ago )

I bought a new console for new games.
All of the games listed run perfectly fine on their platform.. Except for dark souls. Blight town specifically

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Batman: Arkham Shadow is another VR game players do not want

Geoff Keighley revealed a new Batman Arkham game is in the works to be released later this year, with a first look at gameplay happening at Summer Game Fest. Unfortunately for just about everyone, Batman: Arkham Shadow is a VR-only game exclusive to the Meta Quest 3. The community reaction hasn’t been great.

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RonsonPL30d ago

What a bunch of nonsense.
Gamers saw 0 seconds of actual gameplay and the author of this "article" says they don't want the game.

Friendlygamer28d ago

Don't even know what is a meta quest 3

abstractel28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

Troll post?

On topic, this could be good but no way to know until it's out. Glad that it's Quest 3 exclusive so it doesn't have to run on the Quest 2. If it turns out to be good, I look forward to a eventual PCVR or PSVR 2 port.

Friendlygamer28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

I mean, I know what a vr headset is but I've never heard of this one, I thought the big one was the Sony one. I have a friend who believed Microsoft hadn't released a new Xbox console to compete with the ps5 because series s and series x sound a lot like x and s, that's how apathetic people can be I guess

aaronlif1028d ago

I see the industry is once again trying to bash VR. I honestly think most game companies don't want to have to cater to VR and are doing whatever they can to bury it. Which is a shame because when done right, VR games are absolutely amazing. Half Life Alyx being one of the most obvious examples. But too many people are trying to see it fail. Most of the big companies don't want to spend the extra energy on it. It's much easier to just churn out yet another call of duty that they know will make a ton of money, which from a business standpoint is understandable, but unfortunately they are preventing the evolution of a new way to experience gaming. When I see an article like this, it just makes me think that there's a real effort to cause VR to fail. Has this guy even played the game? Has he even seen any actual gameplay from it? For all he knows it could be amazing. I think the only complaint I have is that it's coming only to meta quest 3 and not PSVR2, which seems like an odd decision. Sony is dropping the ball with PSVR2 so bad. It's a great headset but they simply aren't making any effort to support it. And I think it all boils down to big companies not wanting to put the effort towards VR. But Sony needs to push harder too. How Half Life Alyx hasn't shown up or even been hinted at for PSVR2 since the headset came out is beyond me. Sony should be moving mountains to convince Valve to port the game to PS5 and PSVR2. That is the biggest chance Sony has at convincing people of what VR can do. It's sad really. I love VR games. Half Life Alyx is one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. And it wouldn't have been possible any other way. I truly hope these people don't cause us to lose out on such a promising tech. But articles like this certainly don't help. And it's especially frustrating when clearly this person hasn't even tried the game yet.

Michiel198928d ago

if I were a massive company I wouldn't make VR games either. It's so much risk, first you have to nail making a game for VR, which we've seen is really hard to do. Secondly, the vr market is very fractured considering how small it is. Quite a decent amount of headsets for such a small space, all which have different specs, so then you gotta pick the right one. 3rd is needs to sell an astronomical amount relative to the install base for a AAA VR game to pay off. Too much if's and risks and not worth the effort.


Dark Souls: Archthrones Reaffirms Modding Is The Best Thing To Happen To Games

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The prevalence of parrying: Why is it so popular?

Parrying has been creeping into more games, with almost every high-profile title of the last few years featuring it in some way.  Why?

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phoenixwing71d ago (Edited 71d ago )

i understand the authors frustration i'm not the best at parrying in games. not that i can't complete a game that requires it but it is a definite harder thing for me than other kinds of techniques in games. which might be the main reason it's so heavily added in games nowadays. want to make your game challenging without having to do a lot of work? just add a parry boss. (what i mean by parry boss is a boss you have to beat by parrying such that their attacks will kill you otherwise)

Dudeson71d ago (Edited 71d ago )

I always think it's fine as long as such games also have the roll/dodge panic button. But I understand the will to parry, it seems so cinematic in a fight when you pull it off.

2d ago