
Liam: Why Microsoft’s Xbox One is the console to buy

Which? Convo: Which current generation video game console should win your hard-earned cash? Here’s Liam of Xbox Mad on why you should go for Microsoft’s Xbox One over Sony’s PlayStation 4.

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JBSleek3613d ago

You choose the console that:

1. Your friends play on.

2. Has the games you personally enjoy.

Which one has the best games is totally up to the user.

XiNarutoUzumaki3613d ago

That's right, and that's why PS4 dominates in my room!

Brim3613d ago

as said above good 4 you but the xbox dominates my room and i have a ps4 ...

Zuperman3613d ago

Okay Liam, you prefer Xbox over Playstation. But did you really have to write an article about it?

Goro3613d ago

The only good exclusive on PS4 right now is inFamous, both Killzone & Knack are awful games which is a shame because the original 3 Killzones along with Mercenary are all amazing games.

tbone5673613d ago (Edited 3613d ago )

The xbox one has more games than the PS4 just like the Xbox 360 compared to PS3. Nothing has changed.

AngelicIceDiamond3613d ago

I don't understand Naruto's disagrees. The PS4 dominates in HIS room HIS living space.

I dunno why ppl can't respect that.

BX813613d ago

@ goro
I agree with the KZ comment. I played 2 and 3 and I thought they blew Shadowfall
out of the water. I can't speak on knack because I never played it.

choujij3613d ago

Ugh, what a terrible article. I've seen fanboys on IGN post better arguments than this guy. Don't waste your time.

XiSasukeUchiha3612d ago

PS4 dominates my room as well Naruto.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3612d ago

it depends on what your priority is.

most of my friends played on the 360 and some of them stuck with the xb1. I decided I wanted the best console to be my primary system.

I still got an xb1 but I do most of my gaming on ps4. I had zero friends on psn to start with but i soon started making them.

I wouldn't just buy something for the sake of my friends all jumping on it.

JBSleek3613d ago

"You wouldn't just buy something for the sake of my friends all jumping on it."

This is gaming though. Not saying people shouldn't have multiple systems as I do as well but you want to play with your friends.

I prefer Nintendo exclusives that's why I have a Wii U. I have and PS4 and Xbox One because most of my friends have both. Gaming is social. Well at least to me.


I guess it depends how attached you are to your friends.

If i am honest in my case, our friendship formed from playing halo through to MW2.

After that it was like people started drifting off and not playing together as often. Maybe that made it a bit easier for me.

When the subject came up about what console everyone was getting, most of them just seemed to want to stay with xbox because that is what they were use to.

I made it clear I was moving to ps4 because I felt it was the better system.

I got both in the end, but I still stuck to buying most of my games on ps4. I guess for some playing with friends is the most important thing and thats all that matters.

Ballsack3613d ago

Says liam of 'Xbox mad'....

Just let that sink in

creatchee3613d ago

Says some guy named 'Ballsack'...
Just let that sink in.

creatchee3613d ago (Edited 3613d ago )

Double post :/

Ballsack3612d ago

Lol you tried to be funny but ended up with a 'double post'

Kinda killed any humour that you attempted. Lol

TheRedButterfly3613d ago

1.) Friends play on Xbox/PC
2.) Halo

Well, looks like it's a tossup between Xbox and Xbox.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3612d ago
uth113613d ago

Wow there's almost no meat to his argument. First part only applies if you didn't buy the kinnectless system, Then he just comes back to the "Xbox has better games" argument, which is completely subjective.

Elit3Nick3613d ago

This is an opinion piece though, of course your choice in games is subjective, this guy just happens to prefer xbox exclusives.

uth113613d ago

which is fine, except this is a point/counterpoint article against someone who argued for PS4.

So he should be trying to convince us! The "Best games" line was also claimed by the Sony guy, so that point is neutralized. There isn't much left to the argument.

ZerobyZero3613d ago

I think both consoles have the same amount of good games.

LordMaim3613d ago

This comment is likely to get disagrees from both camps.

ZerobyZero3613d ago

That's my personal opinion. I don't care if people agree or disagree just for a comment I post.

Ihatetrolls763613d ago

We'll said but fanboys are to blind to see that. I have an xbox one and wiiu but I'm still looking at getting a ps4. I'd love to see a new twisted metal. I'm more of a forza fan but still gt is a good series and I can't wait to see polyphony make a new racer and I hope it's as good as the 3rd one was it was my favorite in the series games was beautiful and the soundtrack was the best I've heard in any racing game.

Keith223613d ago

Why pay more for a weaker console?

Keith223613d ago

Why pay the same price for a weaker console then?.....

ziggurcat3613d ago

The SKU with kinect is still available, so no.

Kavorklestein3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )

Yes it is the same price, and in some instances, it's CHEAPER. Or comes with a free game, etc.

And I also agree with your comment below about the PS2. It also applies to the PS1. It also applies to much of the PS3's multiplats.

It's like this....

Sooo, basically just because Sony FINALLY has the clear cut power advantage, it's the best?
Even when , in the past, people have defended a weaker/more flawed/or inferior Sony console just because it's what they preferred, and it has games that appeal to them?

Yet, when the tables are turned, suddenly Xbox fans aren't allowed to embrace the Xbox One for what it is, and aren't supposed to enjoy IT'S games because it's slightly less powerful?

So, you guys were CORRECT when you said the PS2 is great because it has many great games, and people who had the original Xbox were wrong to belittle you guys over something like graphics or power, because those things like graphics, controller, power, power supply, games, peripeherals etc... have an interchangeable value to certain people.

But, YOU ARE WRONG NOW. Being pricks doesn't get you anywhere, especially since you should already know how it feels to be "inferior" graphically, or when it comes to "power"

Just like true fans of the Xbox brand or Ip's will continue to play Xbox, for it's games, and for many other reasons.

So, basically all the defenses the Sony camp has clung to for a decade are just null and void, because now, they finally AREN'T in the Hot seat?

I remember PS1 gamers saying it didn't matter that the N64 was more powerful. They didn't like the kiddie games on Nintendo anymore, so they all wanted a Playstation.

I remember PS2 fans saying, "it's about the games, not the graphics. And it has a dvd player"

I remember Ps3 guys saying "it's about the games, not the graphics" or "it also has blu-ray it's still better..."

So if it's about the games, or the "Extras" when SONY fans buy a slightly inferior system back then, then why can't it be that way for xbox fans now?????


Shame on you guys, (those of you who do it) you are all miserable hypocrites.

I personally think Nintendo is a example of brand loyalty that is ideal. Because regardless of HOW powerful their systems are, or what their consoles actually offer in "Value" there will always be room in the market for them, and they don't become a conceited and cocky fanbase of douchebags. Which, I'll admit, some Xbox fans were that way too last gen.

Truth is, There will always be room in the market for anybody who has a great place to play games.

If it was ONLY about the BEST in power or graphics- and the 2nd or 3rd place consoles were just axed on the spot, then PLAYSTATION WOULD HAVE BEEN AXED FROM THE BEGINNING.

Just because this is THE FIRST playstation that isn't priced too high, and clocked too low, doesn't mean you all get to be inconsiderate and hypocritical pricks all over the place.

You guys FINALLY get to celebrate being the most efficient. You DON'T get to tell everyone else how high to jump, or where they can shit.

Especially when you're the last guests to the party, walking down hallways to take dumps in restrooms that others have ALREADY been shitting in since before the dawn of Playstation, and for every playstation UNTIL now.

And PC gamers have a leg up on us console gamers at all times, but does that mean they have to walk around all arrogant and Make people lose respect for them?

Kavorklestein3612d ago (Edited 3612d ago )


I'm also NOT talking sales strictly either... Because the Nintendo Wii was the best seller last Gen, and we all know plenty of people who despised the Wii or "grew out of Nintendo games" again, or just plain hated it's 480p graphics, etc. etc.
SO- in closing, it doesn't matter what people like to play, or why they play it, or if you like it, it's just about each gamer getting his fair share of the fun.

And other's are ALWAYS gonna have different tastes than we do, for example, I despise the stupid Japanese tits and ass animation/niche games.
I'm NOT here to bash the people who play those games, I'm here to say I wouldn't be caught dead playing them lol.
Just like some folks despise Halo, and others never cared for most Sony first party titles.

I just wanna to say that everyone's tastes differ, and we can't change it, and that's why as long as you are gaming, you're (mostly) doin' it right.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3612d ago
Brim3613d ago

well it's a GAMING console so if someone thinks the games are better on the WEAKER console then expect that to be the console that they prefer.

Gr1mmyshadows3613d ago

because to some people uber resolution isnt all that matters

JBSleek3613d ago

Everyone who is saying that they don't buy the weaker console. So I guess you never owned what I consider the greatest console to come out. PS2. Which was $299 same as the Xbox?

Oh but then the narrative changes right?

IIFloodyII3613d ago

Not really, PS2 just had all the games due to it's success, you really didn't have a choice if you wanted to play most games.

WilDRangeRrfc3613d ago

Games ?? Controller preference ?? Xbox Live dedicated servers and smart match no lag or PSN is down for maintenance ?? Where your friends play ?? Better voice chat quality not Bluetooth like PS4 which is really bad ?? Don't be so arrogant PS4 is beast but X1 has a lot going for it that's better in some peoples opinions but also in facts

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3612d ago
realdeal3613d ago

If you like halo, forza, KI, crackdown, etc. Get a x1. If you like uncharted, last of us, infamous etc. Get a ps4. If you want bleeding edge graphics get a pc. if you like zelda mario get a wii u. If u like them all then more power to you. But imho i think exclusives are what truly define a console.

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anast6h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics5h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX5h ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon4h ago

We are on the same team brother!

Rynxie56m ago

I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.


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RhinoGamer888h ago

The actual gameplay looks jerky as hell. FC 24 level of stutter!