
Ex-God of War lead Stig Asmussen joins Respawn Entertainment

Former God of War creative director Stig Asmussen has joined Titanfall developer Respawn Entertainment, studio co-founder Vince Zampella confirmed to Polygon today.

XiSasukeUchiha3642d ago

Cool, good luck at Respawn man.

GarrusVakarian3642d ago (Edited 3642d ago )

Singleplayer lead director for Titanfall 2 campaign confirmed (i hope).

Glad to see he's landed on his feet, Respawn are lucky to have him. Congrats to the both of them.


I don't think it would be pointless at all. One of the main complaints about TF is how bare-bones it is, adding a quality campaign mode instead of the awful "campaign missions" the game has now, would benefit it greatly imo. It would also help justify the price. With Stig behind the wheel, it could have an epic campaign mode.

gamerfan09093642d ago

Titanfall doesn't need a single player. It would be pointless. I like the fact that they have a highly multiplayer focus and they should grow on that. The things they need to improve are the graphics, launch with more maps and modes, and build a new game on an improved engine. Other than that I see a nice future for Respawn.

LOGICWINS3642d ago

^^If/when Titanfall 2 comes out, I'd welcome a single player aspect if it was actually good.

Utalkin2me3642d ago


Funny you say respawn is multiplayer focused, but then in turn name tons of things they need to do to improve the multiplayer.

GameDev13642d ago (Edited 3642d ago )

is it true Stig's cancelled project cost Sony that much money or was it just insider talk??

Anyway great to see him again, did great with God of War 3

Would love to see his work on Titanfall 2

GarrusVakarian3641d ago (Edited 3641d ago )

@ mrsonystalker

Ughhh, typical Xbox fanboy attitude, all you care about is MP. So one dimensional.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3641d ago
wastedcells3642d ago (Edited 3642d ago )

he sat beside me in the sony booth at the order 1886, when I saw the respawn shirt i was laughing and he smiled. Then he was chilling with a bunch of sony guys in the booth for a while and they were all happy to see him, I can say this... Titan Fall is coming to PS4, I have good hearing.

thricetold3642d ago

They also stated as much on national television Monday about titanfall 2.

CernaML3641d ago

Haha wouldnt doubt it. I was standing in line with another Respawn employee talking with his friends. Lets just say he really couldnt care less about the Xbox platform. Hes a PC guy. :P

xKugo3642d ago ShowReplies(2)
Borma3642d ago (Edited 3642d ago )

Not going to lie, the only reason I know of him, is because of his commercial for The Art Institute of Pittsburgh lol. Seen it too many times. http://www.youtube.com/watc...

gamerfan09093642d ago

I've never liked the GOW series, so I'm not really affected by this signing. The one thing I will praise is the amount of scope he was able to get out of those games. Glad to see Respawn growing. Titanfall breathed new life in FPS games and is easily my favorite shooter since Halo 3.

SoulSercher6203642d ago

"Titanfall breathed new life in FPS games"

How by adding mechs? Something that has been done in shooters already and done better?

gamerfan09093642d ago

Done better? Like what? Oh please. The game plays so much faster than any FPS on the market and plays so much better. If you never played the game then don't comment. Fanboy idiot.

metatronx3641d ago

@gamerfan lol u r the fanboy. He/she was just expressing his opinion and you already jumped to a conclusion that he/she is a fanboy.

SoulSercher6203641d ago (Edited 3641d ago )

LMAO fanboy idiot? Why don't you try playing Starhawk which does EVERYTHING better than Titanfall?

16 vs. 16
Bigger maps
More vehicles
Better mech

Oh I'm gonna guess you never played that game either. Whose the idiot now dumbass?

gamerfan09093641d ago

Starhawk is awful. The fact that you even bring the game up is hilarious. The game doesn't play for feel anything like Titanfall. It's mediorce at best. The mech combat is so much more superior in titanfall compared to starhawk that you have to either A. never played Titanfall or 2. just troll on here.

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Respawn veteran Stig Asmussen forms Giant Skull to build AAA single player games

Experienced veterans from EA's Respawn studio have formed a new AAA team called Giant Skull.

Read Full Story >>
RaidenBlack81d ago

"... to build AAA single player games"
~ well that's some good news

Cacabunga81d ago

He Gave us the legendary classic God of War 3..

Levii_9281d ago

Hey it's Stig! He directed my favourite God of War game. You know one of the older ones that were fun.

Christopher81d ago

He also directed two Jedi games that are more like the two new GoW games than the old ones. All of them were fun, though.

Eonjay81d ago

Looks at Stig's profile picture:
Giant Skull seems oddly appropriate.


‘Star Wars’ Video-Game Director Stig Asmussen Leaves Electronic Arts

Video-game director Stig Asmussen, who led efforts to rebuild Electronic Arts Inc.’s Star Wars game franchise, is leaving the company.

Read Full Story >>
BanginTunes261d ago

I wonder if his refusal to delay the game had part in this, as the launch issues seem to overshadow the game's reputation more than the positive reviews


Respawn: Sekiro Is Very Similar to Jedi Fallen Order; Asmussen Loved FromSoftware Since King's Field

Respawn developers said Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a very similar game to Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order. Game Director Stig Asmussen even added he's a big fan of FromSoftware since the days of King's Field.

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rdgneoz31774d ago

The combat was not even close to the quality of Sekiro, so hopefully they use the time till release wisely.

Christopher1774d ago (Edited 1774d ago )

This exactly, almost. I wouldn't say "quality" so much as style. They look like two different games in design as far as combat, one more focused on abilities and cinematic appeal with less of a focus on timing while the other is more focused on skill and timing.

UltraNova1773d ago (Edited 1773d ago )

From what was shown so far nothing and I mean nothing looked like Sekiro. Especially the combat and general gameplay fluidity which Jedi:FO was God awful btw.

rdgneoz31773d ago

@Chris. One of the clips shown at E3 had the main character deflecting a blaster round that was like 2 feet from his lightsaber...

24:07 in, as he rounds the boxes look at where his lightsaber and the blaster round are when it bounces back... https://www.reddit.com/r/St...

Sekiro (and Fromsoftware in general) has attention to the little details. The game looks nice, but they are very different in terms of gameplay quality and style of maps (open areas vs corridors).

Potnoodle9991773d ago

Im pretty sure it should say Jedi fallen order is similar to sekiro.... anyway just came to say that. Won’t be picking this one up, as you know...


Jackhass1774d ago

Interesting. Presumably, it's not nearly as hard though.

Brave_Losers_Unite1774d ago (Edited 1774d ago )

Imagine believing what an EA dev has to say. Thats a yikes from me

DaDrunkenJester1774d ago

There is no reason to doubt Respawn yet. Their track record has been good... but this is only the second game under EA for them, and it's a SW game so EA isn't going to miss out on making money on it so I understand the trepidation haha

Ratchet751774d ago

Excuse me, but the E.A dev your calling liar is the guy that produced and directed GOD OF WAR 3, WI h is one of the best playstation 3 game ever made.
Nuff said😉😉

PapaBop1773d ago (Edited 1773d ago )

^^^ Produced without some greedy twat like EA breathing down his neck. You could make a long list of noteworthy names in game development whose work took a nose dive since EA got control of them.

Germaximus1774d ago

Way to make me not want the game anymore. I hope it's just another nonsensical comparison to Souls games.

1774d ago Replies(1)
DaDrunkenJester1774d ago

I somehow doubt that it will even have an ounce of Sekiro's World, enemy, and combat design, but if that is the case... this game definitely got a whole lot more interesting.

rainslacker1774d ago

We've already seen gameplay, and it looks more like it plays like any standard third person action adventure game, but with light sabers. About the only thing I'd say was accurate was the aim of the storm troopers

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