
Telltale Brings Hit Games to Xbox One and PlayStation 4

Today, we can confirm that The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series – Season One, The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series - Season Two and The Wolf Among Us: A Telltale Games Series will be coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 later this year. Furthermore, The Walking Dead - Season Two and The Wolf Among Us will be released as retail discs for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 following their continuing success as digital downloads.

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ShutUpDonny3655d ago

Great! I wanted to remote play The Wolf Among Us in bed, the same place I read all the Fables. Perfect continuity!

ginsunuva3655d ago

Aren't these games available on Vita?

morganfell3655d ago

Did they fix the inverted controls as they originally promised and then failed to do?

ShutUpDonny3655d ago

It is or will be, but I guess it will run better on PS4 and remote play works like a charm.

NYC_Gamer3655d ago

I hope they fix the technical issues of the games before releasing them on current consoles

Sy_Wolf3655d ago

I hope they let you download it for free on the PS4 if you already bought it on the PS3, but I doubt they will :/

Gamer6663655d ago

Is it just me or are other people feeling:

Why should we pay to play games we have played before?

Console vendors used to offer this little thing called backwards compatibility... Now publishers are allowed to double dip our pockets by making HD remakes and re-releases on the new platforms...

I don't play my Wii U much, but Nintendo has maintained Wii game BC. Meanwhile Sony and MS did not.

Volkama3655d ago (Edited 3655d ago )

They aren't necessarily targetting people that have played these games before. I don't think they're even touting any improvements to the game. This is more of a cross-platform release rather than a remake. The full series of two of these games aren't even out yet on any platform.

They're just trying to reach as many people as they can.

GribbleGrunger3655d ago (Edited 3655d ago )

"Why should we pay to play games we have played before?"

Why would you pay for a game you've played before? Don't buy them if you've played them before. If you haven't, buy them and play them.

The Vita has BC with the PSP and the PS1 but guess what ... people don't count that as a good thing on the Vita. Interesting, no?

PsylentKiller3655d ago

People are getting upset about rereleases and developers double dipping but they fail to realize one simple thing. Why are you getting upset? I believe the reason to be is that you sold your previous console to buy/make room for the new generation. Now, you don't have the game or he system anymore and have no way to play it with the exception of renting or borrowing.

I do the same thing every generation. I sell my old systems to buy the new. At first there is some regret because there are not many games to buy. But then the games come rolling in and you forget about the old ones. This generation, though, the wait for great games to release seems longer than usual for some reason. Some may place blame that we are getting the old 'Bait and Switch' with the big games like Watch Dogs and Titanfall.

I don't believe we are being tricked. Developers have been doing this since I can remember. Since the Atari 2600 and the Commodore 64. Did you ever take a look at he box art? Yeah, space invaders really looks like the cover art. I think it's because the jump I graphics isn't that great right now plus the games we are looking forward to keep getting delayed.

But as far as rereleases go, I welcome them. I sold my system and my games. If they want to rerelease every single game then great. But I will only be buying he ones that I loved the first time I bought them. The walking dead, TLOU, Tomb Raider, the list can go on.

To the people that are getting upset over rereleases, I hope you don't buy Call of Duty every year or Madden or FIFA or Assasins Creed. I think you get my point.

KonsoruMasuta3655d ago

Don't buy them?

They aren't forcing you to buy them. If you already played it, why would you buy it again?

mydyingparadiselost3655d ago

If it's already been released then why release it again?

KonsoruMasuta3655d ago

For the people that haven't played them.

n4rc3655d ago

It hasn't been released on current gen. That's kind of the point..

falviousuk3655d ago


the stupidity of some people on here still amazes me

dumahim3655d ago

I didn't buy Season 2 or Wolf Among Us because I was waiting for next gen retail release. I'd rather play it all at once instead of waiting months between episodes.

Hk85karlsson3655d ago

Sony will with PS Now.
MS won´t. Ever, or at least they haven´t showed anything that supports the idea.

psyxon3655d ago

"Used to." Things change. Learn to deal with it.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3655d ago
Volkama3655d ago

Cool. I loved The Walking Dead season one.

I haven't started series 2, and I haven't started The Wolf Among Us. Anyone else prefer to wait until all the episodes are available before playing these?

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Top 10 Black Video Game Characters

Black video game characters with stories of note regrettably remain a rare sight at present. Game Luster’s Nirav Gandhi brings us his take on the ten most prominent black video game characters to date.

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bunt-custardly1439d ago (Edited 1439d ago )

Not approving this cos you failed to mention Carl Johnson from San Andreas or Franklin Clinton from GTA V (not a serious comment btw).

laserap1438d ago

There was already an article the same as this about a week or so ago.

DaReapa1438d ago

There are various takes on several top 10 lists on a weekly basis. So what's so different about this?

HarryMasonHerpderp1438d ago

Drebin mgs4
Fortune mgs2
Barret FF7
Shadow man

All these characters are cool asf

philm871438d ago

Afro Thunder from Ready 2 Rumble

Poopmist1438d ago

Captain Anderson (Mass Effect)
Barrett (FF7)
Keith David (Saints Row 4)
50 cent
Cole Train (Gears)


This incredible "The Walking Dead" game cosplay will make you look twice

Cosplay let us come closer to our favourite video games characters and sometimes the distance is so small that becomes hard to distinguish dreams from reality! Today's viral news is all about an amazing Clementine cosplay from The Walking Dead series gamers!

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It is very likely that The Walking Dead, Batman and The Wolf Among Us may come to Nintendo Switch

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PhoenixUp2508d ago

It's even more possible it's not with the way Telltale shuns Nintendo with everything except Minecraft

bluefox7552508d ago

Well, these games have been able to run on phones for years now, so there's really no excuse for Switch.

Chumdiddy2507d ago

I don't see why not. They could probably port the Android apk files over in a day.

Istolla2507d ago

That's not how this works. The Switch can't run Android APK files. What do you mean by porting the APK files?

Chumdiddy2507d ago

The switch is a glorified gaming tablet, Nvidia Tegra and all. I'd bet one day's work could have their already made Android apks ready for Switch. It's the same exact hardware.

Istolla2507d ago

If they bring the game to Switch, it would have nothing to do with Android APKs...

N4Gwarrior2506d ago

They can probably emulate it to switch.