
I never want to play Shenmue 3, Half-Life 3 or The Last Guardian

Martin Robinson:

I've often wondered what would happen the day it's finally announced. The day when some leaked developer schedules, a handful of rumours and a whole wave of speculation build to a climax, leading the world's press to a conference hall somewhere in downtown Los Angeles, perhaps, or maybe just to an office block in Washington State. The moment when Gabe Newell strolls out, a knowing smile on his face, before, on the screen behind him, an orange 'three' fades into life.

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Mankey3720d ago

Then don't. But that doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't want to.

randomass1713720d ago

I think the author was trying to say that all the delays and years of hype is something the games can never live up to... that all said I still want to play those games since I don't let development cycles tell me how much fun I should be having. XD

Mankey3720d ago

This was sarcastic repose. Obviously that was what he meant.

Eonjay3719d ago

I have never played Half Life. But there is so much latent hype behind HL3 that even I would pre order on the spot. There will be huge conversations about it and I will take part in them. Its the one game that gets you so excited because everyone else is excited.

randomass1713720d ago

My bad dude. Didn't read your sarcasm. >.<

ArchangelMike3720d ago (Edited 3720d ago )

Yeah, I don't think HL3 can live up to the hype anymore. I will still play it, dont get me wrong. But games have moved on, and then moved on again, since HL2.

Games like TLOU (among others) are now the new benchmarks in story telling and gameplay and graphical fidelity. HL3 can no longer look to HL2 for inspiration, as that gaming trope is now outdated and out moded.

The Last Guardian on the other hand might still be able to deliver, only becasue we still have no real idea how the game plays.

SilentNegotiator3719d ago

What hype? HL3 has become the butt of a joke/meme. You almost never see any actual "hype" for HL3 anymore and we haven't for years.

plaZeHD3719d ago

"The Last Of Us is the new benchmark in story telling and gameplay" You can't be serious.

ArchangelMike3719d ago


I said "games like TLOU (Among others) are now the new benchmarks in story telling..."

You disagree, but you haven't actually said what games you think are the new bench mark in story telling? you surely cant seriously believe that HL2 is till the benchmark in story telling. It has been surpassed in many ways by many different games already.

Jonny5isalive3719d ago

more like dont worry because none of those games are ever gonna come out.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3719d ago
mochachino3720d ago

I need Half Life 3, if just for closure.

Dubaman3719d ago

Half-Life 3? Dude, we're already on Half-Life 4

randomass1713719d ago

Holy crap. Imagine what'll be required for Half-Life 9!

bloodybutcher3719d ago

It will be a portal that takes you into the world of hl

shadowraiserx3719d ago

IF SE dont remake FF7 in this new generation of consoles I prefer to forget about it.

R-A-S-03719d ago

i'm playing through FF7 for the 1st time right now. Just reached the end of the 1st disc which was heart-wrenching. I don't think the game needs to be remade tbh. I'm usually pretty wary of older rpgs because they can get pretty frustrating, but this holds up very well. Besides, updated graphics would probably mean voice acting, which really wouldn't fit

MeLoveRamen3719d ago

If i was only able to choose 1 out of these three, i would say that the only game i need is The last Guardian. After playing ico and the shadow of the colossus remake for ps3 I need moar Team ICO games in my life.

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15 Biggest Unresolved Video Game Cliffhangers We May Never Get Answers To

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Fluke_Skywalker128d ago (Edited 128d ago )

Never say never, I really didn't expect to ever see Space Marine 2 and 12 years later its almost here.
So there is still hope for all these games.

Chocoburger128d ago

I've completed 5 of the games on the list, but the author forgot to include Advent Rising. It was supposed to be a trilogy, but it bombed hard, and the two sequels never got made. It was Mass Effect, a console generation before Mass Effect.

The game is buggy and unpolished, it needed a few more months of development, but the potential was there. At the end of the game, you have all these super abilities, I remember the stomp attack that created a shockwave being especially powerful.

shinoff2183127d ago

I personally think days gone will recieve some sort of sequel at some point. I'm personally also hoping it's not the rumored multiplayer online stuff. I'd think most that enjoyed it would rather thisnto.

Knightofelemia127d ago

Sony needs to dust off Sly Cooper and Days Gone so needs a sequel two of my favorite Sony titles. Bulletstorm I love great game wish it also got a sequel. And I wish Namco would finally give Enslaved a sequel another great game.


15 More Underrated PS4 Games You Probably Didn’t Play

GB: "With this feature, we run down 15 of the most underrated games on the PS4 that never received the love and appreciation they truly deserve."

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Christopher189d ago

I've played 15, and I wouldn't consider any of those underrated TBH. Some of them are pretty high rated.

banger88189d ago

That's amazing, Gamingbolt actually put all 15 games on the same page.

shinoff2183188d ago

I. Not seeing anything on that list underrated. I never played concrete genie, the ASTRO vr,and one other but I forgot the name already. Nothing on there was underrated at all imo.

persona4chie188d ago

There’s only 4 of those games I never played, and no most of those aren’t underrated.

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