
TinyBuild Releases First Gameplay Footage of Kickstarter Hopeful, JetGetters

GamerZines writes:

Last week we brought you news of JetGetters, a new multiplayer Kickstarter-funded project from the makers of No Time To Explain, and honestly we were expecting it to hit its investment goal in a matter of hours.

Unfortunately things haven't quite panned out that way, with the project only attracting $27,859 of its $50,000 investment goal thus far, with 16 days left for users to pledge their earnings. That makes us rather sad as Jetgetters madcap and fast-paced multiplayer stylings appear right up our street and this recently released gameplay trailer has only made those yearnings even stronger!

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JetGetters Just Cancelled Their Kickstarter, Giving Funders The Game & Their Money Back

It's a well-timed act of goodwill, in this time when crowdfunds have faced increasing skepticism.

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cyguration3715d ago

So close... and now it's so far.

mhunterjr3715d ago

Maybe not that far. They found someone who was willing to invest in full... It could be a good thing.

hay3715d ago

Pretty amazing stuff. Game will be made, honest decision was made to be fair, it's a win:win for everyone.

randomass1713714d ago

I'm so happy for them! It's really kind of them to refund their backers as a result. That's a sign of an honest and reliable developer. :)

TitanUp3714d ago

awesome that they gave back the money and are giving away games to the backers.

3-4-53714d ago

Did you even read ?

They met their goal, but something after the fact is going to cause them to not be able to live up to their promise.

They don't want to lie to people or screw them over so they gave them their money back, and some games.

After they found a new investor and will now be able to have the money to continue making the game.

* It's going to take a bit longer to release but it will release.

* Fans win, gamers win, paying customers win, and these developers win for being genuine honest and good people who want to live up to their word.

Much respect.

Neonridr3715d ago

Nice of them to refund everyone's money back. Problem is the platform the game releases on may not be what everyone was hoping for. Guess we will find out more.

randomass1713714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

Guess we'll see, but hopefully it will remain multiplatform. No need for skepticism until we know who exactly is backing the game. Till then, we can assume it has just as much of a chance of being one of the plethora of multiconsole devs out there.


Okay, THAT just made my day! XDDD

Neonridr3714d ago

Skepticism all the way!!! Who needs all this positive thinking, this is N4G. Demon begone! The power of Christ compels you!


SpiralTear3715d ago

Not everyone would give the money back. Some would just say "tough luck." This shows that there's at least some Kickstarter users that care about their backers.

randomass1713714d ago

You're talking about a small minority of Kickstarter failures though. The guys who were making Super Retro Squad failed to deliver and now they are issuing refunds out of their own pockets as they can. Some just have really bad luck and have no malicious intent.

WeAreLegion3714d ago

That sucks. I wasn't going to get it, but I respect this team for giving money back when they had no legal obligation to do so.

randomass1713714d ago

Doesn't suck that much. They got an investor who's paying for the game in full!

Sly-Lupin3714d ago

Generally speaking I tend to blame idiot "investors" when their poorly-advised donations fail to yield results, but even so it's nice to see such a profoundly... honest? kind? honorable? developer.

What's the right adjective? I'd go with 'honorable,' but having marathoned DS9 last week the word just has too many Worfish connotations for me right now.


Anyway, this KS news still fails to top the story of the woman who ran a kickstarter campaign and then, through each subsequent update, revealed a compelling story of paranoia and mental illness culminating in outright psychosis and homelessness.


PAX East – JetGetters Interview With Alex Nichiporchik

Twinfinite writes:

"Devoun got his hands on JetGetters from tinyBuild and just had to ask a couple of questions on this upcoming, Battlefield and Just Cause hybrid."

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JetGetters Has Been Funded but Needs to Hit Stretch Goals to See Console Versions

It was only eight days ago Alex Nichiporchik, co-founder and producer at TinyBuild Games gave his remarks about his troubles with his Kickstarter campaign. The issue has been quickly resolved now.

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randomass1713717d ago

Another one of the games I've funded. This looks so fun. I hope it's online.

Skate-AK3717d ago

Game looks interesting. Hope the console version gets funded.

mhunterjr3717d ago

This may be the first kick starter I support, I'd love to get this on my console of choice...

randomass1713717d ago

Not much time left for that, if any...

AKissFromDaddy3717d ago

The link to the alpha demo is available on the site to download. Gamepad is an option. The game is fun and he music is more fun.

randomass1713717d ago

Oh sweet! I'm gonna try that ASAP.