
Battlefield 4 - PC vs PS4 Graphics Comparison

This is it! GameTrailers put the PC and PS4 side-by-side to see how they compare. Max settings. Is the PS4 the way to go or PC? Find out!

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sigfredod3884d ago

Great video, amazing how well the PS4 version stack against the PC one

decrypt3884d ago (Edited 3884d ago )

Cant make decisions based on streaming videos. Second the PC running features a GTX 560 which is about 2 gens old now. Lastly there is no mention what res the PC is running and what sort of AA is used.

PC version may have FXAA or MSAA or any other sort. FXAA being light on the GPU but being blurry. Hence this comparison doesnt do the PC justice at all.

You realise PC gamers have way more custom options than what is present on the in game menu. For example i run BF3 with 8x AA plus i use supersampling AA for transparencies, its a whole different ball game(those settings are achievable using Nvidia inspector). So really these comparisons dont do the PC any justice at all. Mostly designed to cheerlead consoles.


Lol so now its hard for you to understand the comparison is completely skewed in favor of the console since there no mention of Res or AA used. How hard is that to get through. I am sure you would understand it in a heart beat had this been a PS4 vs XB1 comparison. Most of you would be cheerleading the differences. Just look at how big of an issue PS fans are making of 900p vs 720p, they sure get to see that difference in a heartbeat. But when it comes to other superior platforms all of a sudden such things are Jargon lol.

Ace Killa 083884d ago

Your jargon scares me and confuses me. Hence why sometimes consoles are less complicated and straight up easier. LIMITED, but easier.

cell9893884d ago

correct me if Im wrong but isnt max settings on PC max settings? whether they are using a bran spanking new PC rig or a 3 year old rig, if it can handle max settings , than you get max settings? can you explain please

MadLad3884d ago

Welcome to the bs that N4G can most often be. Champion whatever Sony is doing at the time or you can just shut the hell up.
Doesn't matter if you are presenting your opinion in a mature way or not. Doesn't matter if you are backing it with facts.

As is seen here, you are simply presented with a bunch of stealth disagrees that, not surprisingly, don't also then debate what you typed in the first place. That would actually require them backing up what they like to believe with facts as well.

HammadTheBeast3884d ago

Decrypt, are minor improvements enough to warrant $1000 more?

sourav933884d ago

Ah...decrypt. We meet again....

decrypt3884d ago (Edited 3884d ago )


The difference is only as big as you want it to be, can range between 100usd - 2000usd however in any case even a 500usd PC will beat a console.

What you are not considering, is the invisible costs. I believe its short sighted not to consider the following:

1. Pay to go online - this adds up year on year.

2. lack of BC- you may ignore this but personally i have over 170games bought on Steam alone from last gen. If I couldnt play them just because i was upgrading my PC it would be a big turn off. Gaming on PC just means being able to sustain your investment. Try doing that on a console and dont tell me you are going to keep rebuying the PS3 just so you can play your old games? its an unreasonable proposal since you would have to maintain the old hardware rebuy it every time it failed hell you might as well add PS2 to the list. How many old systems are going to keep rebuying?

3. Cheaper games. Literally every game bought on PC is cheaper. Check sites like greenmangaming most AAA games can be had between 30-40usd pre launch.

Bottomline console is far most costly once you sit down and look beyond the initial cost price. Anyone sensible can see consoles being cheap is propaganda promoted by the console maker paid media. There is no way a platform supported by a organization solely focused on making profits can be cheaper than a open platform.

ProjectVulcan3884d ago (Edited 3884d ago )

PS4 isn't as good as a good PC on this game. Just immediately the water at the start in the car when he turns the light on is beautiful on PC and noticeably less so on console. A good PC costs more to buy outright, but can be pretty good value in the long run considering game prices and lack of online fees.

Thats about it.

I have a 5 year old machine with a 5 year old CPU, board and memory in it that hasn't changed, an 18 month old graphics card, and I'm happy it'll be able to still outstrip the new consoles even PS4 so I'll play it on that.

Because of that I will only buy a new console for a game I can't get better on my PC, so I'll be waiting for enough exclusives on the consoles to justify their cost.

New consoles are always compared to PC early on, PS4 it seems is the closest you can get to a decent PC pretty much as I thought.

Kleptic3883d ago

I'm about 90% done with the campaign...Running the game 1080 at the highest settings allowed in game, but haven't really tweaked any of my gpu settings to override the application settings...I could push supersampling AA and some other things, since i have frames to spare...but...

Its so gorgeous that it doesn't really matter to me...

From what i've seen of the PS4 version...it really is close enough that it isn't worth arguing about...and personally, i don't see that much of a difference between the ps4 and xbox one, either...

this is a multiplayer title that has regular engagements with primary firearms...between infantry...ocuring upwards of 300 meters...to some people, you absolutely HAVE to have 60fps all the time...and that detail on distant objects (that are all moving) in order to remain competitive...all because of the rift in talent created by a mouse/keyboard...

the consoles don't need that...even if you had the insane detail on distant objects like the PC version...you'd still be slamming sticks back and forth with your thumbs and getting no where in terms of accuracy...so all of the visual drawbacks to both console versions are completely moot...if you're a die hard competitive player, you're not getting the console version...simple as that...the 2 new consoles offer everything needed for balanced online play though, at least imo...and there is nothing wrong with them...

at least we can all agree...just avoid the ps3/360 versions at all costs...those look like hot trash...

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3883d ago
joe903884d ago (Edited 3884d ago )

When the change from PC to PS4 happens in the video it made me laugh. Last gen came to mind. I saw many of the features disapear when changing from PC to PS4. like the lighting,rain,dust and face/body textures. Check the video properly and not with your Fanboy Glasses.

Bu..Buu..But PC's cost trillions.

You console guys are getting what you pay for so don't ever mention the cost of a PC again. You pay $400 you get $400 quality. FACT.

scott182 Cool Story Bro

scott1823884d ago (Edited 3884d ago )

$400 to play the best games with very good graphics. Good PC games are few and far between. That's what I want in a gaming machine, the best game companies to support it. I would even take a ps3 over a pc NOW, strictly based on games. I must mention I own a $2,000 pc, sure it's a few years old but still great hardware. I haven't played a game on it in years...

@joe90 True story bro, PC gamers anymore are Tech geeks, not gamers. Always talking about specs and never about quality games.

SpitFireAce853884d ago

Take it easy man...Any fool even a fanboy cant argue
That the PC version is the best version.

esemce3884d ago

The most annoying thing for me about the PS4 version is that it does not run at a locked 60fps, the Eurogamer vid shows it dropping to 46Fps in MP.

I'm torn between the performance of the PC Vs the comfort/ease of the PS4 for multiplayer.

Destrania3884d ago (Edited 3884d ago )

Yeah, I love the complete delusional crap you're spewing to make you feel better about owning an overpriced rig. I agree that (some) PC's will still look slightly better overall, but I'll be more than happy to be blown away on my PS4, thanks. Can't wait to enjoy all the incredible exclusive games as well. Edit: PC fanboys crack me up lol.

Pillsbury13884d ago (Edited 3884d ago )

Remember this is also a launch game... The ps4 will only look and perform better as programmers learn how to optimize it. Look at launch games for ps3 then and now.

decrypt3884d ago


Negative next consoles will be maxed out rather quickly as they have an easy to code system which will be taken advantage of fairly quickly.

Even if you look at the previous gen consoles the difference between initial games and end gen games while visible is nothing mind blowing.

starchild3884d ago


How about the delusional crap that you Sony nutjobs spin to convince yourselves the PS4 version is WAY better than the XB1 version?

You think 900p vs 720p is such a massive difference, but then you don't even have the honesty to admit that 1080p or 1440p or higher is a lot better.

There is a bigger difference between the PC version maxed out and the PS4 version than there is between the PS4 and XB1 versions. But you loyalists will still act like the difference between PS4 and XB1 is huge, all the while you downplay all the advantages the PC version has.

Oh and as for exclusives...I know you guys try to convince yourselves that Sony exclusives are all just magical, wonderful, unparalleled game experiences, but it's BS. There are a lot of mediocre exclusives. Personally, there are more exclusives on my PC that I care about than on my PS3.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3884d ago
solar3884d ago

the lighting is far superior to the PS4 version.

Beastforlifenoob3883d ago

PC version still does better, but considering a PS4 costs $460(including 1 year of PS+, which includes cloud storage, free games, game trials etc..) the PS4 actually stacks up VERY,VERY well. I will still buy this for PC though as I plan on gaming at 1920X1080. But seriously a game coming out on brand new hardware and the game not being optimized at all, It does pretty well.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3883d ago
WorldGamer3884d ago

I think the PS4 does an admirable job. Very hard to tell the difference between the PC and the PS4 unless you have the labels.

And this is just the 1st wave of games, it only gets better from here. NICE!

joe903884d ago (Edited 3884d ago )

Those Sony tinted Glasses must feel real good on you. I saw many of the features disapear when changing from PC to PS4. like the lighting,rain,dust and face/body textures. @35 seconds when it changes look at the floor LOL.

You have a $400 PS3.1 See you in another few Gens for the 1080p war

Idba i agreed with you Muhahaha

Idba3884d ago


wow, youre seriously the scum of the PC community

WorldGamer3884d ago (Edited 3884d ago )

@ joe90:

Lol. What a response, with so much insight.

"Sony tinted Glasses"... lol. You seem upset sir. I hope you are able to dislodge whatever stick is stuck in your ANUS.

As I see you have wasted your last bubble on yet another nonsensical statement, I will bid you good day sir.

Seeing as how I have a life, and don't much want to spend hundreds of dollars on a gaming rig, I will gladly pay my $400 for a PS4. Have fun trolling forums spreading FUD. lol.


decrypt3884d ago (Edited 3884d ago )


Lets not make the 400usd look like a ground breaking bargain. You need to pay to go online. Your games library on that platform will start with a fat 0. Also the platform barely has any games. Infact in comparison to the PC gaming library PS4 is a barren wasteland.

Wake up, PC has more than 30 years of games behind it from every thinkable genre. Hell it can even emulate consoles. PS4 in its life time would be lucky to get more games than what Steam has on its library as of today, never mind the rest of the PC gaming universe.

In the end if you look at it PC is the cheaper platform. A platform managed by a corporation looking to make profit can never be cheaper than an open platform, consoles being cheaper is console maker paid media propaganda at best.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3884d ago
Cuzzo633883d ago

LMAO... Joe90 is upset. Ooops. You have no bubbs. Lol

decrypt3884d ago (Edited 3884d ago )

Only by consoles standards yes. In the PC world 900p isnt monstrous at all in fact we been playing beyond those resolutions for over a decade.


The comparison is practically made in favor of the console. With no mention of Res or AA. Its made to show the console in a good light.

windblowsagain3884d ago

Yes decrypt we have been playing at those resolutions along time. But not with graphics like those.

Best looking games are still.


PC isn't a console and it does not standstill and neither are all pc's the same. Most people's pc's will struggle with this.

Fact of the matter is, PS4 looks exactly the same as the pc version.

Pintheshadows3884d ago

The best looking game I have seen on my PC is Metro Last Light. It tears a lot of games apart and as far as I am concerned was the first 'next gen' game I played. On high settings the surface world is unparalleled.

windblowsagain3884d ago

Dual 560ti's lol.

PS4 version looked exactly the same.

I actually have the same CPU as the video. Still rocks.

Beastforlifenoob3883d ago

Well considering PS4 runs at 1600X900 and PC RUNS at 1920X1080 and its impossible to see (because video is compressed) the game in reality will look ever so slightly better on PC, But then again i emphasive slightly, the difference will be so minimal that consoles will only look barely, barely worse.

hennessey863884d ago

Can make any judgements based on a low res compressed video is beyond me, I won't make any judgments until I see both running on my TV. I just hope my GTX 670 performs better then it did in the beta.....

esemce3884d ago

I've just played some of the SP (GTX670/ i7-4770k/ 16GB ram) and it runs just as well as BF3 in Ultra.

You can't judge the performance based on the beta as even Titan owners were getting low framerates.

The PS4 version looks good but cannot compete with PC obviously, you get what you pay for.

MadLad3884d ago

I have a 680 and I am honestly seeing much better performance than I was in the beta.
A little upset that the 2 gigs of VRAM in my card isn't cutting it for ultra, but the game still looks gorgeous with everything on high (outside of light which I still have on ultra).
You may have to keep the AA around the middle. Some scenes were a bit harsh for me and did dip at times. You would probably be better replacing the game's stock AA for the less performance heavy (and roughly just as visually impressive) CSAA in the Nvidia Control Panel.

esemce3884d ago

True AA is the the frame killer, I chose a 4GB 670 over the 680 for the reason you have stated.

Beastforlifenoob3883d ago

I agree, but lets admit the game runs AMAZINGLY for console hardware especially considering this console only costs $399.

MadLad3881d ago

Not sure if you bought the game yet, but the performance, and I am not sure why (possibly has to do with today's update) has improved since I posted this.

No drops below 60, max everything except only 2 x MSAA.
I would opt for less intensive CSAA for better performance with the same visuals though.
You should be fine with your card, maybe taking an option or two down if necessary.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3881d ago
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Battlefield 1, Hardline, BF4 Servers Are Being Taken Offline by Cheaters; EA Silent on Issue

Cheaters & hackers have been causing grief on Battlefield 1, Hardline & BF4 servers, with nonstop DDoS attacks among other things. Unfortunately, EA has remained silent about it.

-Foxtrot812d ago

Course they are silent, they are hoping people flock to 2042

gamesftw250811d ago

Maybe it was a inside job then haha.

jeromeface810d ago

wouldnt be the first time, titanfall 1+2 anyone?

PapaBop811d ago

Not even if they paid me.. EA always do this with old games with less money potential, if this was Ultimate Team, they'd address and sort it faster than stories could spread. Why invest time in their products when they will just dump it in the following years? Then again EA never could see the forest for the trees.

Inverno811d ago

I imagine after those games were given out for free a couple months back through Amazon, anything that makes people go to 2042 is a plus for them

XiNatsuDragnel812d ago

They want people to go on 2042. My theory

excaliburps811d ago

Nah. I think they can't do anything about it or they want to sink money into fixing it.

Pudge102888811d ago (Edited 811d ago )

EA owns all BF servers so yes, they can do something about it but they refuse to because they dont want ppl playing their old games instead of the new one. Its EA we’re talking about here

pr33k33811d ago

if this happened in 2042, they'd have something to say. which is weird, considering battlefield 1 has more players on steam right now.

Pudge102888811d ago

Its so obvious that EA is doing this or hired ppl to mess up the games so that we’d be forced to have just 1 Battlefield working.

FPS_D3TH811d ago

Honestly it’s probably the devs themselves. They did an update to bf4 way back that kinda made assault rifles doo doo in hopes that people would flock to BF1 cuz BF4 was too perfect

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5 Great Shooter Games on Xbox Game Pass

The shooter genre is one of the most beloved videogame genres in the gaming community, and rightfully so. From DOOM Eternal to Battlefield 4, passing through The Outer Worlds, the Xbox Game Pass has a lot to offer when it comes to amazing shooter experiences. Come check out some great shooter games available on Xbox Game Pass!

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MadLad826d ago

There's a bunch of great shooters on gamepass; both legacy and new.

A recommendation I have is a work in progress preview title called Anacrusis. It's a lot of fun, and has a cool aesthetic.


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"Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess - A Bethesda and CD ProjektRed tale"