
The 10 Most Racist Video Games

Complex: We're not just talking about the 13 year old bigots who spew slurs over Xbox Live but actual video games that have crossed the line. Here are 10 video games that have jaw-dropping racist overtones.

Relientk774353d ago

Wow at numbers 3, 2, and 1 lol

Blackdeath_6634353d ago

suprised that call of duty isnt up there

HammadTheBeast4353d ago

Why? Other than the "Save the Congo" thing in MW3 it's not overly racist.

P.s. I do not play or associate myself with this C.o.D. thing. I have played it at a friends house though.

blumatt4353d ago (Edited 4353d ago )

I think people are entirely too quick to the draw to cry "Racist!!" at movies and video-games alike.

It's funny how even certain words nowadays are bleeped out on television, like faggot, retard, and, for fear of being flagged for language, the "N" word.

One huge example is the book Huckleberry Finn. The N word's use in that book incited all kinds of anger. It's just ridiculous. The author wanted that word in there to greater reflect people's diction in that time period.

Political Correctness has gotten way overblown.

Gaming1014353d ago

1, 2 and 3 are all racist - the rest is some overly sensitive boy waving his politically correct wand, complaining over what noone actually thought was racist other than him and other P.C. lunatics.
The problem with racism are the people who cry wolf over it - you never take them seriously at the point, so when racism actually happens you don't listen when they cry about it. That's the real problem.

Blacklash934353d ago (Edited 4353d ago )

"It's funny how even certain words nowadays are bleeped out on television, like faggot, retard, and, for fear of being flagged for language, the "N" word."

That's because many find them personally offensive and don't want to hear them. Them not being used or allowed often in television isn't much of a sacrifice to people who don't find them offensive. Abstract and debatable values and of aristic freedom and anti-censorship don't take precendence over the feelings of a relatively or potentially large portion of an audience. You seeing them as harmless and inoffensive and drawing the conclusion that's how everyone should feel is pretty egocentric.

In the case of HF keep it was published in the late 1800's where such words commonplace so the intention was clearly not for setting flavor but a reflection of the author's time and very likely his actual views on the word, which were that it was okay to use (which was commonplace at the time). The fact that Finn and the book had some anti-racist messages isn't relevant as those words are widely inappropriate and offensive unlike when they were common slang. I'm not taking a position in this instance, for the record. Just stating the facts.

I'm not saying the best course of action to address such issues is entirely clear but rather that the pro-censorship side of it has an understandable point.

On topic, this feature is bogus. The only actual racist things I see are the last three.

SilentNegotiator4353d ago

If you're talking about the multiplayer, you could put just about any MP game ever in its place.

pixelsword4352d ago (Edited 4352d ago )

With expression comes consequence, especially if you depend upon customers.

TruthbeTold4352d ago

@blumatt regarding Huck Finn

I hear you, but try being the only black kid in the class when reading a book like that aloud. It's one thing to explain to people how things were. It's another entirely to have to temporarily have to live it psychologically as you try to immerse yourself into a story, and kids of other races chuckle and whisper, and some stare at you uncomfortably because they don't know how to handle it.

A good teacher can get across to students such a concept easily without having to have students read a book like Huck Finn. Not a bad book at all, but it's time we moved on to some different and arguably better selections imo.

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guitarded774353d ago (Edited 4353d ago )

I'll give 'em 3, 2 and 1, but the rest of the list is fluff. Too many people are overly sensitive to what they deem as racism. Traits become stereotypes because they are prevalent among a group of people or they really happened. Like the Vice City example... Cubans and Haitians were pissed, but the game was set in early-mid 80's Vice City (MIAMI). The Cubans and Haitians killed the s#!t out of each other in Miami at that time. It was the murder capital of America because of Cubans and Haitians killing each other over Colombian snow. It's called history and GTA just played off it like Scarface. Stereotypes can be fun too... like Mario. Would Mario be the most identifiable video game character on earth if he wasn't the Italian plumber? Plus many of these were Japanese created characters, and they don't have the same social lines that overly sensitive westerners have. You want to see some funny Japanese hating, check out a Yakuza game. If you're not the strong good looking character, you get made fun of in the game. It's like America was back in the 80's before everybody got a trophy for participation.

Laxman4353d ago

How is Clusters Revenge racist? Sure, he's a creep and a rapist, but that has nothing to do with being racist.

If something bad happens to a minority, does it instantly become racist?

guitarded774353d ago (Edited 4353d ago )

@ Laxman

Hmm... how is "Custer's Revenge" racist. First, let's define race.

race - Each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics.

ethnic group - people of the same race or nationality who share a distinctive culture.

Okay. Now that we know what race is, let's look at the two races portrayed in the game. We have General Custer (the white rapist)... I'll attach a pic, you may understand that better.


... and we have Native American women (the people of a different ethnic population being raped). Here's another picture so you can keep up.


Now that you understand that there are two different ethnic groups portrayed in the game, it's also important to understand that one of the worst genocides in human history was committed by the Westerners against the Native American people for centuries. This involved white settlers in North America stealing land from the Native Americans and killing and raping their women. There's many books on the subject... some with pictures too.

For a game to portray the raping of women of one ethnic group by a man of an ethnic group that committed one of the worst genocides against said ethnic group is racist. Hence the title of #1 on the list "Ethnic Cleansing". Imagine if there was a game called "Jew Raping Nazi"... that's kinda what "Custer's Revenge" is like. You see, Custer was killed in battle against the Native Americans, but he's getting his revenge by raping all the Native American women.

Gorilla_Killa_X4352d ago (Edited 4352d ago )

Clusters Revenge is racist against white men. It depicts white men as rapist.

Seriously though #1 is the only racist game on this list. The rest are based on stereotypes. And stereotypes are there for a reason.

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Oh_Yeah4353d ago (Edited 4353d ago )

The only one thats bad is #1...I mean usually a big group of a race does fit the stereotypes given, thats why they are known. Stereotypes are funny, I think they give games a sense of personality and humor. We need more in video games to make them less serious. What we dont need is over the top racism though, just subtle. Racism or stereotyping is not something taken that serious nowadays atleast where im from, black people call white people the N word and vice versa...just another word for dude, mexicans dont get offended if you tell them they are awsome grass cutters or an asian guy, askin him if he put my cat inside this eggroll etc...its all laughs and jokes now...its a part of our past, present and future.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4352d ago
Jio4353d ago

As a Mexican, I find "Spanish for Everyone" hilarious.

Guwapo774353d ago (Edited 4353d ago )

And Mexico got some sexy as women too. Just look at the news. Geezus.

- There was this rediculous weather lady...I'd drink her bath water.

Mr_Kuwabara4353d ago (Edited 4353d ago )

Only sexy Latina weather girl I could think of is Jackie Guerrido. And shes Puerto Rican.

Guwapo774348d ago

@Mr_Kuwabara - yes my friend, she IS the one! Excuse my ignorance - I remembered it was Univision and I instantly thought she was Mexican. I love her...

LOGICWINS4353d ago

"But the fact that the game doesn't have "White Power-ups," in some extremely conflicting way, makes us think that they missed an opportunity."


TopDudeMan4353d ago

Really? There's a game called "ethnic cleansing"? That's just wrong!!

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SinisterMister580d ago

Where it all kicked off, huh? Vice City is a video game treasure.

ThatArtGuy580d ago

It's my favorite GTA for setting and overall feel.

chicken_in_the_corn579d ago

It's my favourite for story and characters

Demetrius580d ago

A timeless classic that feels fresh even when u play it today

jznrpg580d ago (Edited 580d ago )

Morrowind did a great job of open world in 2002 also but unfortunately Elder Scrolls has been diluted since then and hasn’t really progressed at all besides in the graphics department. Sad really .

shinoff2183579d ago

Pretty sure that was GTA 3, and then it took san andreas to perfect it. San andreas is still one of my favorite games.