
Footage of PS Vita’s Upcoming Wake Up Club App

Here is footage from E3 2012 of the upcoming Wake Up Club app that is set to be released for the Vita & it’s PlayStation Store for free “very soon”.

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GribbleGrunger4378d ago

this looks like a useful little app.


The Throwdown #23

Previously on STFUandPLAY

STFUandPLAY still in beast mode
PC vs Consoles war rears its ugly head again on the WZ


•DC Nation & Ultimate Spider-Man
•Wake Up Club

Articles & Videos

•Geek Chic video
•According To Jon Shaw
•Tor’s Next Gen Editorial
•Nintendo Direct Video
•Young Justice & Green Lantern cancelled
•The challenges of bringing anime to American audiences

Other Stuff

•Four games in Feb challenge
•Sony’s 16 second teaser trailer
•Max Fleischer’s Superman
•The Last Of Us gets multiplayer
•Dumbasses petition White House to remove DmC from store shelves
•THQ is no more
•Dredd is redeemed on home video
•Image & Wildstorm comics characters
•The Rhino will be in Amazing Spider-Man 2.
•X-Men: Days Of Future Past news
•JJ Abrams to direct Star Wars Episode VII
•No more Star Wars movies in 3D
•Why George Lucas sold Lucasfilm
•Flash Gordon references in TED

Listener Questions

•What is the number one thing you want from next gen?
•What is the number one thing you DON’T want from next gen?
•What March games will be overshadowed and which should be delayed?
•What will happen to the Wii U once the next gen systems are released?

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LOGICWINS4141d ago

I'll give this a listen after TUF

Jac5al4141d ago

Agree 100% with the anime thing.

Number one thing I want from next gen would probably have to be 1080p 60 FPS as the standard for every game, which is most likely going to be the standard.

I honestly think the Wii U will die once the nextbox/ps4 are released. Their is nothing that really stands out imo. The Wii U doesn't have the motion control x-factor like the wii had this time around to carry it. I can't see all three consoles flourishing like this gen again.

Great show guys.

4141d ago
the worst4141d ago Show

Wake-Up Club Review | STFUandPlay

STFUandPlay's Rikuson1 writes "From the creators behind Welcome Park and Treasure Park comes Wake-Up Club. Wake-up Club is a free alarm clock application for PlayStation Vita that allows players to compete against each other in a short mini-game to determine who can wake up faster. Sounds dumb huh? I said the same thing especially when I saw the trailer, the whole idea behind is rather extremely weird when thought about. But I don’t judge anything anymore honestly and you can never go wrong with free."

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Wake-up Club Review | Gamer Horizon

Wake-up Club is a social alarm clock for the Playstation Vita. That is a mouthful, because a social alarm clock is a foreign concept to the entire human race. I will give credit to Sony for legitimately innovating on the very concept of the alarm clock, and coming out with something that is compelling. However, technical limitations end up marring what could be a great experience.

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jon12344148d ago

its a good alarm clock, it actually works better than my iphone, cheering other players to wake up, keeps me up

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4148d ago

I use it every morning. It's actually quite entertaining. I'm always first to wake up. Tapping a moving icon to prove that you're awake at 4:30 am is actually harder than it sounds at that hour lol.

profgerbik4147d ago

Has anyone managed to wake up in less than 2 secs? I can never wake up before 2 secs even though it seems like I am pressing the screen before I even count to 2 secs.