
1UP Preview: Final Fantasy IV Collection Brings the Classic RPG Closer to a Definitive Version

If you aren't familiar with Final Fantasy IV, it's clearly because you haven't been paying attention. Square's classic 1992 RPG has been reissued in no less than four different formats in the past decade or so: As part of Final Fantasy Chronicles for PlayStation, as Final Fantasy IV Advance on GBA, as Final Fantasy II on Virtual Console, and in a radically overhauled voice-acting-and-polygons remake for DS. But, if you've somehow failed to come across the game, you still have one last chance with the upcoming Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection, due in the U.S. later this month.

Jackhass3024d ago

I never did end up beating that damn Kaiser Dragon.

DarkOcelet3024d ago

I cant wait to see the dragons we will fight in FFXV. I hope the fights are tough as nails.

AdventNick3024d ago

Ruby is tough no doubt, but a whole lot easier if you go in with one party member

Dasteru3024d ago

For those that truly understand the game mechanics and take advantage of them. Omega weapon will only actually have around 182k health.

3024d ago
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The Top 6 Best Final Fantasy Heroes of All-Time

David Jagneaux of The Koalition writes: "Final Fantasy, such a wonderful franchise with so many characters to talk about and stories to tell. Most gamers remember their first moments with a Final Fantasy game and the series is now so legendary that it truly transcends its medium of existence. With over a dozen games, hundreds of characters and thousands of hours of content, the franchise has defined the entire role-playing genre for several years. While it is no easy task narrowing down a list of who we think are the best heroes that the long-running franchise has to offer, we decided to give it a shot anyways. Below, you can check out the top 6 best Final Fantasy heroes of all-time as decided by me and Tom Skidmore."

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Venomousfatman3763d ago

A personal favorite of mine is Squall from FF8. Even though he is super bland compared to other characters in the series, I always loved the Gunblade and the events that happen to him and Rinoa. I thought that love story between them was pretty good.

rbailey3763d ago

Awesome list and great choices all around.

Lord_Sloth3763d ago (Edited 3763d ago )

Lack of Zidane and Delita makes me sad but the inclusion of Zack makes me happy.

I still like Cloud and don't think you needed to make so many jabs at him to promote Zack who's accomplishments speak for themselves. You should also note that Cloud was the 1 Tifa liked in the end and not necessarily Zack.


Gaming History 101: Final Fantasy I-VI

If you are going to talk significant JRPGs in America, one of the most influential series is Final Fantasy. Whether you believe that it was the last game Square may have ever made or that it was simply the last game designer Sakaguchi would be a part of, the massive success of this digital Dungeons & Dragons title started a strong fan base that continues today. In part one of GH101's coverage, Fred and Eli “Sodoom” team up to discuss Final Fantasy I-VI including development, design, gameplay, and of course Cid.

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3886d ago