
PC Gamer: Battlefield Play4Free First Impressions

The newest addition to the beloved Battlefield franchise, Battlefield Play4Free was released yesterday. As its name so unsubtly informs, it marches under the oh-so-popular “free-mium” banner. This means you can play the game for absolutely free if you want to–but you always have the option to pay for better weapons or experience points if you’d rather not wait to earn it over time.

chasegarcia4805d ago

Game is good. Try it out ladies.

Perjoss4805d ago

should the gentlemen try it also?

WarPonyDestroyer4805d ago

Dated engine

BF2 with lower res textures

Maps are half the size of the orginal game.

Everything is a cash shop in this game.

You're better off playing BF2 vanilla or the Project Reality mod.

Don't waste your time.

Did I mention the countless hacks available for this game.

Perjoss4805d ago (Edited 4805d ago )

Bobby? is that you?

Trunkz4805d ago

If you own BF2, then play BF2.

If not, then don't complain as this is FREE and your playing a good aspect of BF2 for free which is a good deal to get more players into the BF series.

sak5004805d ago (Edited 4805d ago )



took me back to days of 1942/DC but with the knowlege and experiece of playing 100 times better looking games in current age. So not much fun even though its free. I played 1 or 2 games and delelted it. On 24" Full 1080P Asus monitor with 3.8Ghz, core i5 and 5870 it still didn't look even 10% of an iphone4 game.

The only people who will enjoy this are the ones with 8 year old pcs and depending on their parents for pocket money to buy ice cream.

To be honest BF:heroes looks and plays much better than that too is free.

TheNPC3335d ago

I always meant to check out Battlefield Heroes, but I always ended up turning back to Team Fortress 2. I guess I'm not the only one.

camel_toad3334d ago

Yeh as far ad f2p goes the only ones I ever find myself going back to are Team Fortress 2 and Robocraft. Grow tired too quickly of everything else.

mikeslemonade3334d ago

Good news, free-to-play is bad for gamers.

HammadTheBeast3334d ago

It was hugely Pay-to-win from the little I played of it.

dirkdady3334d ago

This marks the end of f2plays ya'alls.

saladthieves3334d ago

Just simply means EA's cash flow isn't flowing as much as they wanted. This works for sequels but can ruin certain games permanently!

I have a friend who recently picked up a PS3 (for the first time) with a bunch of games, one of them being Lord of the Rings Conquest (EA title). She was disappointed to discover that MP in Conquest doesn't work at all. Turns out the servers shut down a long time ago and as a result, MP is completely crippled on consoles (except on PC, via Tunngle).

saladthieves3334d ago

I'd say the same. I went as far as to get ready/sign up but never got around to actually playing it.

reallyNow3334d ago

BF heros was garbage and nothing like battlefield.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3334d ago
yewles13335d ago

NfS World closing is actually pretty surprising to me.

TXIDarkAvenger3335d ago

It actually wasn't bad for a free to play game. Probably one of the best f2p racing games I've ever played.

ocelot073334d ago

From what I heard there was a lot of cheating going on. Maybe there shutting it down due to this?

Kran3335d ago

Such a good feeling to know a game I'm still playing 3 and a half years later is still making enough money to keep going for many years yet :)

DxTrixterz3335d ago

No not Fifa World. I was enjoying it more than Fifa 15 .

Brooklynbully1233335d ago

This is one company that I wish would be gone

StrayaKNT3334d ago

Or you can just not purchase their games lol? leave it all for us to enjoy

MasterCornholio3334d ago (Edited 3334d ago )

I dont wish that they were gone but in against many of their practices. Like what they did with BF4 for example or what they did with Hardline.

Just because EA gave me Plant Vs Zombies for free I still am able to disagree with them.

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Rush Mode Makes Its Debut in Battlefield Play4Free

Easy Studios - the other guys that make Battlefield games - have introduced the classic Battlefield game mode Rush in Battlefield Play4Free. The game mode is live as of this morning, ready to play right now.

Rush Mode, if you're not familiar with it, is an objective-based game mode in which players take turns defending and attacking points on the map. The defending team begins with 2 M-COM stations that need to be defended, while the attacking team is bent on destroying them. Attackers can either successfully plant charges on the M-COM stations or inflict enough heavy damage to put them out of commision.

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Top 10 Free to Play Shooters 2012

First-Person and Third-Person Shooters quickly became one of the most appreciated subgenres in the free to play segment, offering the great quality usually seen in some triple-A titles. Better still, some of those triple-A games are gradually becoming free, such as Team Fortress 2 or APB: Reloaded.

Here is a great Top 10 of Free to Play Shooters for 2012.

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