
Xbox CVP Kareem Choudhry is reportedly leaving Microsoft after 26 years

Choudhry's departure comes as part of a reported leadership shakeup at Xbox.

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crazyCoconuts70d ago

Leave while working on the biggest leap in next gen consoles ever that's going to be released as soon as 2026? Now why would he do that? Hmmm...

Lightning7770d ago

He was responsible for Xbox Cloud and AI innovations. They're doing more internal shake ups. Sucks I hope he lands on his feet.

I'm Not sure what you're alluding at.

crazyCoconuts70d ago

You're right, I thought he was more central to their ongoing hardware design team. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like that

XiNatsuDragnel70d ago

Hopefully he finds new work in his ventures.

ifinitygamer70d ago

Who is downvoting stuff like this? Like, be on one side of a console war if you really want, but like, downvoting someone wishing him well? Don't be a trash human.

anast70d ago

He's finished helping Xbox transition to a streaming box. His work is done. Now on to the next console to turn that one into a streaming box.

thesoftware73070d ago

Maybe Sony will pick him up, so he can help them bring their cloud service integration up to snuff with the X- cloud service.

Einhander197270d ago

You know PlayStation Streaming is already much better than xcloud right?

Xcloud doesn't even offer 4k streaming or even 1440p, and Microsoft lied about using series x versions of games when they are all actually series s. And Image quality is much higher on PlayStation because they use AI to clean up any image errors caused by packet loss and latency issues.


anast70d ago

It's quite possible. He might be able to get on the team to maintain what they've already got.

thesoftware73069d ago


I said better integration as the main point,. From my understanding,Sony streaming service can only be played from games already installed on your home system, which is not the case for X- cloud. The PS5 is remote play while X- cloud is a full streaming service and can be played without the need for an Xbox, you just need GP.

Even with that , the report of less latency on X- cloud is a big deal,if a game looks cleaner but has more delay while actually playing, is that really better? That is one of the biggest issues with cloud games, input lag and PS fall behind in that department.

So the question becomes, do you want a cleaner less playable games, or a better playing game , less clean version? I chose the latter.

Einhander197269d ago (Edited 69d ago )


"I said better integration as the main point,. From my understanding, Sony streaming service can only be played from games already installed on your home system, which is not the case for X- cloud. The PS5 is remote play while X- cloud is a full streaming service and can be played without the need for an Xbox, you just need GP."

You should have just quit while you were ahead, PlayStation Streaming includes over 800 games on PlayStation Plus including a bunch of games outside of the service that if you own the digital version you can stream your digital copy (which xbox doesn't offer at all) and also includes Sony Pictures Core, which includes thousands of movies including the PlayStation Plus Premium Movie and Anime collection (which xbox doesn't offer at all), as well as PlayStation Premium Full Game Trials (which xbox doesn't offer at all)

And their latency test seemed misleading because latency rises as you stream higher quality content, so obviously streaming a game at 1080p is going to have lower latency than 4k. And again when your talking about such a small difference in latency I would rather have a clean 4k than 1080p that gets blocky and has image errors. And PlayStation Streaming wasn't just better image quality because it was 4k vs 1080p but across the board has better image quality. (a 1080p PS4 game looks better on PlayStation Streaming than a 1080p game streamed on x-cloud)

And PlayStation Streaming can stream to PC.

The fact that you were so wrong is why I am skeptical every time you claim to be a PlayStation gamer, this isn't the first time you have said things about PlayStation that were obviously incorrect.

thesoftware73069d ago


Download the free PS Remote Play app now
Visit the app store for your chosen device, install the app and you're ready to get started. A PS4 or PS5 console is required to stream your games to other devices but if using PlayStation Portal remote player, a PS5 console is required.


What are you talking about? As I have said, you must have a PS4 or 5 to stream games, meaning that Xbox has better overall integration, you do not need an Xbox to stream games; just a GP sub—no console needed. I was incorrect about the fact that games have to be installed, That used to be the case, but it changed not too long ago, but it still has to connect to your console. I do not use either streaming service extensively enough, so that is again why I said, "From my understanding."

Also, what are you on about? tell me where I have said these other things you claimed that show I don't have a PS. I will wait.

Just for shits and giggles, I can PM(can PM get pics?) or any other method you desire, and show you my massive game and console collection, including the PS5 that I got on day 1 before I had my SX. I can be wrong sometimes like everyone else, but one thing I ain't, buddy, is a liar. And even in this case, I was not 100% wrong,

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 69d ago

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2: Year 6 Season 1 Trailer

Looks like some solid action ahead as Ubisoft announced the launch of Year 6, Season 1 for Tom Clancy’s The Division 2. After a massive health overhaul from Project Resolve in Year 5, Year 6 gives players a fresh approach when playing The Division 2.

just_looken3d ago

Year 6 yet the pc version still crashes



5yrs to 3 months still crashing

Garethvk3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I had an issue after one update where the game looked muted like a filter was on. It had not been there before and after years I playing just fine I deleted it when all the usual fixes did not work and got their usual nothing support response.

just_looken2d ago

On ps4 i think its still uploaded i had the world disappear was walking on air had to do a full reinstall.

Remember last year a division 2 update had to be pulled because it corrupted there own servers.

Garethvk2d ago

Glitches were common after updates; that is for sure.


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GhostScholar4d ago

Yeah I’m really worried about ark 2 with all the awesome looking stuff coming.

Hofstaderman4d ago

Also on PS5 at the end of each trailer?

4d ago Replies(1)

for spyro i heard from https://www.youtube.com/@Ca... that spyro 4 only started making the game in Q1 this year


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