
VR HOT upped their game – Virtual Girlfriend now sits/dances/talks in your actual Home

CG writes: Developer VR HOT and their desktop/VR game with the same name just released an update 0.9.9 which among various things like improved clothing, additional customization options etc. now includes the much-requested green room. What’s that you ask? Well, with the green room enabled as a play-space, this means in conjunction with the Virtual Desktop app and Quest 3‘s colour passthrough, you can now have a pretty cool virtual-girlfriend type experience in your own room as you can see in the videos below. The character from the game appears as a model who resides in your home in full 3D.

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WiiU-Dude118d ago

I can't believe no one has commented on this. I figured people would have a field with this one. Lol.


Top 5 Adult VR Games to Play in 2023/4

CG writes: In this video we take a look at the top 5 adult VR games to play this year. There are quite a number of cool adult VR games to mess around with, but we feel these are currently the best available and most updated and also work on most, if not all PC VR headsets. Some even have Quest standalone versions. So, in no particular order here’s our top-five adult VR games you should have in your libraries. Read the transcript or watch the SFW video.

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sertz275d ago

Always love how these posts have almost no comments. Ahem... I don't dabble in this riff raff! Ahem...


VR HOT - Now Has Updated Desktop Mode (playable without VR headset)

CG writes: The optional adult-themed VR game titled, VR HOT (available via Steam or for Meta Quest) has recently been updated to incorporate a new and improved desktop mode. This refinement means a VR headset is no longer required to play the game and interact with the models. Players can now see their customizable character alongside the customizable hottie character(male or female). It’s optional whether you just issue commands via voice or controls, or engage in AI chat based conversations. The sexual content is purely optional but something to be mindful of. Take a look at the basic overview of the VR HOT desktop mode in action.

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closed_account305d ago

Ah, but VR gamers have the advantage of keeping 1 hand free, not needing to use a mouse for camera movement! 😂

anast304d ago

I smite you down in the name of the most holy...cleanse this hobby from the debauchery that has set upon us like a plague of locusts...

1Victor304d ago

Oh boy pastor Anastasia is getting VRhot 🤷🏿.

bunt-custardly304d ago (Edited 304d ago )

Jackie avatar doesn't check out.

CrimzonRaven304d ago

You need to go out and touch some grass lol

anast304d ago (Edited 304d ago )

This comment is exactly what happens when abduction goes horribly wrong..."lol" But I do hit up the skatepark, which is concrete so....you may be right. I think I will have to go roll around in some mud and grass to be just like you. "lol"


VR HOT AI Chat - Murder Suspect Interrogation - Do we really want AI controlled NPCs in games? NSFW

CG writes: There has been little debate about the effects of AI controlled non-playable characters (NPCs) in video games, with some people suggesting we are on the cusp of an impending new-dawn in how we interact with secondary gaming characters. Yet, the few examples circulating at this time are impressive, (or not in the case of Nvidia's ACE AI NPC showcase), but what are the implications of allowing AI to control the narrative when interacting with NPCs in games. In the Skyrim mod which allows for AI conversations via Chat GPT, it basically searches Skyrim specific wiki pages for info. On the surface this looks like a positive step-in-the-right-direction. It allows for a free-form interaction with NPCs who in the past would just spout scripted dialogue over-and-over, creating an accepted disconnect between the player and the character. A speech-to-text mod for Skyrim added a level of immersion that was pretty decent and at heart, allowed for greater role-playing. But NPC interactions are evolving at a greater pace due to the fact that AI can significantly impact their evolution.

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DigitallyAfflicted348d ago

She needs to be integrated by DEA first 🤣🤣🤣 I'm loving it, that bring NPC's on whole new level of craziness

kythlyn347d ago

Imagine a Skyrim style game with AI controlled NPCs, with contextually relevant dialogue and generated voice acting. Such a system could allow the NPC to notice if it takes the player a long time to do a quest, it could react realistically to the world around them, such as if the player drops 100 sweet rolls at their feet, or a hostile shows up. It could even respond accordingly if the player starts teabagging a nearby corpse. With a strict set of controls in place for each NPC, there are possibilities for limitless depth of dialogue with infinitely branching paths, and incredible potential for immersion and role playing if done right. If not done right, well... at least the memes will be strong. This tech is still at its infancy. I'm pretty excited about what it will make possible in gaming! I'm also concerned it will be overused or abused to the detriment of actors and artists.