
Baldur’s Gate 3 PS5 Review - A Critical Success - The Koalition

Josh Limage of The Koalition writes: People these days more often tend to forget the history of gaming. Whether they deem it important or they are just consumed by the next thing, we sometimes forget the influence of the games that set the foundations for the titles we love today. For example, the RPG as we know it would be nothing if not for the two men who created Dungeons & Dragons back in 1971. Even today, the tabletop game is played across the world with some campaigns lasting years and countless memories being made amongst friends.

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rbailey277d ago

An outstanding turn-based RPG and a very strong game of the year contender.

MrChow666277d ago

I'm having a blast, this is a real rpg

Crows90277d ago

I've heard act 3 is a mess still so I'm waiting for it to be optimized better.

It's the only reason I spent any points for Gamepass on PC to play sterfield in the meantime. Probably going to beeline through the content there so I can play a better game like sea of stars

How's act 3 as far as you know? Any fixes to performance?

MrChow666276d ago

I'm 20 hours in, still in the first act. the game is packed with great quests, decisions, great dialogue and combat is so much fun. I havent had any issues, it runs very good so far on ps5, I hope they fix whatever issues act 3 has by the time I reach that point in the story

myfathersbastard277d ago

I’m like 75hrs in and I am not even technically IN Balders Gate yet. This games so good. I haven’t been this absorbed into a game in years.
My game of the year. I’m sure I’ll love Spider-Man 2 and starfield when I get to it. But I can already tell nothings else will do it for me like this game.


Damn, that's a hell of a recommendation 😳

myfathersbastard277d ago

Well I mean, I was expecting it to be good. And it exceeded my expectations.

MrChow666276d ago

it is amazing, pure video game joy

MrDead277d ago

Amazing game that everyone who loves rpgs should play. Surprising that the player count is still so high on Steam, currently 100,000 more players than Starfield!

vikingland1277d ago

My whole family is playing this on ps5. Five of us in total my wife and 3 adult kids, myself. All of us love it.

jznrpg277d ago (Edited 277d ago )

I asked my wife who only plays 2D Castlevania and PSVR2 to play co-op with me and she said she would try it . I’ll buy in a few weeks here have to finish up some games first

Black-Helghast277d ago

you have a very nice wife. I haven't played a couch co-op with mine since diablo 3 so I might try this once I get bored of Diablo 4 (my wife didn't like the darker tone of Diablo 4, that's why she's not playing it with me :'c )

vikingland1277d ago

My wife plays on her own ps5 and a nice 17inch portable monitor. I have the tv and my ps5 and we sit next to each other in our recliners. And we play Diablo IV that way also.

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Baldur's Gate 3 Actors Explain How They Shot The Emperor Romance Scene

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Baldur's Gate 3 Steam Deck Settings for Best Performance

Baldur’s Gate 3 is among the best RPGs ever made. We tested the game last month and posted the optimization guides for midrange and low-end PCs. This post covers the performance of BG3 on the Steam Deck, including the best settings to attain a stable 30 FPS gameplay.

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anast11d ago

That's not good. The Deck is struggling.

blanka454511d ago

Too demanding of a game that is only one game no problem. fsr 3 mod will be there

anast11d ago

There are a lot of games that are like this.


Baldur's Gate 3's Side Quest Design is its Secret Weapon

With a game like Baldur's Gate 3, a number of factors make it successful—but perhaps none are as powerful as its side quest design.

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Popsicle20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

Article makes a great point and I agree with it but is spoiler heavy. It should be marked. If you haven’t played through the game be warned as it even spoils parts of act 3.

Dirty_Lemons19d ago

Thanks for this dude, I am very interested in playing when I have time and am trying to avoid spoilers.

dakarli16d ago

This game rocks, everything is quality, and I love the cutscenes, which remind me of Dragon Age Origin.
