
Tears Of The Kingdom's Story is a Disappointment By Zelda Standards

Tears of the Kingdom’s gameplay once again revolutionized video games forever, but its storyline was a step backwards for the Zelda series.

telekineticmantis330d ago

Apparently Zelda Doesn't have to have good storytelling because... Nintendo...

Zeldafan64330d ago

Elden Ring didn't have a great story but I didn't hardly see anyone complaining about that.

ManMarmalade330d ago

Elden ring is more about the lore in general.

smashman98330d ago

Souls games are souls games. These games aren't known for that sort of thing and generally how it's story is conveyed is similar or better than previous titles. In Zelda's case this is one of many aspects that have declined.

Inverno330d ago

There's really no comparison when talking about any Souls game. The amount of lore there is to uncover tells many stories and events that happen in the world before the player gets there. Plus what you do as the your own character is a story on its own as well. And many of the side quests relate to other characters going through their own separate development which you as the player influence. People for some reason think Soul games are all about boss fights, and they are not.

lucian229330d ago

elden ring lore and world is amazing and full of detail; but look at your name

cemelc329d ago (Edited 329d ago )

Zelda story has allways been minimal what are you ppl talking about?

Totk is the zelda game with the most dialogs ive seen.

Elden ring does have a crappy story, most of you just go to the lore tubers to understand what you just did. Do you think ppl are stupid? Ive been there for every souls game to see the millions of comments of ppl saying: "so thats what i was doing"... heck you dont even need to go to them, just watch the final fight in elden ring and the ppl realizing the relation between the two most important characters in the lore.

If the lore was properly depicted these guys wouldnt have millions of views.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 329d ago
RpgSama330d ago (Edited 330d ago )

Are the new Zelda Great games?, a resounding YES. Are they 10/10 perfect GOTY bestest games of all time as most of the media likes to announce?, definitely not.

Besides the technical aspect which I can let go some just because of the ancient hardware it runs under, there's quite a bit more thing that definitely should be mentioned and never are.

-Foxtrot330d ago

Another thing Zelda gets a free pass on these days, even past Zelda games had something a little bit better than the recent games but no one says a thing.

All the epic stories we’ve gotten over the years from a range of games yet Nintendo can’t do that for Zelda.

GhostScholar330d ago

Because Zelda isn’t about story it’s about the world and sense of discovery

-Foxtrot330d ago

So basically because it’s “not about that” it shouldn’t even try

Wow…that’s like accepting defeat and taking the easy way out before you try

Zelda was about unique dungeons, epic boss fights, puzzles and the like but when that was dumbed down or changed it then becomes about a singular thing…exploration.

cemelc329d ago

"All the epic stories we’ve gotten over the years from a range of games yet Nintendo can’t do that for Zelda. "

"So basically because it’s “not about that” it shouldn’t even try "

Elden ring? is not about that either.

Didnt see these articles or you complaning...then again given your comments i see youre completely bitter about the success

Sonic1881330d ago (Edited 330d ago )

I actually liked Zelda story better than Elden Ring. Sounds like a lot of gamers are disappointed because Zelda is about to win GOTY 🏆 🫠

Good-Smurf330d ago

Even Super Mario Odyssey have better storytelling than ToTK.
If you didn't played BOTW it's pretty hard to get to the story of ToTK and massive downtime for each main quest and dungeons made it worse.
I already got downvoted below but I don't care because that's exactly how I felt about the game's story.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 329d ago
luckytrouble330d ago (Edited 330d ago )

Zelda stories already don't have much of a standard. Nintendo doesn't really believe in story driven video games in general though. That isn't an assumption either. Quotes to that effect have come from big names in the company. Majora's Mask is an exception and that's because one of the only people there that believes differently managed to force it to be a more story and lore focused adventure.

That is to say, TotK didn't have much of a story, but neither did BotW or nearly any of the Zelda games before it. You simply play other games if story is what you're looking for out of your game experiences.

Inverno330d ago (Edited 330d ago )

The open world messes with the pacing, but it also feels rushed somehow. Ganon gets absolutely no screen time, and no further development outside of a handful of cutscenes set in the past. Really everything interesting happens again in the past, and all you get to do is watch cutscenes as you find em around the world.

Add to that the lack of continuity from BoTW to this. Almost everything that seemed important to the lore in BoTW is thrown out for some reason. Shrines from BoTW suddenly don't matter, Devine Beasts just vanish, most characters don't even remember Link. Honestly feels like at some point in development they just scrap whatever they had done for BoTW and just threw in a bunch of Furry stuff with the Zonai. Whatever mystery there was about the Zonai is completely gone in this game.

smashman98330d ago

I thinks it's more than possible to pull an open world game off with good story. Witcher 3 did it. Red Dead Redemption 2 did it. inFamous 1 and 2 did it. Plenty of games seem to pull it off just fine. Nintendo being one of the most prolific publishers out there with some of the best creative teams in the industry are more than capable of pulling it off,

I think the real problem is this hype culture around gaming and new releases on general. Instead of reviewers discussing what works and doesn't work for so many of these big releases and breaking down why they believe that to be the case they seem more concerned with drumming up hype for the latest and greatest things.

Inverno330d ago

I absolutely where we are right now when it comes to AAA releases and how they're discussed. Because there's really no way to discuss em without setting off an angry mob of people who think these games are perfect. You're left with a handful of Reddit posts that are specifically made to critique these individual releases and even there you get people just brushing off criticism and talking about how the game is amazing and how the criticism is wrong.

smashman98330d ago

So is it's soundtrack, it's dungeons, it's puzzles, and it's bosses.

Zeldafan64326d ago

You know what Tears of the Kingdom does best? Sense of exploration and discovery. Early on the depths were incredibly unnerving and thrilling. Once you've gotten a lot stronger the depths aren't nearly as scary but playing Tears made me feel the exact same way as playing Breath did the first time, moreso even.

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