
Microsoft Is Approaching Its Most Promising Year Of Xbox Ever

Forbes: We are heading toward an entirely unique time in the history of Xbox, one that combines a variety of classic first party IPs with new ones acquired through massive studio purchases.

As such, I believe that if everything goes according to plan, this could be the most promising single year of Xbox ever, if we’re measuring from November 2021 to November 2022.

jonny8971073d ago (Edited 1073d ago )

This was totally pointless lol. I guess these 'journalists' need to write something weekly to get paid.

Ron_Danger1073d ago

Seriously… I can’t believe how much advertising has been getting approved on this site lately. Earlier there was the “Phil Spencer talks to ID” article.

N4G needs to bring back the “open” section from years ago so these fluff pieces have a place.

Army_of_Darkness1073d ago

Talking about games possibly coming out NEXT year! 🤣🤣 Feels like this article was written way too early??

1073d ago
Blaze9291072d ago

Proof of this claim or you just ok spreading lies?

ElvisHuxley1072d ago (Edited 1072d ago )

It's effective though, if deceptive. I'd be okay with it if large percentages of the population didn't still believe that journalistic integrity actually exists. I understand that companies have to be competitive, but it just seems a bit underhanded. Sony does it as well, so they're not blameless either, but MS seems to do it considerably more.

1073d ago Replies(5)
DOMination-1072d ago

SIE have so far released four PS5 games. Now we have to wait until at least March for Horizon Forbidden West (a wait of 9 months!) and the only other game definitely coming next year is God of War 2. Maybe GT7 but I don't think that's been confirmed.

XGS have so far released one game (Grounded) and have several more planned for this year - Psychonauts 2 (not exclusive), Age of Empires 4 (PC only for this year), Halo Infinite, MS Flight Simulator and Forza Horizon 5. Next year they definitely have: Starfield, As Dusk Falls, Forza Motorsport and Redfall.

Also just to note, two of the SIE games were not developed by Sony (Returnal and Demon's Souls). Also note that the "Gears Halo Forza" crowd can easily be silenced when we see the likes of Ratchet & Clank 13, Gran Turismo 7, God of War 9...

This absolute nonsense that Microsoft/Xbox Game Studios has no games/new IP (which the goalposts are now conveniently moving to but still wrong) when compared to Sony needs to stop.

1072d ago
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sourOG1073d ago

Nov21-Nov22? It’s possible.

1073d ago Replies(4)
neutralgamer19921073d ago (Edited 1073d ago )

No that happened back when Halo 3 launched that's when Xbox brand was at the strongest. Their E3 was interesting but there's a lot of unknown and their biggest game in(2021) Halo infinite doesn't even have a release date yet. I really hope we do get back to those Xbox 360 versus PS3 days because that's when both companies were competing and releasing awesome games and we as gamers had amazing experience

Competition is very healthy thing especially when it comes to gaming industry if we want these companies to try harder to earn our time/money/attention. I am so ready for the days when we could have PlayStation and Xbox exclusives up for game of the Year awards that's when you know the quality is there

343_Guilty_Spark1072d ago (Edited 1072d ago )

Why does a specific day matter if we know it is coming out Holiday season? You sound like you're more in a rush to play it than even I am, and I've been playing Halo almost 20 years.

elazz1073d ago

After 8 years of "wait till next E3" this is still going on? Why not judge based on what actually does release after such a long time.

RedDevils1072d ago

It always Halo, Gear and Forza to hype the xbox fanboy

343_Guilty_Spark1072d ago

Isn't that a good thing for you so PlayStation can win your console war?

MIDGETonSTILTS171071d ago

It’s not a war, it’s an intervention: stop buying their empty promises.

343_Guilty_Spark1071d ago


I enjoy Xbox. Go play your games and stop being so pestering.

TheProfessional1073d ago (Edited 1073d ago )

Xbox one was ruined by Don Mattrick but now that he's been fired/replaced the Xbox can finally get back to where it was during the 360 era: the best selling console with the best features, best multiplatform games and great exclusives.

Xbox 360 had better multiplatform games compared to PS3 (the cell processor was a problem for non-Sony devs) so almost all multiplatform games ran worse and were lower resolution on PS3. All the valve games many EA games, the bethesda games etc. were 720p and had slowdown. Now a few of the next gen games are also higher res on series x compared to ps5 which already gives it a slight edge.

Third party games are arriving day one on game pass also. Why pay Sony $70 for MLB the Show or Back 4 Blood when you can play them om launch day on game pass?

The deisgn of the ps5 is also oversized and unsightly which is definitely not a selling point. The color and the curved design were terrible deicisons.

Also tired of the push for single player only exclusives from sony. Almost no co op op multi in any of there AAA exclusives for PS4 and same so far for PS5. No thanks.

1073d ago Replies(1)
Ron_Danger1073d ago

Woah… dude this article is about the future of Xbox and you went on a full fanboy rant about PlayStation.

This has gotta rank in the top 5 most off topic fanboy rants in a while on this site.

IRetrouk1073d ago

"Xbox one was ruined by Don Mattrick but now that he's been fired/replaced the Xbox can finally get back to where it was during the"

Don didn't ruin anything, infact he had more games ready for launch and launch year for the one than phill did with the series, also the 360 wasn't the best selling, that would be the wii, followed by the ps3, think your confusing npd with worldwide.

"Now a few of the next gen games are also higher res on series x compared to ps5 which already gives it a slight edge."

Resolution over framerate, really?

"Third party games are arriving day one on game pass also. Why pay Sony $70 for MLB the Show or Back 4 Blood when you can play them om launch day on game pass?"

Is every 3rd party release on gamepass day 1?
You still have to buy games that you want, using it as a negative for one is stupid to be honest, especially considering most 3rd partys are not day 1.

"The deisgn of the ps5 is also oversized and unsightly which is definitely not a selling point. The color and the curved design were terrible deicisons."

Personal opinion....I like it.

"Also tired of the push for single player only exclusives from sony. Almost no co op op multi in any of there AAA exclusives for PS4 and same so far for PS5. No thanks."

Again personal opinion, regardless those games sell, if they didn't sony wouldn't be making them, they provide enough of both between themselves and third party to cover all types of games and gamers.

Chocoburger1072d ago

I have to agree. Don Mattrick, while he royally screwed up with DRM, he understood that getting new, unique and exclusive games on your platform was important. Wikipedia shows the list of Xbox Game Studios releases:

Early Xbox One titles that began funding / development during the Don Mattrick era:
Dead Rising 3
Crimson Dragon
Forza 5
Killer Instinct
Powerstar Golf
Forza Horizon 2
Sunset Overdrive
Halo Master Chief Collection
Ori and Blind Forest
Halo 5
Gears 4
Project Spark (started by Don, cancelled by Phil)
Scalebound (started by Don, cancelled by Phil)
Fable Legends (started by Don, cancelled by Phil)
and there's much more.

What Don Mattrick has done for Xbox One (before the system even launched) was better than anything Phil Spencer did for the 5 years after launch! Why do people keep giving Spencer so much credit? In a strange twist, Don and Phil are polar opposites.

Don created bad DRM plans, but had interesting games on offer.
Phil created likable DRM (GamePass), but has no interesting games on offer.

Robodrake1073d ago

My ps5 looks amazing next to my TV. You just dont have any taste.

thesoftware7301073d ago

PS 5 is Fugly..gigantic and barley fits most entertainment set ups..stop lying to yourself.

SX is not that much better but the smaller size and the color blend in more with most set ups.

SS is the most pleasant on the eyes and fits almost anywhere.

RedDevils1072d ago

It doesn't fit "YOUR" entertainment setup, not mine or anyone. Remember what you find nice, other would think it ugly and vice versa, end of the day your opinion meant nothing so don't force it on others.

TheGoodestBoi1072d ago (Edited 1072d ago )

@thesoftware PS5 fits fine in my entertainment unit.
But I guess Xbox looking like a trashcan it would blend in well with any room

Robodrake1072d ago (Edited 1072d ago )

"PS 5 is Fugly..gigantic and barley fits most entertainment set ups..stop lying to yourself"

"SS is the most pleasant on the eyes and fits almost anywhere."

Lord Jesus that's plain embarrassing on your part. The series s is straight up one of the ugliest consoles i've ever seen. Holy f, i dont know how anyone can say that console looks nice with a straight face. The ps5 has a much better aesthetically pleasing design. I like the design of the series x a lot too. But my freaking God. The series S objectively is one ugly machine. It's also a weak, underpowered POS. The ps5 design has grown on me, and it's probably one of the best looking consoles ever made imo.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1072d ago
ocelot071073d ago

"Third party games are arriving day one on game pass also. Why pay Sony $70 for MLB the Show or Back 4 Blood when you can play them om launch day on game pass?"

Because game leave gamepass? Why pay $8 or what ever amount it is for say MLB or back 4 blood. For say 6 months only for them to leave and then have to pay for the game anyway if you want to continue playing.

That's why I rather pay £60 on release for Sony first party games. I can play it on release date. I don't have to worry about Sony knocking on my door a few months down the line and take the disc away from me.

1073d ago
rakentaja1073d ago (Edited 1073d ago )

You can buy a Game Pass for 3 years for less than $ 150 (buy 3 years of Gold + $ 1 and convert into a GPU). If you play 15 games during this time, 5 games a year that interested you. The games are usually there for 1 year, after that they will cost around ~ $ 20/each after deep discounts. $ 150 for a Game Pass + 15 x $ 20 = $ 450 and you played all the games on the first day and you end up owning all of them physically. On the PS5, that makes a total of $ 1,050 (15 x $ 70).

ocelot071073d ago

@GlaciusZero yer I know you can buy them discounted. Never bought a game that's been on gamepass so far. Most likely I'll do for Forza. But at the end of the day if the game leave gamepass you still have to buy it with a discount or not.

DOMination-1072d ago

Why would you buy Forza? It's a first party game and won't ever cycle out of GamePass.

ocelot071072d ago


Because I only buy gamepass when they offer me a month for a £1. I don't like the thought of paying £8 per month to rent games.

I currently have the £1 for 3 months offer am 3 or so weeks into that. Only played one game on gamepass since I got the offer and only for less than 2 hours.

When I have spare time. I have been playing a backlog of games. Currently trying to get days gone finished while also playing cod warzone on the side. Then after that I have ghost of tshima to play. After that last of us 2. After that most likely battlefield 2042 will be out so I'll be paying that. Then I'll still have like Spiderman remastered to play. As well as Forza and age of empires and diablo 2 remake.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1072d ago
neutralgamer19921073d ago


Chill and play Xbox if you prefer man no need to have a rant like this. Enjoy the weekend

Dissidia1072d ago

he didn't "have a rant" he shared his perspective which many others share. You guys just don't like it

thesoftware7301073d ago


You sir will be burned at the stake for speak some Truth.

I have both SX and PS5 and in no way in hell I'm paying $70 for any game that comes to GP that is on PS5..crap, I have a hard time wanting to pay $70 for any game.

And yes, i really wish Sony would put one of their high end studios to make a good multiplayer/Co-OP game..with their skills it could be one of the best.

ScootaKuH1072d ago

"The deisgn of the ps5 is also oversized and unsightly which is definitely not a selling point. The color and the curved design were terrible deicisons."

Yet it's still outselling Xbox Series consoles by almost 2:1

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Halo Infinite's Split-Screen is One Step in The Right Direction

Halo Infinite has spilt screen PvP, but it's still missing another classic multiplayer feature that should be completed before Halo 7.

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Jin_Sakai7d ago

Putting on PS5 is another step in the right direction so the player base can grow.

anast7d ago

How many years has it been?


Starfield's recent player spike is good, but it needs its Cyberpunk 2077 moment now

Starfield's recent player spike is a good sign, but Bethesda desperately need to line up their Cyberpunk 2077 moment.

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ZeekQuattro9d ago

I feel like the second big update that releases late this year will do just that. Part of the story expansion is also new means of transportation on planets.

P_Bomb9d ago

A good DLC could turn some heads. The Destiny games got momentum that way too.

piher9d ago

What player spike?

I checked steamcharts through the link in the article and it went from 8,000 to 11.500, so yea 20% but when the game peaked at 330,000 It's safe to say that the actual effect of this update was negligible.

LostPotato9d ago

Doubt it'll ever get redemption. As many developers have said in various interviews it's beyond saving.

Just release the mod tools and expansion and move on.

Profchaos8d ago

Cyberpunk 2077 had some strong bones i disliked it on launch because I could see the potential I could see the strengths of what they wanted to achieve but it wasn't done yet

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Starfield fans want mech piloting added after Bethesda teases "major features on the horizon"

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Jingsing9d ago

They didn't get the memo the game is dead and the Bethesdabots only want magic and fantasy.

Boy_the_CowRoy8d ago

Starfield fans? The game only has 9 thousand current players, worldwide! As a company you cannot waste time on creating "Major features", it is simply not profitable. Just move on.