
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars preview from PSW

Can you imagine PSW's surprise? "It will be done when it's done." That's what PSW were told when they asked the powers that be in Activision's office for a release date for id Software's badass multiplayer shooter, Quake Wars. That, it seems has and always will be the id mantra.

And you can't fault them for that because it's a good one to have, and when the Doom creator's games do ship, they head straight to the upper echelons of gaming greatness. Yes, you're not sure when you're going to get it, but when you do, you ruddy well know it will blow a hole in your pants.

Still, PSW got to take id's latest creation for a whirl around the battlefieldt they were impressed. A lot.

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Skerj5873d ago

Too bad it's coming in the middle of all the games we've been waiting for since last year, this would have had a bigger impact last holiday season.

m-s-8-25873d ago

Probably wouldnt have done any better than, say, Unreal Tournament 3 had it come out then.


Quake Games Ranked from Worst to Best

BLG writes, "Alongside the Wolfenstein and DOOM franchises, there are the Quake games. Known for fast-paced and insane multiplayer deathmatch action, there was a time Quake was best known for its single-player design.

That all changed as time passed (i.e., after Quake 3 Arena). Multiplayer deathmatches were never the same.

As other FPS games leaned more into improved narrative and storytelling, id Software delivered a genre-defining multiplayer experience.

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MadLad654d ago

Quake 3, and the iterations, will always be one of the best multiplayer series releases.
As far as campaigns, I think 1 and 4 are great, but that 2 was garbage.

Quake Champions was a joke on and didn't capitalize on much of anything that made the series great.


Quake 5: What can we expect?

Ben takes a look at what we can expect from Quake 5 in light of the recent buzz of activity at id Software recently. Hopeful at best but some serious food for thought.

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AMD Catalyst 12.4 WHQL Released

DSOGaming writes: "AMD has released the WHQL version of their Catalyst 12.4 drivers. These drivers introduce some new features to the AMD Radeon HD 7900, AMD Radeon HD 7800, and AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series, such as Windows XP 32/64Bit support, Level of Detail (LOD) Image Quality enhancements when Super Sampling is enabled and significant performance enhancements (up to 80%) when MLAA is enabled. In addition, there have been various fixes for Skyrim, RAGE, Enemy Territory, and STALKER: Call of Pripyat."

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