
Xbox & Bethesda Have A Big Fallout Problem, But It's A Good Problem To Have

Discover the impact of the recent Fallout show on Amazon Prime and the white-hot popularity of the Fallout franchise. Will there be a Fallout 5 anytime soon? How about any new Fallout? Its a good problem to have.

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raWfodog30d ago

I’m going to get back into Fallout 4 since I haven’t finished it yet. The recent update will likely give me more of an incentive to get to it sooner rather than later.

Crows9030d ago

The recent update does nothing except take up more space...

raWfodog30d ago

New armor, weapons, and mission(s) is enough for me, especially since I haven’t finished the game yet.

mastershredder30d ago

Where is the problem part again?
There is a show
There is 76 that is perfect for non-standard fallout players and perfect for Bethesda to coin up on.
There is a Fallout Shelter
There is Fallout 4 updated for current gen (that went free for subscription services in most cases).

Also there is a whole new audience that has never seen or played fallout before. Seems like they have PLENTY to dig into, before they worry about FO5.

They are beyond trending and are banking with willing investors atm, and you are calling it a problem. Mkay. Sounds more like you are just chapped that FO5 is not point of discussion. No worries, it is coming, just gonna take a bit. Just be glad MS and Bethesda ironed out their multi-platform woes, THAT was a problem, the rest is cake.

danno_omen30d ago

I called it a good problem because they have so much momentum, or did you fail to read that part

anast30d ago

That momentum is going to die when the new players realize their games aren't very well made compared to other games.

andy8529d ago

The answer is no there won't. 2030s


Fallout 5 -10 Ways It Should Improve on Fallout 4

It may be years away, but whenever it arrives, Fallout 5 needs to improve on its predecessor in several areas.

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-Foxtrot24d ago

They really need to get rid of weapon mods and bring back more unique weapons that are hard to get / find

anast24d ago

They won't improve it other than a slight graphical upgrade. They have always been better at live action than making games.

MocBistro24d ago

Only way it could improve is taking it away from Bethesda and regroup Classic Fallout (1&2) devs with decent budget and time to make it.

23d ago

Todd Howard Has No Plans to Retire, Open to Other Studios Making Fallout Games

In a recent interview, Todd Howard revealed that he has no plans to retire and reiterated Bethesda's openness to help from other studios.

DOMination-30d ago

Oh great, now we have to deal with Anasts Bethesda fetish indefinitely.

Thanks a lot, Todd

anast30d ago

You're welcome for the free entertainment. Usually, it comes at a cost of $70 because of inflation.

Crows9030d ago

That's an inflated price...

anast30d ago (Edited 30d ago )


It would be if it weren't a valuable resource.

mastershredder30d ago

"with no plans to retire anytime soon" I mean this is like a common news topic involving his name. Knock it off and do some actual newsing. This is like the biggest "No Duh" article of the day, and several sites had to regurgitate it. Geez. So lame.

OtterX30d ago

"Batman. I like the idea that if I had enough money, time, and vengeance, I could become him." - Todd Howard


This is when he'll retire.

nmbr1esq30d ago

He doesn't have to retire, just the stupid outdated garbage creation engine.

Kados30d ago

Netimmerse 4.0, presumably 5.0 for TES6. They should give the Fallout IP to Obsidian, and have it made in UE5.

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Fallout 5 Might Be Here Sooner Than We Thought at Microsoft's Behest

Following the success of the TV show, Microsoft is reportedly in talks to fast-track Fallout 5 with the help of a studio other than Bethesda.

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MrBaskerville30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

If they start now, we can have it as early as in 2031!

redknight8030d ago

Heck yeah, we can have a teaser trailer in 2031!? I am so excited already!!

Hedstrom30d ago

Yea, the teaser 2031 for the trailer 2035 is going to be awesome!

DOMination-30d ago

haha was about to say the same thing.

All these articles about a new Fallout are pointless right now. A game of that scope will likely be 1 year pre-production and 4 years development MINIMUM and that's if they start on it tomorrow. Lets talk about it again in four years time when it's officially announced, not when they're still working out who may develop the bloody thing.

Kaii30d ago

Yeah, allow the studio that hasn't slam dunked any games In recent memory to "fast track" the next Fallout game.

jeromeface30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Good, microsoft should look at their IP's with value and protect them from devs like bethesda after disasters like Starfield. Everyone would lose their minds if obsidian was able to make another fallout even though the new vegas team is long gone. .

Hereandthere30d ago

Lol, still port begging for hell divers 2.

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