
Palworld Finally Dethrones Baldur's Gate 3 as Most Played Game on Steam Deck in February 2024

Palworld has finally put an end to Baldur's Gate 3's 6-month domination as the most-played game on Steam Deck has February 2024 has been dominated by Japanese games and RPGs.

OneLove101d ago

Lol I got 146 hours in this game on xbox

FinalFantasyFanatic101d ago

I've got come back to this game at some point, it sucked away so many hours when I first started playing it.

NotoriousWhiz101d ago

Just started playing again now that we can finally rename pals. Also, when creating a new character, they can have a name that isn't Player856.

SeTTriP99d ago

I'm at 200hrs and still going

badboyz0999d ago

I put 197hrs in Marvel Midnight Suns


Elden Ring's developers know most players use guides, still try to cater to those who go in blind

FromSoftware boss Hidetaka Miyazaki says reading guides is "perfectly valid," but doesn't want it to be a necessity.

Goodguy0117h ago

It's open world and filled with content so that's a given. Bosses I always wanna go blind asides from following a guide to only find optional bosses after I've beaten the game. Pretty sure there's still loads of content I haven't discovered yet in the base game lol.

blackblades16h ago

I only use guides when I'm stuck some where for a long period of time or trophy hunting which is rare cause I had retired that.

Cacabunga2h ago

I first finish a game, then use a guide for the missable stuff..
Only game I used guide from beginning was Crisis Core reunion where it’s impossible to do on your own and where every single thing is missable

-Foxtrot16h ago

To be fair I think a lot only use guides because they don't want to be locked out of side missions or endings.

I love the game but trying to find certain NPC's and the like as you play through the game felt like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

A simple "quest tracker" would be handy, just to give you a hint at where to go, where you last found them, if you've locked yourself out of not. Not flashy or anything, just something you can find on your map when you open it.

fsfsxii1h ago

just play ubisoft titles where everyone's a winner and stop complaining about minute shit like always

GaboonViper14h ago

Nope never use guides, what i love about games is discovering the mysteries and magic of the Worlds, i remember the great Shigeru Miyamoto saying as young boy he would love exploring woods and caves and finding things and he wanted to expand that to games as in Zelda.

franwex2h ago

I never use guides, unless it’s something that I’m stuck on-that I know I will resolve with enough time-but I don’t feel that the time is worth the investment. Such as a side quest for better gear.

Hotpot2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

I use guide because in my adult life I can barely get 2 hours of gameplay a day. Can’t waste those 2 hours floundering about, or worse, accidentally make irreversible decision that makes the rest of playthrough full of regret. Usually only for missables though, it’s not like I want to read guides every 5 minutes of playing.

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Helldivers 2 has stacked the deck to stop players unlocking the Anti-Tank Mines

The Helldivers 2 community has the choice to unlock a new Stratagem, but the developers may have other plans for the story.

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SimpleDad12h ago

I uninstalled it... it was a nice game.

11h ago
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Elden Ring Has Sold More Than 25 Million Copies To Date

FromSoftware's Elden Ring has now sold over 25 million copies worldwide, as announced by the devs over on the official Twitter handle.

GaboonViper14h ago

Massive Congrats to From Software, one of the best games i have played, all we need now is a Bloodborne 2.

on_line_forever14h ago

Deserve it , but I was really wish Dark souls 3 & bloodborn sold these number of Copies

smolinsk11h ago

Elden ring appeal to a much broader audience because of the Open world. The freedom to take any boss when you want and because of the Lord of the rings lore. Souls is basically just Boss fights and that's it.

cooperdnizzle7h ago

Well you have never played the games!

smolinsk14h ago

Best game ever. Never played a game that well balanced to fit everyones need.

Aphrodia13h ago

pc version is rather busted. Hopefully they have some common decency and fix the problems when the dlc drops.

outsider162412h ago

Hold on..is it easy? As a souls game?

smolinsk11h ago

No much harder. Souls games are easy

toxic-inferno4h ago

Whether it's easier or harder than othe souls games depends on your playstyle. However, it's fair to say that it's a fat more accessible game than any other in the series.

Aphrodia10h ago

still busted. Read the discussions instead of staying in the N4G bubble.. It's due to the anti cheat. It works fine enough in offline mode but you are missing out on much of the experience.

cooperdnizzle7h ago

Wrong again. There are a few souls games that are harder then elden ring.

Are you a bot?

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kickerz10h ago

Still waiting for it to go on sales so I can buy it..

DivineHand1255h ago

Well deserved. Not only was the game great it also had incredible value with the amount of content it provided.

I did my first playthrough as a sorcerer and defeated all the bosses.