
How Did The Day Before Fool So Many People?

The shady survival game had red flags all over it since it first appeared on the scene, yet people still bought it, and now it’s gone.

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Christopher171d ago

It didn't. People were looking for a trainwreck.

CoNn3rB171d ago

My friend bought it just to see how bad it truly was, even with all the red flags he was still surprised just how much of a shit show the game was. Got his refund though

isarai171d ago

Who did it fool? Everyone was convinced it was deceptive trash from the getgo, pretty sure the sales are from just plain curiosity.

psplova171d ago (Edited 171d ago )

How does Donald Trump continue to fool so many people into thinking that he's a viable presidential option? People are stupid and/or really gullible..lol

recoctimocassirnff171d ago (Edited 171d ago )

How does the media continue to fool so many people into thinking that Biden isn't a senile dementia patient? You're a special kind of stupid if you can watch the Biden regime try to convict it's main political rival, Trump, in 4 bogus trials and still say oRaNgE mAn bAd!

psplova171d ago (Edited 171d ago )

Perfect example. Thanks for proving my point, genius.. ultimately, this coming election, you're either for the Constitution and Democracy or you're for authoritarianism and the destruction of the rule of law in this country .. that's what Trump represents. I'm not a huge fan of Biden, but he isn't trying to categorically change what our nation stands for. Simple as that. History will decide who is right. My advise, be on the right side of history..

anast171d ago

ha! This is inane too.

ChasterMies171d ago

“in 4 bogus trials”

I can see questioning the veracity of one trial. Innocent people are convicted all the time. But I feel like a rational person would be concerned after 2 trials. I think an irrational person would be concerned after 3 trials. It takes a special kind of denial to keep the cognitive dissonance going after 4 trials. Anyway, I’m sure some believe “The Day Before” will get a fix any day now even though the studio has dissolved and the game was pulled from stores. “It’s all a conspiracy against this beautiful, perfect game!”

Umb170d ago

@recoct - never mind psplova, some people have to make their political narrative known because nevermind common sense or critical thinking, just need to parrot the MSM.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 170d ago
Knightofelemia171d ago (Edited 171d ago )

Do that song and dance for the Canadians who voted for Trudeau.

Rynxie171d ago (Edited 171d ago )


Lol at you thinking the Democrats are pro-constitution.

However, I think you're trolling if you believe the Democrats are also pro-law and also aren't trying to change what this country stands for. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷 😆

psplova171d ago (Edited 171d ago )

I'm a libertarian, just so you know.. I'm also a realist. it's coming down to two choices at this point. Things can change, of course. Not sure what you think is so funny about all of this. It's our children's future we're talking about..

gold_drake171d ago

didnt think that a very bad video game would trigger a discussion about two American presidents haha.

psplova171d ago (Edited 171d ago )


Sorry, that was my fault entirely. It's not usually my bag either..

anast171d ago

I didn't either, but it's fun nonetheless.

recoctimocassirnff171d ago

You're point wasn't proven at all.

Amazing that you talk of authoritarianism while thinking you proved a point just because I disagreed with you. I at least offered 1 example from the mountain of long sorry examples of corruption from the biden admin.

Everything you said is the opposite of reality. If you have a modicum of independent thought and skepticism you would know that.

"you're either for the Constitution and Democracy or you're for authoritarianism and the destruction of the rule of law in this country .."

Again, it is absolutely astonishing you can say that while the biden admin is, as we speak, trying to put their political opponents in jail for bogus crimes. That is unprecedented, it is the very definition of categorically changing what the USA stands for.

Not to mention all the other evidence of corruption from the biden crime family.

My advise to you, be on the right side of history, because right now you're supporting a fascist admin(fascists put their political opponents in jail).

You are absolutely and unequivocally on the wrong side of history and you're so indoctrinated you don't even know it.

anast171d ago

People need more evidence to take these claims seriously.

psplova171d ago (Edited 171d ago )

Hey, I got a piece of trumps suit he wore in his mugshot to sell you, bro.. just in time for Christmas!

Umb170d ago

Why even bring this up? Unless its eating at you that much, you made your own point mute.

recoctimocassirnff170d ago

"Hey, I got a piece of trumps suit he wore in his mugshot to sell you, bro"

That would be awesome actually. While you're at it, since you're so sure of yourself and you're just dripping with self awareness, can you put forth a single agreement? You ad homs and deflection are getting a little stale.

psplova170d ago (Edited 170d ago )

lol. It's not that deep for me, brother.. the truth is out there and will be revealed at some point.. I have faith in that much. Whether you choose to believe it, is up to you..

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 170d ago
Chocoburger171d ago

Low IQ gamers get excited for any junk thrown their way. They should know better by now, but they refuse to learn. Steam has a fair refund policy, so they can continue to remain ignorant and not suffer any consequences, thus no need to learn and improve oneself.

anast171d ago

People really want a game like this, I really want a game like this. They sold desire instead of a product. It's simple stuff.

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10 Games So Awful That They Got Deleted

Let's count down games that were so bad that they just had to be recalled, delisted, and left alone as a tale for the history books.

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25d ago

The Day Before Was Much More Catastrophic Than We Feared

Fntastic's The Day Before was a giant, catastrophic mess. They treated their employees unfairly, scammed, and kept devs out of the loop.

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Andrew336118d ago (Edited 118d ago )

What's catastrophic is loading that website on mobile.

118d ago
isarai118d ago

"feared" it was a joke from day 1, I was laughing not in "fear"


YouTuber Spent $1,500 And Created The Day Before Parody That Looks Better Than The Original

YouTuber Crimson has created a parody trailer of the defunct zombie survival game The Day Before. More proof of what a joke The Day Before was.

127d ago
XiNatsuDragnel126d ago

Looks better too which is even more wild

Profchaos126d ago

Can't recreate perfection it seems.

Basically more credit to the theory this was a massive asset flip and a crash grab scam