
The Day Before has been removed from Steam following studio closure

Following an avalanche of complaints accusing the developer of scamming players, Valve has since removed The Day Before from Steam.

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anast173d ago

It's worse than Gollum. They need to add some categories to the game awards: the biggest scam and the worst game. It would be fun.

gleepot172d ago

nothing about the game awards are fun -- keighley would just ramble off the winners on screen in half a second then move on to an ad

darthv72172d ago

I never even heard of this until.... (wait for it)... the day before. Is this some sort of last of us clone, because I remember there was one already released that also got pulled. i think it was called last hope.

Sephiroushin172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

how can you have never heard of this game if youre around here like every single hour of the day… It was even one of the most wish listed steam games because the first trailer was great, too good to be truth….

Anyways Its a very bad clone of tarkov with only 1 map and a 3rd person, using assets from many other games and store

Yui_Suzumiya172d ago

Still a billion times better than GTA

Kosic172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

If only the concept was the final piece. I loved the gameplay mechanics of the division, now add zombies and a darker world. That would've ticked a lot of boxes.

But this game came out of no where in such a "complete state" during its first showing that red flags were flying.

An unknown company, showing off a polished product for its first viewing in this day and age. No chance..


10 Games So Awful That They Got Deleted

Let's count down games that were so bad that they just had to be recalled, delisted, and left alone as a tale for the history books.

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25d ago

The Day Before Was Much More Catastrophic Than We Feared

Fntastic's The Day Before was a giant, catastrophic mess. They treated their employees unfairly, scammed, and kept devs out of the loop.

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Andrew336118d ago (Edited 118d ago )

What's catastrophic is loading that website on mobile.

118d ago
isarai118d ago

"feared" it was a joke from day 1, I was laughing not in "fear"


YouTuber Spent $1,500 And Created The Day Before Parody That Looks Better Than The Original

YouTuber Crimson has created a parody trailer of the defunct zombie survival game The Day Before. More proof of what a joke The Day Before was.

127d ago
XiNatsuDragnel126d ago

Looks better too which is even more wild

Profchaos126d ago

Can't recreate perfection it seems.

Basically more credit to the theory this was a massive asset flip and a crash grab scam