
The Day Before has been absolutely ripped to shreds

The Day Before's development cycle has been plagued with issues, but a terrible launch looks to take the cake for developers FNTASTIC.

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Inverno175d ago

Probably my biggest disappointment of the year. I didn't buy it cause I've been following the drama and had enough common sense. But the initial trailer showed a concept that really peaked my interest, and in a sea of clunky multiplayer survival games, i had hoped this one was going to be different. We really can't keep letting this sort of stuff slide.

Rikimaru-00175d ago

looks like some more people joining the unemployment line. How did it get to this. Didn't they had 5 years to make this game.what a shame i had high hopes for this game, hope they come together and turn this game around

ocelot07175d ago

To be honest, I kind of feel for the devs. I remember when it was shown off and I was impressed. But immediately you got the idiots saying the game is fake and its not real. It won't ever come out they scamming people (they didn't even take pre orders lol).

It released as a early access game. Bugs and performance issues are to be expected. If you don't like the idea of early access then simply don't buy into it. I certainly won't be for a good while.

seanpitt23175d ago (Edited 175d ago )

Guys it's obvious what happened here, they released a vertical slice which wasn't a game more of a passion side project it got loads of attention which they didn't expect how viral and successful the video was going to be so they kept digging a bigger whole for themselves and they believed they could actually make a game of some sorts and profit of all this demand for a game that people obviously wanted..

Time went on make some more vertical slices and pretty impressive videos which was all fake there was not attached to any game..

Reassured themselves there is still a massive demand started to actually make a world themselves using bought assets so they obviously had to keep delaying this fake game
2 years later they made a fake game that we see now.. a barebones open world they bought for $300 they made a quick buck this will go down in history how they pulled this off haha


10 Games So Awful That They Got Deleted

Let's count down games that were so bad that they just had to be recalled, delisted, and left alone as a tale for the history books.

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25d ago

The Day Before Was Much More Catastrophic Than We Feared

Fntastic's The Day Before was a giant, catastrophic mess. They treated their employees unfairly, scammed, and kept devs out of the loop.

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Andrew336118d ago (Edited 118d ago )

What's catastrophic is loading that website on mobile.

118d ago
isarai117d ago

"feared" it was a joke from day 1, I was laughing not in "fear"


YouTuber Spent $1,500 And Created The Day Before Parody That Looks Better Than The Original

YouTuber Crimson has created a parody trailer of the defunct zombie survival game The Day Before. More proof of what a joke The Day Before was.

127d ago
XiNatsuDragnel126d ago

Looks better too which is even more wild

Profchaos126d ago

Can't recreate perfection it seems.

Basically more credit to the theory this was a massive asset flip and a crash grab scam