
Hellblade 2 seemingly set to release soon as Phil Spencer teases "We don't have much longer to wait"

The Xbox boss has praised developer Ninja Theory and says he "loves how the game is coming together".

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PrinceOfAnger193d ago

Will be amazing year for PC

Hellblade 2
Stalker 2
Flight sim 24
horizon forbidden west
Clockwork Revolution
If only CIG release Squadron 42 soon

Last year was good too with
Hi fi rush
Last of us remake.

MrNinosan193d ago

And probably FFXVI and FFVII Rebirth as well

BehindTheRows192d ago

Rebirth would be at least a year, so no.

XVI, most likely, but until late in the year.

S2Killinit192d ago (Edited 192d ago )

you’re missing some games, there

192d ago
Lightning77193d ago

Exec says they're excited for said game does nothing for me, but bring it I say. It's been ages since they had games that's story driven focus and this game has been in the pipeline for 4 years.

Let's see it already.

Crows90193d ago

Phil likes to talk big about games he has little to do with...and when theyve got a decent game he just shadow drops it assuming its not that good...hi fi rush is a prime example.

He talked really well about starfield and was surprised about redfall....before throwing the dev team under the bus of course.

Obscure_Observer193d ago


"Phil likes to talk big about games he has little to do with..."

Phil has a 100% Hellblade completion, he´s not a clueless gamer talking out of his a$$ like you do. He loves that game and Senua was one of the very reasons he acquired Ninja Theory in the first place.

He was the one who saw that team´s potential, he was the one who approach them with an offer to become an Xbox first party studio, by turning a small studio formerly made of 20 people into an full blown AAA Studio made of about 200 people.

Phil is the one who made sure tand put Senua into the spotlight since the Xbox Series X reveal.

She is the current Xbox generation poster girl! Not Master Chief, not Marcus Fenix, not Kait, and definitely not some weird Minecraft character.

You may hate the guy. But give credit when credit is due.

Ninja Theory have a history as a Playstation second party studio and yet SIE never cared about them enough to make them part of the Playstation family! You, as a Playstation fan, should be mad at Sony for letting Ninja Theory slip through their f* fingers!

If we were dependent on Sony, Hellblade II woudn´t ever exist.

"He talked really well about starfield and was surprised about redfall....before throwing the dev team under the bus of course."

Starfield is a great game which sits at 83 Metascore, which is higher than some of Playstation first party games that you praise to the heavens, so spare us from your hypocrisy.

After Redfall´s massive flop at launch, Phil not only allowed the team to continue and fix their mess in the game, but greenlit a new AAA game from Arkane Austin which is already in development.

Sony on the other hand, shut down Pixel Opus which were working on an unannounced PS5 AAA game in collaboration with Sony Pictures Animation since 2021 after Concret Genie.

Talk about "throwing the dev team under the bus"

But hey, feel free do defend and sugar coat Sony on their greedy bs, by cutting off creative studios to favor and pursue some GaaS nonsense!

Crows90192d ago


Aside from you pathetic insults..grow up.

"You may hate the guy. But give credit when credit is due."
I give credit to the playstation base which made the game successful. I completed the game as well. Didnt 100% only because I missed a couple of runes or whatever those lore points were. It is a one and done game like most single player games so I ddint bother...especially with the lackluster combat.

I also give credit to Playstation for Heavenly Sword which really put their style in the spotlight. Those monologues come from that playstation exclusive so yeah...definitely not avoiding giving credit.

If Hellblade 2 isnt successful I'll make sure to credit Phil...and random stats wont cut it.

"You, as a Playstation fan, should be mad at Sony for letting Ninja Theory slip through their f* fingers!"
Nope. Im not you. No reason to be mad. I wasnt bothered by MS purchase of Ninja Theory. they can buy all they want..its bad for the industry though and im worried for the survival of those devs more than anything.

But I've no doubt youre as ignorant as you sound. Im a gamer that plays mostly on PC nowadays. Im a good games fan...which is why I dont fall for MS average games like fanboys as yourself do.

"Starfield is a great game which sits at 83 Metascore, which is higher than some of Playstation first party games that you praise to the heavens, so spare us from your hypocrisy."

Which game do I praise to the high heavens? Stop making things up. Im currently praising remnant 2 a lot but thats not 1st party. And im playing that on steam.

"But hey, feel free do defend and sugar coat Sony on their greedy bs, by cutting off creative studios to favor and pursue some GaaS nonsense!"

What GaaS game has sony released? I mustve missed it.

As far as PixelOpus...Do I have some kind of loyalty to these guys? Did sony say that their vision sucked and was bad? No.

Phil said some crappy things about arkane though to deflect from his poor ass leadership...so yeah. Thats the problem and thats why im concerned with all the other perfectly fine studios making games that were more successful on playstation than on xbox.

"If we were dependent on Sony, Hellblade II woudn´t ever exist."
The very definition of talking out of your A$$

S2Killinit192d ago

At this point with MS, they need to put out or shut up.

Lightning77192d ago

Hi Fi Rush is not example of anything. The shadow drop was done by the studios head because it viral internally. HB2 happened because MS bought NT. No MS didn't make the IP of Hellblade but they're fully funding the sequel which is what a publisher is suppose to do right?

I have no clue where u got your info from.

Obscure_Observer191d ago

"I give credit to the playstation base which made the game successful"


Hellblade is a multi platform game beloved across all platforms including Xbox, PC and Nintendo! So gtfo with your lying bs, because if there´s someone hating on that game now that it´s an Xbox first party IP is the PS fanboys! Just look at the comments, it´s mostly PS fanboys like yourself calling that game mediocre, lackluster and nothing special, while pretending that they don´t understand the hype surrounding Hellblade II.

Bunch of hypocrites pretending to love story driven single player games when in reality they hate it if those aren´t on Playstation!

"I also give credit to Playstation for Heavenly Sword which really put their style in the spotlight."

Another IP which Sony didn´t gave a f*! Wheres the sequel?! Congratulations I guess?

"If Hellblade 2 isnt successful I'll make sure to credit Phil...and random stats wont cut it."

Get a grip in reality, dude. Your opinion means nothing and nobody gives a flying f* about what PS fanboys think about Phil and Xbox first party games.

"I wasnt bothered by MS purchase of Ninja Theory. they can buy all they want..its bad for the industry though and im worried for the survival of those devs more than anything."

Are you? Both RARE and Mojang has been active as Xbox first studios for longer than they previously had as third party independent studios. RARE completed 21 years as an Xbox first party studio while Mojang is about to complete 10 years!

The source of your fake concern is not objectively based on track record, but blind fanboy drivel and hate.

Obscure_Observer191d ago

The source of your fake concern is not objectively based on track record, but blind fanboy drivel and hate.

"But I've no doubt youre as ignorant as you sound. Im a gamer that plays mostly on PC nowadays"

You are a PS fanboy, don´t even try to deny it. Nobody falls for your "I´m PC gamer" crap, dude. The reason you might be playing mostly on PC nowadays is because you actually don´t have many games to play on your preferred platform.

"Im a good games fan...which is why I dont fall for MS average games like fanboys as yourself do."

And yet you´re here. Wasting your time and talking crap about an "average" XBOX GAME! Quit this childish game, dude. You have nothing to be excited about. That´s why you´re all over Xbox games, you´re just sad and boring. Smh.

"Which game do I praise to the high heavens? Stop making things up. Im currently praising remnant 2 a lot but thats not 1st party. And im playing that on steam."

Which sits at 80 at Metacritic while Starfield sits at 83 Metacritic. You can´t make shit up

"What GaaS game has sony released? I mustve missed it."

Don´t worry, they have 11 GaaS games currently in development. You´ll have plenty to play very soon.

"As far as PixelOpus...Do I have some kind of loyalty to these guys? Did sony say that their vision sucked and was bad? No."

Actions speaks louder. Pixel Opus got the Axe in the middle of development of a PS5 AAA game! Sony did´t even bother to gave that studio a public message and thanking them for all of their passionated work and love for creativity. They quietly shut that studio down, and when IGN reached SIE to talk about it, that what Sony said:

“PlayStation Studios regularly evaluates its portfolio and the status of studio projects to ensure they meet the organization’s short and long-term strategic objectives,” the company told IGN. “As part of a recent review process, it has been decided that PixelOpus will close on June 2.”

Again, zero gratitude and empathy for its developers! That´s the company you love! That how your favorite company treats creative first party developers!


"The very definition of talking out of your A$$"

Sony couldn´t be bothered and release a Heavenly Sword sequel, why would they even bother with a sequel for Hellblade which used to be a third party IP? Face the damn facts! Sony never gave a damn about Ninja Theory! It is what it is.

Thanks to Phil Spencer Senua fans will live to see a proper sequel to Hellblade. A true current gen AAA game that hopefully will turn out into another masterpiece and win multiple awards, just like the first game.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 191d ago
Crows90193d ago

Phil loved crackdown 3.

Just saying. Theres no one else other than the xbox boss constantly yammering about how great certain games in the pipeline are...Show dont tell.

Let ninja theory do the talking dude.

PrinceOfAnger193d ago

mark cerny and others loved knack

Crows90193d ago (Edited 193d ago )

Did he? Or did he just like the tech behind it?

I love how you put 'and others' clearly not naming the PlayStation boss. You know the one, like Phil, who is supposed to be responsible for everything their devs make and who gets a pretty good say about the games the their devs make.

ModsDoBetter192d ago

Lol uno reverse. 😂
For what it's worth, I enjoyed Knack.

Einhander1972192d ago (Edited 192d ago )

I have never understood the vitriol towards Knack. It was a family friendly game parents could buy with the PS4 that kids could play that launched with the console. And honestly it had pretty fun gameplay, there was good enemy variety and the art style that was styled like old Japanese cartoons was pretty good.

It's so weird how just because a game is for kids it's seen as bad, not just knack but in general.

The whole thing where every game has to be made just for one demographic is bad for the industry and creativity.

S2Killinit192d ago (Edited 192d ago )

Yeah but phil hyped up games like redfall and starfield to heaven’s end. At least Sony lets their games do the talking.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 192d ago
Obscure_Observer193d ago

"Did he? Or did he just like the tech behind it?"


Mark Cerny is not other but KNACK´s director, genius!

It´s HIS game! XD

Crows90192d ago (Edited 192d ago )

Yes. And of course hes going to "like it" my comment which you quoted mentions what he probably actually liked about it and would gush about at its time. The tech behind it.

But thanks for making @PrinceofAnger look even dumber...A developer of a game liking their game...who woulda thunk.

Point is Phil talks big about games he hasnt made all of the time. Most of them being a disappointment.

Obscure_Observer192d ago


"But thanks for making @PrinceofAnger look even dumber...A developer of a game liking their game...who woulda thunk."

You didn´t even knew that Mark Cerny made that game, dude. And yet, you have the nerve to call people dumb rather than acknowledge your own ignorance . Such "Playstation fan" your are. Smdh.

SimpleSlave193d ago

Ninja Theory's best game was, oddly enough, DMC. Everything else have been mediocre at best. Enslaved could've been great but fell flat and the first Hellblade was laughably bad where it matters, the gampleay.

So they have a shet ton to prove before getting excited about this. Will the gameplay suffer even more now that the graphics have taken a massive presedent? We'll see. But so far, the gameplay they've shown was beyond underwhelming.

This is poised to be another Ryse or The Order 1886; A visual feast and shallow as a puddle. I'll be shocked otherwise.

SimpleSlave192d ago

...ly bad. Yes.

While having impressive technical feats such as the animation and motion capture, and Andy Serkis' scenery chewing performance never fails to be glorious, the game also suffered from bad game design, bad level design and shallow gameplay that felt outdated the moment the game came out. Which made for a pretty but shallow and boring experience.

Oh, and those damn QTE and Slow Motion Projectile Cam sections. The joy... 😐

Sadly, Heavenly Sword is a lineal, shallow, beautiful but ultimately boring game that came and went for good reasons. And while it was mercifully short it also felt too damn long. Like a Demo or Proof of Concept that got out of hands.

Elda192d ago

Clearly your opinion. Imo...Heavenly Sword was a fab game, it's flaw was that the game was too short.

SimpleSlave191d ago

Clearly...or is it? The game has shallow combat, brain dead AI, lineal and bland level design, QTEs and extremely repetitive and boring slow motion sections. While other better games certainly share some of the same traits, they do try to compensate in other aspects at least. Ninja Theory simply thought that pretty graphics and animation, with Ham Serkis, would somehow be enough to do the trick. It didn't.

I think it's ok to like bad stuff. I do. We all do. And there's nothing wrong with that. Just learn to be conscious about it is all I'm saying.

But hey, that's just a Theory...

AdonisIsBeast193d ago

Crazy that some xbox fanatics are excited for this. The franchise is mid at best and they’ve been developing this for over 6 years.

And it’s not even a large RPG with intricate systems or anything of the sort. It’s a linear action adventure game.

__SteakDeck__193d ago

Xbox fanboys for years have thrashed PS exclusives for being “one and done”, linear “interactive movies”, “walking simulators”. They better keep that same energy for this, but we know they won’t. Lol

outsider1624193d ago

The exact words from Sparky was "cookie cutter story driven games" lol.

Lets see what he has to say about Hellblade now..

Prubar193d ago

It’s not that third person character action games are “bad”. It’s that’s all current Sony seems to be interested in making. I found PlayStation was way more interesting during the PS3 era. At least during that time they had multiplayer elements to their games. Now nodda.

Obscure_Observer193d ago

"They better keep that same energy for this, but we know they won’t. Lol"

We won´t.

I love Hellblade and The Last of Us is one of my TOP 3 games of all time. Also, despite Metascore, I also like The Order 1886 a lot and I think Sony is dumb for not giving that franchise another go.

We´re gamers. We welcome all types of games and gaming genres and, fortunately for us, Xbox first party studios got all the gaming genres covered, as it should.

ModsDoBetter192d ago (Edited 192d ago )

That's an interesting flip.

Before Hellblade 2 was announced and Xbox exclusive, all I ever heard was PS and Xbox fans giving the game high praise.

Interesting that it's being downplayed now...

S2Killinit192d ago

They haven’t had anything at all so its understandable that they get excited for anything.

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Xbox Needs to Embrace PlayStation and Nintendo for Sustainability

Ybarra, who spent two decades at Microsoft, acknowledged concerns about the future of Xbox hardware by fans once more first-party games go multiplatform.

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ThinkThink25m ago

As an xbox guy, If porting some exclusives to sony and nintendo allows MS to continue offering gamepass day one, I'm all for it. Port them all if you need to.

Hofstaderman7m ago(Edited 5m ago)

Your way of thinking is why Microsoft is where they are. All they had to do was hold the line of the 360 circa 2010. Had the continued with thay strategy they would not have had to introduce gamepass which has spectacularly kneecapped them.


Former PlayStation Boss Responds to Phil Spencer's 'Slimy' Comment

In addition to catching a bit of flak from the former PlayStation boss, Phil Spencer has also come under criticism for the recent Xbox game studio closures.

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Jin_Sakai11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

“Phillip W. Spencer III:"Xbox’s aim with Call of Duty is to give players choice, not "do slimy platform things" that make one option more appealing."

Yet Xbox were the ones who started this exclusive crap with CoD during the 360/PS3 era. This guy is something else.

CrashMania5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Yep, some of their fans also parrot this hypocritical line, MS started and popularised that trend, then spent 80 billion.

Pot kettle black.

S2Killinit35m ago(Edited 35m ago)

Every word out of MS can be flipped on its head to reveal the truth.

ravens5233m ago

Don't you get the beta early if you have gamepass, that's what I heard.

Reaper22_11m ago(Edited 10m ago)

"Yet Xbox were the ones who started this exclusive crap with CoD during the 360/PS3 era. This guy is something else."

That's not actually true. Sony paid to keep games off of Nintendo and sega back in day. Plus they payed blocking rights to keep certain games off of gamepass which is probably what Phil may be referring to. Imo that makes them slimey too if we're being honest. At the end of the day it's just business. There is no doubt in my mind that if sony could make huge purchases like Microsoft, they would. You probably won't see sony respond with an official statement because they know they are just as guilty.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 11m ago
Terry_B10h ago

Phil was and is the right man for the company he is working for. Slimy..through and through. The Persons as well as the company itself.

italiangamer9h ago

POS boss for a POS brand with POS fans, that's what xbox is.
So good to see them begging for Sony and Nintendo money and making all their games multiplatform, they are the ultimate losers and got what they deserve.

XiNatsuDragnel5h ago

Microsoft are the definition of slimy imo

I_am_Batman4h ago

Phil Spencer surely must have the world record in the amount of times a CEO can put his foot in his mouth throughout his career. I honestly wonder why Microsoft even lets him do interviews at all at this point.

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The Big Phil Spencer IGN Live Interview: on the Health of Xbox, Handhelds, and More

IGN interviews Xbox boss Phil Spencer at IGN Live 2024.

gold_drake1d 18h ago (Edited 1d 18h ago )

at this point, its just so odd.

yes, this showcase was one of the better ones, but how in the hell do you close it out with the 600 money console and 2 others lol who signed off of this.

like the amount of bs coming from phil and the other one is just .. i cant.

also, did you notice that all of the xbox exclusives are on gamepass day one? like all of them haha how do they even make money off of them.

that being said, why are there always interviews after their shows haha. and the ign livestream was even sponsored by ps5 haha cant make this shit up.

truthBombs1d 17h ago

"also, did you notice that all of the xbox exclusives are on gamepass day one? like all of them haha how do they even make money off of them."

By making them available at full price on other platforms like PS5 and PC (those who refuse to use anything else other than Steam)

gold_drake1d 16h ago

isnt gamepass on pc too tho?

and some.of the games havent been confirmed for ps5 either xD the exclusive ones i mean.

Crows9019h ago(Edited 19h ago)

@ Gold Drake

yes game passes on PC and it's actually very affordable since you don't actually have to pay any money.

With all the recent shenanigans by both platforms I'm convinced I do not need to buy another console. I just need to buy a powerful enough PC to run these games once and I'm all set for the next two or three generations. I wasn't sure with PlayStation but they pretty much made it pretty clear that they're going to release all of their games on PC eventually and maybe you have to wait a couple of years but with the number of games that you can get a high quality and the huge backlog people have including myself there's just no need to be so concerned about missing out.

blackblades1d 10h ago

I've noticed they investing in games to be on gamepass making no money still trying gain new members and its not working. While ps investing in games from asia countries to bring to us.

gold_drake1d 10h ago

yeh its quite odd. cause im sure people would have bought games like cod and indiana jones.

oh well.

StoneTitan1d 10h ago

I mean its clear what they are doing. Right now Xbox still has quite some hardcore fans that you can actually sell an overpriced console to. That won't be possible in a few years, so that's what they will be doing for now.

fr0sty20h ago

Yeah, they both might buy the $600 box, but it won't change anything for Xbox as a whole.

4Sh0w1d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

Why worry about the trillion dollar company, they obviously have a plan that they are comfortable with, let's say that plan fails (I don't think so but) OK so they cancel GP bc they lost lets say billions= M$ will be just fine. In the meantime we(GP members) benefit= I've been gaming 30+ yrs I've never played so many great games for so little money. Save me the conspiracy stories, Ive been gaming too long, gaming evolves but never dies, devs & new devs come & go, there will always be gamers, so there will always be too much money to be made WITH OR WITHOUT M$, Sony or Nintendo; So it's simply crazy to me how any consumer argues against a company offering easily the most consumer friendly *OPTION in the history of gaming.

Shane Kim1d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

Agree, I don't understand why people are worried about how MS or Sony are making money? Like is it your dads company or what? They don't give a damn about you and neither should you.

I must however say, to keep people subscribed to GP, a steady flow of new games must come at all times and it shows that MS games lack the quality that Sony puts out because their games are probably rushed out.

Another thing is that you don't own your games. So the day you cancel your subscription, bye bye games.

gold_drake1d 8h ago (Edited 1d 8h ago )

this is a forum where people post their opinions.

but im glad ur so zen u dont think about these things.

shinoff218321h ago

Some of us don't see it as consumer friendly as you. That's all.

purple10118h ago

thourghly agree, im a ps fan but still, i've always said, if you play loads of games, then gp is a good deal. its just for some who only play a couple a year, its not, so the option to buy physical should not go away, however good the deal is , for some.,

thesoftware73017h ago

Wow 4show,

That was an absolute spot on comment...I agree with it 1000 percent.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 17h ago
fr0sty20h ago


1. Hiking up the price of GP
2. Releasing the game on competing consoles
3. Hoping the investors don't notice

PhillyDonJawn15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

I can explain it.
Black Ops is 300GB. Lmao nuff said
If MS were smart they'd bundle BO6 with the new pricier more Storage consoles. The OG S simply don't have enough space. BO6 would be the only AAA current gen game youd have on the drive. So duh more storage is a must for the back half of the gen.The $600 X again duh, the regular X is $450 add another TB for $150 extra

Don't worry how they make money, enjoy the cheap offering you worried about the wrong thing

Umm people have questions after such a big showcase, why wouldnt you do an interview?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 15h ago
Asterphoenix1d 10h ago

Another episode of Spencer speaks. Think I lost count how many there are.

Hello_World1d 6h ago

At least he does speak. Where is Herman Hulst?

-Foxtrot21h ago

Not making a dozen promises 24/7 only to contradict himself a couple of months later.

Hello_World21h ago

Sure... a dozen promises....he's doing so terrible...what will we ever do...

Or maybe you're still recovering from the showcase.

Silly Mammo20h ago

Hello- This time last year MS had a good showcase and it was hailed as the thing that would turn Xbox around. A year later, Xbox console sales are dead, GP subscription growth is stagnant and MS exclusives are going multiplatform. Yeah everyone is shook by their showcase.

Hello_World19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

At the end of the day those metrics are only politics, possibly not all accurate, and have zero affect on how much we enjoy our consoles, with Phil saying Xbox now has more users than ever before in this IGN interview. Sony talking points that try to say "Sony sells more, must be the best" even though the platform is completely boring atm

Ill be enjoying playing all these games for a small subscription price...which Sony can't afford to replicate on PS plus...while you beg for a single game to release for 70$.

Crows9019h ago

I don't know why there's so many Xbox fans out there convinced that somehow the games shown on this Xbox showcase is a jab towards PlayStation. The majority of games shown are coming to Playstation for sure and including Xboxes recently purchased first party those are probably also coming to Playstation at some point which is hilarious. Because this basically means that we are now convinced that if you do like console gaming the better option is to buy a PlayStation. It's inevitable that these games will come out on more platforms because they cannot make enough money off of Game pass to cover the costs of these games so they have to release it on more platforms. Right now it's a standard that they release it on PC so going for PC only is also a good option since both consoles will be releasing their games but if you are just a stickler for console gaming then PlayStation is probably the go to place because eventually all of the Xbox games will make their way to playstation. And this isn't cope since I don't have a dog in the fight.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 19h ago
Profchaos1d 8h ago

Great more lies to backtrack on in 12 months time

TwoPicklesGood1d 8h ago

Sony needs To step up and communicate with us like Xbox does. Look at their recent showcase and look at ours…its a joke. You can knock xbox all you want but they have a plan while us ps5 owners are left playing 3rd party titles and left wondering whats coming from first party.

VersusDMC1d 4h ago

I prefer 5 3rd party exclusives out this year on PS5 over only Hellblade 2 so far on Xbox.

fr0sty20h ago

5 rock solid games over one mediocre game that only lasts a few hours.

fr0sty20h ago

They're waiting for the Pro reveal. If they save all their heaviest hitters for that, everyone will want the Pro. They also forced Microsoft's hand by having them reveal all theirs first, and by the time the Pro reveal drops, MS will be out of the news cycle.

thesoftware73017h ago(Edited 17h ago)


Wow, killer strategy Sony!! Amazing, such a methodical plan!

It has nothing to do with their awful Gaas push, forcing studios to make games they didn't want to, only later to back track and cancel the biggest one(factions), then scale back the number of them being released, and start all over again. Then while all this is happening, fire the president (resigned my ass), and now have two presidents that are working on cleaning up the shit show.

Nah, that can't be it right? it's the master plan that they have been plotting and waiting for the right moment to strike for years now.....now just wait 1 more year...damn Sony how diabolical of you...I should have known.

ChasterMies20h ago

If Sony doesn’t speak up like Xbox, will Sony stop selling 5 PS5s for every 1 Xbox? These interviews only matter to enthusiasts who are already locked into ecosystems. They don’t affect sales. Same is true for the showcases. Normal people don’t take time out of their day to watch 45 minutes of game trailers.

Asterphoenix10h ago

If anything too much communicating Sony would of shot themselves in the foot like Phil and MS has. Well PS still got lots of console exclusives and this past year has been good. Still on top of stuff that's not announced yet there's still good games coming such as Lost Soul Aside , Astrobot and Phantom Blade 0 at least by 2025. FF7,Granblue Fantasy, Rise of Ronin, Helldivers 2 and Stellar Blade this year so far I'm happy.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 10h ago
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