
Review - Popeye (Switch) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Leo Faria: "Popeye is… well, it’s something else. It’s a game. It doesn’t crash upon booting it up, and pressing buttons results in actions happening onscreen. That is the best praise I can give to this astonishing Switch exclusive. It makes me even wonder as to how the developers have managed to snag the licensing rights for the franchise to begin with. You know, we keep complaining that Sony rules over its digital library with an iron fist, censoring some unnecessary content in their store, but there are times where I guess Nintendo should start adopting a few of those drastic measures when it comes to their store’s curation. Or lack thereof…"

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Magog940d ago (Edited 940d ago )

So the wait for a game that truly utilizes the Popeye IP to it's fullest continues. Sigh.

myfathersbastard939d ago

So you just gonna disrespect the 1982 Popeye like that?
On a serious note, I grew up with Popeye and I gotta say, there isn’t much to utilize with this IP. He’s a sailor who eat spinach in order to punch a bigger sailor harder so he stops sexually harassing a woman lol

939d ago
Terry_B940d ago

Finally, a good reason to get a Nintendo Switch for me.

Relientk77940d ago

Ironically, there is a Popeye game for Atari as well.

Relientk77940d ago

See this is the problem with digital-only games. If Popeye was physical, I could buy 14 copies of it, but since it's only digital, I can only buy 1. Wtf

Terry_B939d ago


YourMommySpoils939d ago

15 or 16 copies would be best imo.

Relientk77939d ago

You're right. I was being stupid.

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10 Games So Awful That They Got Deleted

Let's count down games that were so bad that they just had to be recalled, delisted, and left alone as a tale for the history books.

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25d ago

Top 20 Worst Games of 2021

WTMG's Leo Faria: "You know how the laws of nature go: for every action, there is a reaction. For every fantastic game released in 2021, there was something so bad that brought us back down to Earth, reminding us of the bad year we’ve just had to face through. Paying homage to the best games released in a year is easy; we do that to remind ourselves of the good titles released over the past few months, giving them an extra but well-deserved minute under the spotlight. Remembering the worst games of 2021 is equally as important, as we really want for these mistakes to be avoided in the next few years. Welcome to WayTooManyGames’ Top 20 Worst Games of 2021."

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Rebel_Scum891d ago

This should just be called the annual Bubsy award. Popeye is a deserved winner though from what I’ve heard.

TheDoomedGuy891d ago

For me my worst game by far has been Ac Valhalla. Haven't played an assassin's Creed since back flag....it's not assassin's Creed at all anymore.

frostypants890d ago (Edited 890d ago )

Is it really the "worst" though? Or just disappointing? Because there are some truly awful games out there.

Nerdmaster890d ago (Edited 890d ago )

The list lost any meaning to me when it started with WarioWare. Sure, it changed a little the formula it's been using since the first game, but if you think deeply, the only effective change it had was that each microgame now has more than one way to be completed. I was also ready to hate the game when it was first revealed, but playing it made me realize it was a great change.
If a person said they loved the previous games, I don't see why they would "utterly despise it".


Popeye coming to Switch

A new Popeye game from Sabec has been revealed to be coming to Switch.

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fei-hung943d ago

I remember the NES one which was a one of Donkey Kong. Wonder if this will be the same or similar.

EvertonFC943d ago

Dam I forgot about this game, it was basically DK lol many a hour spent on this but I never had a NES so I cant quite remember what I played it on ? Maybe it was a NES lol

CosmicTurtle943d ago

I think it was available for the old Atari machines and some 8 bit consoles.

ZeekQuattro942d ago

I used to watch my dad play the arcade version back in the day. He played it because it was similar to DK.

bangoskank942d ago

What missed opportunity. Got excited thinking a dev had the bright idea of using the Popeye IP to make a Cuphead like side-scroller using old style animation but we get something that looks like it was a budget game on n64.