
Developing Indie RPGs with Valorware’s Charles Cross: Hardcore Droid

In our perpetual search for games that exploit Android’s potential as an emerging platform for core gaming, we came upon 9th Dawn. At first we were kind of blown away by the homey feel of the hand-painted graphics, and that the same were based on the classic RPG treasure that is Richard Garriott’s Ultima Series. We thoroughly enjoyed the first few hours of play and then the main quest hit a wall. An indie game, we blamed it on the devs and moved on. A month later we put out an RPG best of list (we have about 97 different types of these at HD) and to our surprise, in the comments section below the article, a reader complained that we hadn’t put 9th Dawn on the list.

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Valorware’s 9th Dawn Remake Announced

Revamping the classic game, 9th Dawn Remake improves upon the original in every way without losing what made it fun in the first place.

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MadLad1197d ago (Edited 1197d ago )

I'm not big on phone games, but Lone Wolf and Atom RPG are great games and work well on a phone.
That said, it blows my mind they didn't include at least one Dragon Quest/Warrior or Final Fantasy game.

They have a great port for FF Tactics: War of the Lions damn it. Show it some love.


The Ten Best Android RPGs You Never Heard Of | Hardcore Droid

For many, the premise behind a list of the best Android RPGs amounts to a contradiction in terms. Most of us who work and play in the mobile gaming sphere do in fact understand that our platform of choice is the red-haired stepchild of the gaming industry. Believe it or not, if you dig down a level deeper into the sub-cellar of small one, two-man indie dev teams, you have a subgenre that is the village idiot of the gaming industry. Thing is, as with the best social misfits, some genuinely compelling stuff has reared its wholly head out of the depths of gaming’s social underbelly.

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Fist4achin1660d ago

I wonder how these are doing sales wise.